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IMVA - Winning the War on Cancer - August11, 2007

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Wonder if this would help the mold sensitive?

Winning the War on Cancer

International Medical Veritas Association

Listen and watch Dr. Simoncini demonstrate live fungi

colonies and their destruction with sodium bicarbonate.

http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=-598800713255508140 & hl=it

Dr. Simoncini deserves the highest award in medical science for his

genius and medical courage in discovering and developing what might come to be

seen as the single greatest medical breakthrough of the century. Literally

billions of people are going to owe him a debt of eternal gratitude. Simoncini

makes the connection that fungal colonies and cancer colonies are the same

colonies called by two different names. He is not alone in this and he is not

alone in the world of medical science with the knowledge that sodium bicarbonate

is effective at wiping out fungal colonies. What he is alone with is connecting

the dots between cancer, fungal and yeast infections and bicarbonate.

Physicians normally do not believe that yeast and fungi

cause serious health threats but they are dead wrong.

Dr. H. Takeuchi et al in Japan analyzed 20 cases of urinary fungal

infection. Candida albicans was the most prevalent of the fungi affecting the

urinary tract. Torulopsis glabrata and Candida tropicalis were also prevalent.

Antibiotics, indwelling catheter and obstructive uropathy were the most

prevalent predisposing factors of the fungal infection. Of 20 cases of fungal

infection, 5 cases were cured only by elimination of the predisposing factors,

and 15 cases were treated and resolved by administration of sodium bicarbonate,

5-fluorocytosine and or irrigation with amphotericin B. But one case of

bilateral renal torulopsiosis developed into renal failure, and 4 cases died of

the primary disease.

Sodium Bicarbonate has been successfully proven its antifungal

value in agriculture to resolve fungal issues in vegetation,

including many destructive diseases such as anthracnose, powdery

mildew, black spot in crops and horticultural industries. It has

been successfully used to protect crops from fungus during storage.

Dr. Simincini uses the lab procedures and protocols for using

intravenous sodium bicarbonate as approved by the FDA for cardiac infarctions to

treat most cancers. Being that the present day survival rate of 5 years in the

US is less than 2 ¾% due to protocols the medical profession uses, Dr.

Simoncini's outstanding success in the 90% remission rate and some as long as 20

years should shatter modern medicine's fixed ideas about cancer. " If the fungi

are sensitive to the sodium bicarbonate solutions and the tumour is smaller

than 3 cm, the percentage will be around 90%, for terminal cases in which the

patient is in reasonably good conditions is 50% and for terminal patients just a

small percentage, " reports Simoncini, whose treatments take approximately 30-45


The IMVA is working with Dr. Simoncini to increase these numbers;

waging war on fungal and yeast colonies, catching the bastards in a cross fire

of concentrated nutritional substances. It's a battle the fungus and yeast can't

win, therefore it's actually not a fight. They can be so trapped that there is

no chance they can survive if caught in time and if the bicarbonate can be

delivered deeply into the infected tissues.

The orthodox medical establisment could help out greatly in this by

providing an open mind and the cooperation of interventional radiologists for

placement of the arterial catheters necessary to reach the deepest tissues in

the most direct manner. Though nothing the orthodox oncology community ever did

made sense we we should demand that they will embrace this revolution in cancer

treatment for it is their responsibility to do so. It is what they get paid to


Until they do we are creating a protocol that will compensate for the

fact that these medical procedures are not currently available, except perhaps

in Rome, which is the home territory of Dr. Simoncini. By amplifying the

bicarbonate treatments with magneisum chloride, iodine, vitamin C, selenium, ALA

and other substances and treatments we can add to the power, depth and magesty

of cancer treatments always with the thought of removing the causes, the heavy

metals, the mental, emotional and spiritual traumas, the poisons in our foods

and environmental polutions that plague us from all sides.

Breast Cancer Patient in Europe Shares her success with bicarbonate.


These videos reveal an astonishing truth about cancer and its safe

successful treatment. For other videos see Dr. Simoncini's site at

http://www.cancerfungus.com/ Doctors and medical scientists have made the dire

mistake of assuming that fungal conditions develop after cancer treatment have

begun. Researchers contend that cancer therapies, aimed at destroying cancer,

also destroy the immune system of the patient leaving them vulnerable to yeasts

and fungi, which multiply out of control. They consider these invading colonies

to be " secondary " to the actual cancer.

But they are wrong. Candida, and its many variants are not only the

cause of cancer, they are the cancer. The question is not if cancer is cancer

the answer is cancer is an invasion of Candida colonies. The 100 year old

hypothesis that has led medical science in circles, that cancer are human cells

multiplying without limit, turns out to be just another invention, an unproven

fantasy that no one has ever demonstrated. Dr. Simoncini insists that there is

no evidence at all for the genetic hypothesis and this gets proven out with the

fact that orthodox cancer treatments do not work. Modern oncology is a complete

failure and every doctor knows this in his heart and soul.

Fungi are heterotrophs, meaning that they

secrete digestive enzymes and absorb the resulting

soluble nutrients from whatever they are growing on.

The following from Survival Medicine yields a clear view of the enemy

we are up against.

A new area of research being driven by Dundee University in Scotland

is revealing remarkable abilities of fungi to interact with minerals and metals.

Led by Professor Geoffrey Gadd in the College of Life Sciences, the research

explores the unique taste that fungi seems to have for rock and heavy metal.

Yeasts, moulds and mushrooms are all fungi and there are an estimated 1.5

million different species in the biosphere. By breaking down dead organic

material, they continue the cycle of nutrients through ecosystems, and most

plants could not grow without the symbiotic fungi that inhabit their roots and

supply essential nutrients.

Fungi will also live almost anywhere. They have been found growing in

the harshest of environments, in the desert and polar regions, in the sea and on

rocks. " The fact that fungi interact with heavy metals has potentially important

consequences for human activity. Fungi also play a significant, if often

overlooked, role in the degradation of rocks and stone - including building

materials, " Professor Gadd said. " Despite this, their role as agents of

environmental change has not been fully appreciated. " Rocks are composed of

minerals, the vast majority of which contain metals. They might be considered to

be an inhospitable habitat for life to flourish yet fungi can thrive even in the

harshest of environments. Mycoplasma, which are fungus like organisms, in order

to survive, need heavy metals, of which there are great amounts today in

people's bodies, especially around our glandular organs, such as pancreas,

thyroid, pineal, thymus, adrenal glands etc. where heavy metals tend to stay.

This is where the fungus will set up colonies to hide and will thrive on the

heavy metals. A great majority of people who have Candida also have very high

heavy metals.

The ability of fungi to grow on a range of rocks and mineral-based

surfaces, including concrete and other building materials is significant, with

positive and negative implications. Fungi produce acidic by-products which help

them use nutrients in the minerals but this begins to decompose the rock in a

form of biological weathering (bioweathering). This can result in the return of

essential nutrients and metals like calcium, phosphate and potassium back into

the soil where they can nourish plants and microbes. In other cases, the

released elements can form other minerals.

" This ability of fungi to attack and degrade concrete and other

materials has implications not only for the weathering and corrosion of

buildings but is also relevant to nuclear decommissioning, for example, "

Professor Gadd said. Imagine what fungi can do to the brain if they can eat out

the concrete esophagus put around nuclear sites like Chenobal.

White rot fungi, the only organisms able to biodegrade wood, is so good at

digesting just abut everything that they will be used to biodegrade toxic


When fungi are fed the food they love they become more virulent. Their

ability to penetrate and root into the intestinal walls, for example and invade

the cells is increased. They not only attach themselves to human tissues but can

actually invade the cells where they become quite at home. Thus they are not

secondary but primary infections that have been helped along with runaway

antibiotic usage, dental amalgam, flu vaccines laden with mercury, mineral

deficiencies and by terrible modern diets infected with molds and yeasts as well

as many potent poisons.

Will you hear about Dr. Simoncini's theories and treatments in the

media? No. Will the major medical organizations happily investigate and support

this new effort for the sake of patients everywhere? No. Will the major cancer

organizations be enthusiastic? No. The truth is no longer popular in todays

civilization as 9/11 empathically demonstrated and as the FDA and CDC illustrate

everyday in their decisions and pronouncments.

But you will hear about it tommorrow on the radio where I have been

invited by Dr. Winn , the medical scientist who exposed the serious

problem with chloramines in public water supplies, to speak for two hours. Show

time is 10:00 A.M. to Noon CST U.S.A on Sunday August 12, 2007

To connect go to:


Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association




Takeuchi H, Arai Y, Konami T, Ikeda T, Tomoyoshi T, Tatewaki K.

Hinyokika Kiyo. 1983 Oct;29(10):1273-7.


International Medical Veritas Association

Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.


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Thanks Lourdes, ot's great to read the truth for a change instead of

trying to read between the lines.


> Wonder if this would help the mold sensitive?

> Winning the War on Cancer


> International Medical Veritas Association







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