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Winter/Spring Authentic Movement Groups

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Dear NYCCAT Friends and Colleagues,Winter is a time for quiet contemplation and circling down into ourselves.  This integral stage of the life cycle is necessary...it is the pause before the leap, the breath before the dive, the stillness before the action...the quiet before the re-birth brought by spring.  Authentic Movement is a great place to circle down into that quiet, stillness, wisdom and intuitive knowing. 

Authentic Movement is the simple practice of moving from one’s impulses while being witnessed in a non-judgemental way through your process.  It supports health, creativity and relationships while also creating space in a busy, “plugged-in” electronic life, for quiet listening to what one needs, desires and knows.  So with that...

I am happy to announce a new semester for the Thursday evening Authentic Movement group co-lead by myself and Deniz Oktay.  This group meets from 7-9pm at the Institute for the Arts in Psychotherapy in Chelsea, NYC.  Dates for the Winter/Spring 2012 Semester are as follows:  2/9, 3/8, 3/29, 4/5, 4/19, 5/3, 5/17 and 6/7/2012.

I am also happy to announce a new group which I will be facilitating on Monday evenings. This group will meet from 6:30-8:30 pm also at the Institute for the Arts in Psychotherapy.  Dates for the Winter/Spring 2012 Semester are as follows:  1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/5, 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, and 4/30. 

Cost for sessions are as follows: $70/ session and $560/semester.  Student rate $50/ session. Members pay for the semester; however payment arrangements can be set up (i.e. pay as you go etc.).

Interested, contact Cara at:  or by email at: embodiedpsychotherapy@...

Check out the website for updated events, workshops and more at: www.embodiedpsychotherapy.org            

And follow us on Twitter: @embodiedtherapyTake Good Care.  As always if you do not wish to receive information about events and workshops reply to this email with unsubscribe in the subject line.

Warmly,Cara and Deniz

-- Cara A. Gallo, M.S. BC-DMT/LCATwww.embodiedpsychotherapy.org


-- " There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle; the other as though everything is a miracle " Albert Einstein

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