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Re: TCSB #78: Urgent! Dr. Rea's license endangered by Insurance Company Influence

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I did confirm these email addressed don't work. Here are the snail mail and fax

addresses for TMB. I think the Investigations Division is the one we need to


Contact Information

Location Address:

(use department-appropriate mail code)

333 Guadalupe

Tower 3, Suite 610

Austin, TX 78701

Mailing Address:

(use department-appropriate mail code)

P.O. Box 2018

Austin, TX 78768-2018

Physician Licensure Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2029

Austin, TX 78768-2029

E-mail: verifcic@...

Main Phone: (512) 305-7010

Customer Service Phone: (512) 305-7030 (Outside Texas)

Customer Service Phone: (800) 248-4062 (Texas only)

Customer Service E-mail: verifcic@...

Open Records Requests E-mail: openrecords@... or

Open Records Requests Fax: (512) 305-7051

Web master: Web_Resource@...



This department of the Licensure Division supports the Board of

Acupuncture Examiners and administers the licensing program for acupuncturists.

Phone: (512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 305-7009


The Administrative Services and Finance Division keeps the agency

running smoothly. The Finance Department handles all the agency's accounting and

fiscal operations. Support services provides mail, purchasing, receptionist and

other administrative support for the agency.

Phone: (512) 305-7050

Fax: (512) 305-7008


The Compliance Department staff, including field compliance officers,

works to assure that those licensees under disciplinary orders from the Board

comply with the orders.

Phone: (512) 305-7098

Fax: (512) 305-7068

Consumer Complaint Hotline

Phone: 1-800-201-9353

(Toll-free in Texas only)

Fax: (512) 463-9416

Customer Affairs

Phone: (512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 463-9416

Customer Information Center

The Customer Information Center responds to requests for verifications

of licenses for physicians, physician assistants and acupuncturists by phone, in

writing and computer dial-up services. CIC Representatives are also trained to

answer general questions for Physician Licensure and Permits.

Phone: (512-) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 463-9416

Data Sales (Data Products) Phone: (512) 305-7048

Fax: (512) 305-7008

Disciplinary Action Hotline

Phone: 1-800-248-4062

(Toll-free in Texas only)


Phone: (512) 305-7011

Fax: (512) 305-7051


The Investigations Department investigates complaints against licensees

(physicians, physician assistants and acupuncturists). It includes field

investigators who work throughout the state. This department also processes data

entry of professional liability claims and suits against physicians, physician

assistants and acupuncturists.

Phone: (512) 305-7100

Fax: (512) 305-7007

Licensure Verifications

Voice: (512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 463-9416


Attorneys in the Litigation Department prepare disciplinary action cases

and represent the Board in informal settlement conferences/show compliance

hearings or before administrative law judges. Board litigation staff only

address legal concerns related to pending cases.

Phone: (512) 305-7070

Fax: (512) 305-7007

Non-Profit Health Organizations

Phone: (512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 305-7009


Phone: (512) 305-7063

Fax: (512) 305-7008

Physician Assistants

This department of the Licensure Division supports the Texas Physician

Assistant Board and administers the licensing program for physician assistants.

Phone: (512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 305-7009

Physicians in Training

This department of the Licensure Division issues various training

permits such as physicians in training, visiting professor, faculty temporary

licensing, national health corporation, and consulting physician approval


Phone: (512) 305-7130

Fax: (512) 305-7009

Physician Licensure

This department of the Licensure Division processes applications of

physicians applying for licensure, assuring they meet the stringent

qualifications for licensure in Texas and admission to the Texas Medical

Jurisprudence Examination.

Phone: (512) 305-7130

Fax: (512) 305-7009

Permits/Renewal (Physician Registration & CME)

This department of the Licensure Division oversees the annual renewal

process for physicians licensed in Texas to assure they maintain their licensing

qualifications. This department also issues permits for non-certified radiologic


Phone: (512) 305-7020

Fax: (512) 305-7009

Public Information

The Public Information Officer responds to media inquiries; prepares

news releases and the Board's semi-annual newsletter, The Medical Board

Bulletin; prepares speeches and presentations; provides design, production and

editing support for the agency; and manages TMB's web site content.

Phone: (512) 305-7018

Fax: (512) 305-7008

Non-Certified Radiologic Technicians

Phone:(512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 463-9416

For Numbers Not Listed Above

Phone: (512) 305-7030

Fax: (512) 463-9416

TCSB #78: Urgent! Dr. Rea's license endangered by Insurance Company


I could not get emails through to the TMB. They all were returned to sender.

If someone else gets though, please let me know. If email won't work, there are

phone numbers listed below.

Lourdes Salvador

----- Original Message -----

Hi Everyone: As this is urgent, I am sending this to everyone I know. This is

the Tucson Chemical Sensitivity Bulletin #78, dated August 17, 2007.

This bulletin is for anyone who cares about good health care and everyone who

knows about or is a patient of Dr. J. Rea at the Environmental Health

Center, Dallas. There are so few doctors who understand environmental illness

and are willing and able to work with the chemically sensitive. God help us we

should lose any of them to the machinations of the insurance industry, and

especially Dr. Rea! For those unfamiliar with his work, visit www.ehcd.com .

A grave threat has arisen.

I have verified from Ellie Morlan, Dallas clinic manager, that Dr. Rea's medical

license is in danger of being revoked by the Texas Medical Board, apparently

because one insurance company -- " representing " some clinic patients suffering

the after-affects of 911 -- complained to the TMB in order to avoid paying the


Please read the following information carefully and follow the instructions in

the " Actions You Can Take Section. " There are two main contacts to make.

Everything is laid out clearly as to what to say and to whom to say it. I have

provided a " live " table of contents so you can jump to the section you want

quickly. The letter below was written August 7th and today is August 17th, so

10 days have already elapsed.

Please note: When making your calls, the issue is not how great Dr. Rea is.

The issue is the unfair procedings and tactics being used against him and other

practitioners, and the terrible influence insurance companies are exerting on

medical care and practice. Not that personal praise for Dr. Rea is bad, it just

isn't the main focus. Please follow the instructions in the " Actions You Can

Take " section.

Some time ago, we all worked together to successfully halt the property

management company from laying down new carpeting in the clinic hallways.

Surely we can bring our energies to bear again at this most critical moment.

Thank you for your prompt action. [Please do not reply to me. Just follow the

directions below.]

Steve Ross, M.A., Board Member, HEAL of Southern Arizona, and patient of Dr. Rea

Background: What The Texas Medical Board Is Doing

The TMB Case Against Dr. J. Rea

Actions You Can Take

Contact the Director of the TMB

Ask TX Senator Jane , Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee,

To Convene A Special Hearing

Weblink for more information

Editorial Written for the Houston Community Newspapers

Opposition Increases to Texas Medical Board's Actions

F. Hotze, M.D.

August 7, 2007

Background: What The Texas Medical Board Is Doing

Opposition to the Texas Medical Board (TMB) for permitting insurance companies

to influence its investigations of physicians is growing.

The TMB has been accepting anonymous complaints from insurance companies and

competing physicians. The patients named in the anonymous complaints were

unaware of them.

The TMB conducts its activities behind closed doors. Only the physicians who

have been brought before its courts of inquisition understand the injustices

which the board has been perpetrating.

Dr. , who has served as a member of the TMB's disciplinary

committee, has also served for Blue Cross Blue Shield on the Texas Medical

Advisory Committee. Dr. has been accused of using his position to

discipline physicians with whom Blue Cross Blue Shield was displeased. This

appears to be unethical at best, and corrupt at worst.

Anonymous " experts " are used by the board to discredit physicians accused of not

following the insurance companies' self-serving views of medical care. In its

secret hearings, where the accused physician is interrogated, neither recordings

nor documentation of the proceedings are permitted. The TMB acts as prosecutor,

judge, jury and executioner. The decision is predetermined. Scores of

physicians' reputations and livelihoods have been ruined and their patients left

holding the bag. There appears to be collusion between the insurance companies

and the TMB.

The TMB Case Against Dr. J. Rea

The outrageous case against Dr. Bill Rea, a prominent Dallas physician, founder

of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas and leader in the field of

Environmental Medicine, has catalyzed the opposition of patients and legislators

to the TMB's Star Chamber tactics. Dr. Rea has treated over 30,000 patients at

his center since 1974.

In 2005 an anonymous complaint was filed with the TMB regarding Dr. Rea's

treatment of five patients, all of whom lived in Manhattan, and who had

experienced illnesses due to chemical exposure after the 9/11 attack. All the

patients were pleased with Dr. Rea's care, as were their referring physicians.

The only common thread in the anonymous complaint was that all five patients

carried Oxford Medical Insurance. Apparently, Oxford had filed the anonymous

complaint in order to keep from reimbursing the patients' medical bills.

The TMB's attorney informed Dr. Rea's attorney that it didn't matter what was

said or what evidence was presented, Dr. Rea's license would be revoked.

Despite the fact that 18 physicians evaluated and approved of Dr. Rea's

treatment, one hired board expert denigrated it. At the end of the sham review

hearing, Dr. recommended that Dr. Rea's license be revoked.

Upon learning about this injustice, several prominent Texas state senators and

representatives have called for an investigation of the TMB. These legislators

were aware of numerous cases of doctors who had been railroaded by the TMB.

An organized effort to inform the public of the TMB's close relationship with

insurance companies has created an outcry.

Despite the immunity afforded TMB members, several prominent Texas attorneys

have indicated that if the TMB members have acted with malicious intent, then

they may be held personally liable for their actions and the damages which they

have caused. They should be.

Actions You Can Take

Here are Actions You Can Take Today to Protect Your Patient-Doctor Relationship

from the Insurance Companies and Their Agents on the Texas Medical Board

The Texas Medical Board is made up of 19 unelected members who are appointed by

the governor. Their activities are poorly monitored. This is the first organized

action to protest the TMB's unconstitutional and un-American actions which deny

due process to physicians. The TMB is targeting physicians who oppose the

insurance companies' standards of care which limit treatment options, deny

claims and increase insurance companies' profits. It is unconscionable that the

TMB would be working for the insurance companies' agenda at the expense of the

patient-doctor relationship.

Contact the Director of the TMB

1.. Today, contact Dr. Don , Executive Director of the Texas Medical

Board, at 512.305.7010. Calling is the most immediate and effective method to

let and the TMB know that we are oppose their tactics. You may also

e-mail him at donald.patrick@... and copy all the TMB members below.

Cut and paste their e-mail addresses in the CC: of your e-mail to Dr. Don


(This list can be copied and pasted into the CC or BCC field of your email


a.kalafut@...; Lawrence.anderson@...;

.arambula@...; .attebury@...;

jose.benavides@...; patricia.blackwell@...;

Melinda.fredricks@...; .Guajardo@...;

Amanullah.khan@...; Melinda.mcmichael@...;

Margaret.mcneese@...; keith.miller@...;

charles.oswalt@...; larry.price@...;

Annette.raggette@...; paulette.southard@...;

.turner@...; .webb@...;


Communicate to him that a) the anonymous complaint against Dr. Bill Rea should

be dismissed, B) the TMB should prohibit anonymous complaints, anonymous

witnesses and sham reviews of physicians, and c) you oppose the influence which

insurance companies have on the actions of the TMB.

Ask TX Senator Jane , Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee,

To Convene A Special Hearing

2. Today, contact Texas Senator Jane , Chair of the Senate Health and

Human Services Committee, at 512.463.0112 and by e-mail,


Also, for Texas residents or anyone who wishes to, contact the Texas State

Representative and State Senator by going to www.projectfans.org and entering

your zip code. This website will give you the phone numbers and e-mail addresses

of legislators in Austin.

Ask Senator to convene a Special Senate Hearing to investigate the

actions of the Texas Medical Board.

Communicate to them that a) the anonymous complaint against Dr. Bill Rea should

be dismissed, B) the TMB should prohibit anonymous complaints, anonymous

witnesses and sham reviews of physicians, and c) you oppose the influence which

insurance companies have on the actions of the TMB.

You need to act immediately to protect your rights.


Go to www.projectfans.org and use the link on the Project FANS home page to

contact your State Representative and Senator by phone, e-mail and fax today.



" Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past. " -- Lily Tomlin

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Lourdes, did you post this or send this to 's website?

He invites these stories. If he went down to clinic with his crew

and meet the patients that go there from all over the country and

some from out of the country who have been helped by him, would have

a big impact. He was on television lately and said since his movie

came out just a note from him to address these things, have changed

things, gotten coverage for people who had been denied, etc.

I looked around for link to where to post stories but can't find it

right off and am in the midst of moving right now, so hopefully you

can find it.



> I did confirm these email addressed don't work. Here are the

snail mail and fax addresses for TMB. I think the Investigations

Division is the one we need to contact.



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is messed up again. Reposting this because many groups bounced back.

TCSB #78: Urgent! Dr. Rea's license endangered by Insurance Company


I could not get emails through to the TMB. They all were returned to sender.

If someone else gets though, please let me know. If email won't work, there are

phone numbers listed below.

Lourdes Salvador

----- Original Message -----

Hi Everyone: As this is urgent, I am sending this to everyone I know. This is

the Tucson Chemical Sensitivity Bulletin #78, dated August 17, 2007.

This bulletin is for anyone who cares about good health care and everyone who

knows about or is a patient of Dr. J. Rea at the Environmental Health

Center, Dallas. There are so few doctors who understand environmental illness

and are willing and able to work with the chemically sensitive. God help us we

should lose any of them to the machinations of the insurance industry, and

especially Dr. Rea! For those unfamiliar with his work, visit www.ehcd.com .

A grave threat has arisen.

I have verified from Ellie Morlan, Dallas clinic manager, that Dr. Rea's medical

license is in danger of being revoked by the Texas Medical Board, apparently

because one insurance company -- " representing " some clinic patients suffering

the after-affects of 911 -- complained to the TMB in order to avoid paying the


Please read the following information carefully and follow the instructions in

the " Actions You Can Take Section. " There are two main contacts to make.

Everything is laid out clearly as to what to say and to whom to say it. I have

provided a " live " table of contents so you can jump to the section you want

quickly. The letter below was written August 7th and today is August 17th, so

10 days have already elapsed.

Please note: When making your calls, the issue is not how great Dr. Rea is.

The issue is the unfair procedings and tactics being used against him and other

practitioners, and the terrible influence insurance companies are exerting on

medical care and practice. Not that personal praise for Dr. Rea is bad, it just

isn't the main focus. Please follow the instructions in the " Actions You Can

Take " section.

Some time ago, we all worked together to successfully halt the property

management company from laying down new carpeting in the clinic hallways.

Surely we can bring our energies to bear again at this most critical moment.

Thank you for your prompt action. [Please do not reply to me. Just follow the

directions below.]

Steve Ross, M.A., Board Member, HEAL of Southern Arizona, and patient of Dr. Rea

Background: What The Texas Medical Board Is Doing

The TMB Case Against Dr. J. Rea

Actions You Can Take

Contact the Director of the TMB

Ask TX Senator Jane , Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee,

To Convene A Special Hearing

Weblink for more information

Editorial Written for the Houston Community Newspapers

Opposition Increases to Texas Medical Board's Actions

F. Hotze, M.D.

August 7, 2007

Background: What The Texas Medical Board Is Doing

Opposition to the Texas Medical Board (TMB) for permitting insurance companies

to influence its investigations of physicians is growing.

The TMB has been accepting anonymous complaints from insurance companies and

competing physicians. The patients named in the anonymous complaints were

unaware of them.

The TMB conducts its activities behind closed doors. Only the physicians who

have been brought before its courts of inquisition understand the injustices

which the board has been perpetrating.

Dr. , who has served as a member of the TMB's disciplinary

committee, has also served for Blue Cross Blue Shield on the Texas Medical

Advisory Committee. Dr. has been accused of using his position to

discipline physicians with whom Blue Cross Blue Shield was displeased. This

appears to be unethical at best, and corrupt at worst.

Anonymous " experts " are used by the board to discredit physicians accused of not

following the insurance companies' self-serving views of medical care. In its

secret hearings, where the accused physician is interrogated, neither recordings

nor documentation of the proceedings are permitted. The TMB acts as prosecutor,

judge, jury and executioner. The decision is predetermined. Scores of

physicians' reputations and livelihoods have been ruined and their patients left

holding the bag. There appears to be collusion between the insurance companies

and the TMB.

The TMB Case Against Dr. J. Rea

The outrageous case against Dr. Bill Rea, a prominent Dallas physician, founder

of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas and leader in the field of

Environmental Medicine, has catalyzed the opposition of patients and legislators

to the TMB's Star Chamber tactics. Dr. Rea has treated over 30,000 patients at

his center since 1974.

In 2005 an anonymous complaint was filed with the TMB regarding Dr. Rea's

treatment of five patients, all of whom lived in Manhattan, and who had

experienced illnesses due to chemical exposure after the 9/11 attack. All the

patients were pleased with Dr. Rea's care, as were their referring physicians.

The only common thread in the anonymous complaint was that all five patients

carried Oxford Medical Insurance. Apparently, Oxford had filed the anonymous

complaint in order to keep from reimbursing the patients' medical bills.

The TMB's attorney informed Dr. Rea's attorney that it didn't matter what was

said or what evidence was presented, Dr. Rea's license would be revoked.

Despite the fact that 18 physicians evaluated and approved of Dr. Rea's

treatment, one hired board expert denigrated it. At the end of the sham review

hearing, Dr. recommended that Dr. Rea's license be revoked.

Upon learning about this injustice, several prominent Texas state senators and

representatives have called for an investigation of the TMB. These legislators

were aware of numerous cases of doctors who had been railroaded by the TMB.

An organized effort to inform the public of the TMB's close relationship with

insurance companies has created an outcry.

Despite the immunity afforded TMB members, several prominent Texas attorneys

have indicated that if the TMB members have acted with malicious intent, then

they may be held personally liable for their actions and the damages which they

have caused. They should be.

Actions You Can Take

Here are Actions You Can Take Today to Protect Your Patient-Doctor Relationship

from the Insurance Companies and Their Agents on the Texas Medical Board

The Texas Medical Board is made up of 19 unelected members who are appointed by

the governor. Their activities are poorly monitored. This is the first organized

action to protest the TMB's unconstitutional and un-American actions which deny

due process to physicians. The TMB is targeting physicians who oppose the

insurance companies' standards of care which limit treatment options, deny

claims and increase insurance companies' profits. It is unconscionable that the

TMB would be working for the insurance companies' agenda at the expense of the

patient-doctor relationship.

Contact the Director of the TMB

1.. Today, contact Dr. Don , Executive Director of the Texas Medical

Board, at 512.305.7010. Calling is the most immediate and effective method to

let and the TMB know that we are oppose their tactics. You may also

e-mail him at donald.patrick@... and copy all the TMB members below.

Cut and paste their e-mail addresses in the CC: of your e-mail to Dr. Don


(This list can be copied and pasted into the CC or BCC field of your email


a.kalafut@...; Lawrence.anderson@...;

.arambula@...; .attebury@...;

jose.benavides@...; patricia.blackwell@...;

Melinda.fredricks@...; .Guajardo@...;

Amanullah.khan@...; Melinda.mcmichael@...;

Margaret.mcneese@...; keith.miller@...;

charles.oswalt@...; larry.price@...;

Annette.raggette@...; paulette.southard@...;

.turner@...; .webb@...;


Communicate to him that a) the anonymous complaint against Dr. Bill Rea should

be dismissed, B) the TMB should prohibit anonymous complaints, anonymous

witnesses and sham reviews of physicians, and c) you oppose the influence which

insurance companies have on the actions of the TMB.

Ask TX Senator Jane , Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee,

To Convene A Special Hearing

2. Today, contact Texas Senator Jane , Chair of the Senate Health and

Human Services Committee, at 512.463.0112 and by e-mail,


Also, for Texas residents or anyone who wishes to, contact the Texas State

Representative and State Senator by going to www.projectfans.org and entering

your zip code. This website will give you the phone numbers and e-mail addresses

of legislators in Austin.

Ask Senator to convene a Special Senate Hearing to investigate the

actions of the Texas Medical Board.

Communicate to them that a) the anonymous complaint against Dr. Bill Rea should

be dismissed, B) the TMB should prohibit anonymous complaints, anonymous

witnesses and sham reviews of physicians, and c) you oppose the influence which

insurance companies have on the actions of the TMB.

You need to act immediately to protect your rights.


Go to www.projectfans.org and use the link on the Project FANS home page to

contact your State Representative and Senator by phone, e-mail and fax today.



" Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past. " -- Lily Tomlin

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Okay, here's another update on how the TMB will accept input regarding the

complaint against Dr. Rea.

Re: [mcs-awareness] Re: TCSB #78: Urgent! Dr. Rea's license endangered

by Insurance Company Influence

I just got a call back from my 5 minute phone call on Monday to Texas Medical

Board (TMB). It was in regards to Dr. J. Rea and the TMB.

I was told that they need my input in " writing " and address it to the:

Texas Medical Board

Executive Director

P.O. Box 2018

Austin, TX 78768-2018

And put Attention to: Dr. , Executive Director

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