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In a message dated 10/7/2001 12:40:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

alopeztcr@... writes:

> I am 53...am I eligible for AARP or do I have to reach 55?


Hi Donna,

AARP is for anyone age 50 or over.

The dues are so nominal, and it gets you discounts for so many things.

I use it for discounted hotel room rates, sometimes better than the AAA


AOL gives a flat 10% discount for it's services.

Marriott also gives a 15 or 20% discount for meals & gift shop purchases, on

top of room discounts. I'm forever surprises how many places it saves me $$.

When I joined they had a rate something like $40 for 8 years, but I dont'

think they have an 8 year rate anymore, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

And you DON'T have to be retired.

Hugs, a

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  • 2 years later...
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Long time! Hehehe. Ok, I have Medicare and have been thinking

about the AARP health plans they offer. I am not eligible for state

plans so have to look elsewhere. There are 10 plans available thru

AARP. Just started looking at them but I am not good at this stuff.

Any suggestions?

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.


& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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Nope, since I have BC/BS.....and am not on Medicare....

Good luck to you! I bet there are probably some people on here who are on

Medicare and who do supplement it...hopefully they'll post you!

I hpe things are going well for you and Gimlet!



Re: aarp


Long time! Hehehe. Ok, I have Medicare and have been thinking

about the AARP health plans they offer. I am not eligible for state

plans so have to look elsewhere. There are 10 plans available thru

AARP. Just started looking at them but I am not good at this stuff.

Any suggestions?

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

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Gimlet now, she turned 8 last month and we still have lots of fun

getting around. Even with the latest move, which makes 5 moves for

the pooch, she is good with it. And she does like this place much


*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert.

& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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I have a friend that is on disability and signed up for aarp. She said it

helps with the things that her ins doesn't carry. Not sure about it

really. Good luck finding out what you need.

susan & hobbes

implant 2/23/04

hookup 4/2/04 ... this Friday :>

At 12:43 PM 3/29/2004 -0500, you wrote:

>Nope, since I have BC/BS.....and am not on Medicare....


>Good luck to you! I bet there are probably some people on here who are on

>Medicare and who do supplement it...hopefully they'll post you!


>I hpe things are going well for you and Gimlet!


> :-)


> Re: aarp



> !

> Long time! Hehehe. Ok, I have Medicare and have been thinking

> about the AARP health plans they offer. I am not eligible for state

> plans so have to look elsewhere. There are 10 plans available thru

> AARP. Just started looking at them but I am not good at this stuff.

> Any suggestions?


> *---* *---* *---* *---* *---*





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  • 8 months later...

Thought you might enjoy reading Dr. Lorraine Day's defense of natural healing and the attacks against her by the AARP:

Dr. Lorraine Day's Letter to the AARP January 14, 2003 Elliot Carlson, Editor AARPCarole Fleck, author of Scam Alert ColumnP.O. Box 199Long Beach, CA 90801 Dear Mr. Carlson and Ms. Fleck: I want to thank you for mentioning me in your column "Scam Alert" inthe January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin, page 18. Obviously mymessage of Natural Healing is having a major impact throughout thecountry if an organization the size of AARP, 30 million members, feelsthe need to attack me. Yes, I am an orthodox medical doctor who was for 15 years on thefaculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School ofMedicine, considered to be one of the three top medical schools in thecountry. As Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department ofOrthopedic Surgery, I trained thousands of doctors. In addition, as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco GeneralHospital, one of the premier trauma hospitals in the country, I ranthe equivalent of a M.A.S.H. unit for many years. For the past 20-25years, I have been invited to lecture to doctors at numerousUniversity medical schools including Vanderbilt, Baylor, Cincinnati,Tufts, South Carolina, Iowa, USC, Minnesota and countless medicalsocieties throughout the U.S. including the Massachusetts MedicalSociety, as well as other medical organizations around the world,including the Royal Society of Medicine in London. How surprised they will be to find out that the very doctor, Dr.Lorraine Day, these highly distinguished medical groups invited as aguest speaker, you, the editors of AARP, have designated as a quack. How could I, overnight, go from a highly respected surgeon at the topof my field, to an AARP-designated quack? What was my "crime?" Answer: I had the audacity to successfully reverse my severe,life-threatening cancer WITHOUT DRUGS! According to your businesspartners, the pharmaceutical companies, this is the GREATEST crime ofall! Yes, I did reverse my life-threatening, end-stage cancer by totallynatural methods. (You can see the pictures of the huge tumor I had, aswell as my biopsy reports at my web site www.drday.com) Yes, I did refuse chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgerybecause, as a medical doctor with years of experience, I saw thousandsof cancer patients die, NOT from their cancer, but from the painful,maiming, destructive "treatments" we doctors give them. And Yes, I am TOTALLY WELL and Cancer-FREE a full 10 years after mytumor first appeared, and EVERYTHING I used to get well is totallyfree, except for food, and almost everyone has to buy that anyway. But I understand your need to attack me and my reputation. Certainlyyou don't want your membership to learn how to get well from Cancer,Heart Disease, Parkinson's Lupus, Arthritis, Diabetes and many, manyother diseases by natural methods, without drugs of any kind. Afterall, one of the main functions of AARP, according to your ownadvertising, is to sell drug medications to your members. Let's see, with 30 million members (all over 55) and each one spendingmaybe $100.00 per month with AARP for their medication (a conservativeestimate), that amounts to $3 BILLION in drug sales per month. If yourorganization gets a cut of just 10% of that total, that¹s $300 MILLIONper month for you! If your cut is only 1%, that's still $30 MILLIONper month you are receiving, a minimum of $360 MILLION per year! When you have a multi-million dollar arrangement with the drugcompanies as you do, my message of inexpensive natural methods ofhealing, with NO adverse side effects, could really cut into a trulyphenomenal income such as you are receiving. It's easy to see why youwould choose to attack me. One more thing, in your column you referred to natural healing asquackery, yet on the back page of your very same AARP Bulletin,January 2003, you promote a "Yearbook" with an advertising headlinestating "Ordinary Ailments, Extraordinary Cures -- HealthBreakthroughs and Remarkable Remedies." In that advertisement arelisted SIX or SEVEN points of the TEN Step Natural Health Plan I usedto reverse my end-stage cancer! Why is it "quackery" when I promote it, but it's NOT "quackery" whenYOU promote it? (see ad in AARP bulletin) Even MORE interesting is the fact that you CHANGED the headline forthe advertisement when it was published in your Bulletin. Here is theSAME ad found in another paper. The heading is very different. Itincludes the words: "Remedies That Work Better Than Dangerous Drugs Or Risky Surgery" Your AARP Bulletin obviously required that the ad be changed toeliminate these important words - to protect your enormous payoff fromyour drug business. You have deliberately withheld potentiallylife-saving information from your membership for your own monetary gain. In the interest of fairness, I'm sure you will be more than happy toprint this letter in a prominent spot in your up-coming February AARPBulletin. I give you permission, but ONLY if it is printed in itsentirety. You do not have my permission to cut and paste portions tosuit your own agenda. Just in case there's an outside chance you are NOT interested infairness, I will post this letter on my own web site at www.drday.comas well as other web sites, as the public does have the right to hearboth sides. Again, thank you for mentioning me. I could never afford to buypublicity like this to an organization the size of AARP, and here youhave provided it for me free of charge. You have probably forgotten,or at least have not considered the fact that there are millions ofintelligent and discerning members in your organization who will beperceptive enough to search me out, to find out how they too can getwell without the torturing pain, surgical disfigurement, andbankrupting expense of orthodox methods. Thanks for letting them know I'm here! They may not have found meotherwise. Sincerely,Lorraine Day, M.D. Forwarded from Dr. Yasoma Challenorandforwarded byZeus Information ServiceAlternative Views on Healthwww.zeusinfoservice.com

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 years later...

Perhaps it will help to know whom Charlotte contacted. Often times, if this

isn't their 'job', they won't do anything AND they won't pass it on to the

person whose job it is! Does that make sense and sound familar?

Will check my next issue when it comes to see who's who on the editorial board

of AARP. I'll check back after that. And maybe I'll read it to get an idea

about what would 'fit' best. Since working with our publisher/editor for the

'' book, I think I understand what would be a good way to approach these

folks--and how to present it best. Perhaps, each of us could take a part of the

big picture and not do things that overlap too much but present a series that

would cover the important parts, such as daily life skills, future planning etc.

that would be of interest to the AARP population---US!



> Maybe Marie will have more luck than Charlotte has had, trying to contact


> Marie, we will wait to hear back after the holidays, as to whether you have

been able to contact someone at AARP about a series of articles we are

interested in writing.

> Ellen

> Ellen Garber Bronfeld

> egskb@...



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