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School council pleased by protest results

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School council pleased by protest results

Southern Gazette - stown,Newfoundland,Canada*


http://www.southerngazette.ca/index.cfm?iid=2773 & sid=24419

Debbie Rideout is satisfied – for now.

The chair of the School Council at St. ph's All-Grade in

Terrenceville told The Southern Gazette Wednesday the group was

pleased with the results of its meeting with Education Minister Joan

Burke last week.

Students at the school began classes Tuesday, after missing the

first four days of the year due to a protest by parents, upset

government had not allocated funding to construct a new building for

the area.

The School Council has expressed a number of concerns related to the

condition of the wooden building, which is upwards of 40 years old,

including a suspected mould problem and lack of a sprinkler system.


To back up their case, Mrs. Rideout presented Minister Burke with a

letter from Dr. Anu , a general practitioner at the

Terrenceville Medical Clinic, which was made public following the


Dr. wrote " I have noticed that I see an average of 20 to 30

students in a month from St. ph's All-Grade School for

respiratory tract infections since I started here. "

She noted the problem seemingly disappears in the summer months,

when students are not attending the school.

" I believe there is a precipitating cause for these respiratory

tract infections and I do hope that this issue will be looked into

at the earliest. "

Mrs. Rideout insisted she felt the group accomplished its mission.

" The whole basis of the protest was to be heard. We wanted to make

sure we were heard and our issues and concerns were addressed before

we sent the kids back.

" We wanted a commitment from the minister that the air quality and

the fire regulations would be looked at. "

One of those commitments was met immediately when Fred Hollett, the

province's Fire Commissioner, visited the school Tuesday. The

second – an air quality test – will be conducted in the very near


Mrs. Rideout indicated she accompanied Mr. Hollett as he completed

his assessment of the school.


Prior to meeting with the minister, the School Council brought its

protest to the steps of the Confederation Building, in hopes of

convincing Premier Danny to attend, but were told he was

not in.

Minister Burke stood by an independent consultant's report, which

found the school in Terrenceville does not need to be replaced at

the present time. She did acknowledge a new building will eventually

be required.

The minister said it was unfortunate the start of the school year

was delayed by the protests, suggesting parents would have been

given an opportunity to express their concerns regardless.

She also indicated a decision to carry out air quality testing in

the school had already been made prior to receiving Dr. 's

letter. She cautioned a number of factors could be causing the high

number of respiratory tract infections, including smoke from

woodstoves or secondhand smoke in the home.


Mrs. Rideout indicated the School Council would remain patient in

their quest for a new school, and hoped government reconsidered the

matter in next year's budget.

" Of course we would have loved … if we came out of the meeting (with

a new school), but realistically we know a school can't happen

overnight. We do know that, and we know there are a lot of issues

right now with other schools and other educational issues.

" Our main concern right now is that if we are sending out kids back

that we make 100 per cent sure our building is okay to walk into,

and parents can sit in their homes and know their kids are attending

a safe and healthy environment, bottom line. "

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