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Re: Roll Call

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Thank you so much for sharing your story! It sounds like Jack is doing

wonderfully with his development! He is right at where he needs to be! I know

that those leukemia cells are really scary, especially when they are born with

them! But, it sounds like Jack isn't going to have any trouble with it at all.

( Hauschildt dealt with something similar with her Caden when he was born.

Perhaps she will speak up here and give you some insite on what they did)

I understand trying to do it on your own and doing your own thing. (I did that

most of my son's life since there was no support) I think that everyone still

does their own thing even though they have our support system. It doesn't mean

you are weak or can't do it on your own. It just helps to know that you are not

alone in dealing with whatever issues may arise.

Welome to our family! Keep telling us all about Jack! He sounds like a

wonderful little guy!


ksen wrote:

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year to all!! I want to thank everyone

for being so welcoming to me, as I have just recently joined the group. So I am

happy to have this opportunity to tell you a little about me and my beautiful

son Jack!!

My name is , I am 33 years old and I am married to and have been

for 3 years. We live in Plainville, Connecticut. I gave birth to my beautiful

little boy, Jack, on March 30, 2007. He is now 9 months old and really doing

great! We had no idea about anything when I was pregnant with Jack and went into

his birth thinking everything was just fine. Almost immediately after he was

born, we were told they heard a murmur and a day later we found out he had

Tetrology of Fallot. Not knowing anything about this, they told us they were

going to do further blood work to make sure there were no " syndromes " attached

to this condition. It is ironic because when they handed Jack to me for the

first time after he was born, I thought for a moment his eyes looked a little

small and like he had ds-but it was so mild and everyone, including my husband,

family and even the doctors, dismissed what I saw and told me I was wrong. So

anyway, when they said they were going to do more

blood work, my fears immediately returned, and the next day we were told he had

" blast " leukemia cells and that he did indeed have ds. In a matter of a week we

were sent to cardiology, hematology, and genetics. It was all so overwhelming at

first. We found out 2 weeks later that he had mds and were told typically it was

supposed to be a more milder form of ds, but that it was not necessarily the

case. At that time and with the sample they took, he had 12% ds cells.

Jack had heart surgery at 3 weeks of age on 4/26/07 because his condition

worsened and they needed to complete the repair as soon as possible. He was such

a trooper and a true miracle and fighter, he made it through his surgery and was

released 7 days later. His " blast " leukemia cells have since gone away (as of

September) and we are hopeful that his blood continues to be ok. We go for more

blood work in February, but the blood tests have gone from weekly to now every

few months. So we have come a long was and continue to remain positive.

It has taken me some time to join a group like this and reach out because I felt

like I needed to do it on my own and in my own way, but I have learned that the

more support I have, the better. My husband and I have also come a long way in

working together as a team and bottom line-we just truly love Jack and he is the

light of our lives!! He is just wonderful- he is sitting up independently and on

his hands rocking back and forth wanting to crawl!! He smiles all the time and

just a true joy. He is so beautiful!! We have PT once a week and OT once a week

and they are both really pleased with his progress.

OK, sorry if I just kept on and on, but that is it I guess in a nutshell. Thank

you again to you all for welcoming me to this group and letting me in on your

lives and what you have learned and continue to learn. I look forward to getting

to know all of you better!!!!

(mom to Jack, 9 months, mds)


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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL ....rub it in! Everyone is going to be so excited when they see all that

you have done on our site!

Everyone: I told that I was going to make Australia my " winter home " that

way, I never have to be cold and experience winter at all! Of course...my

husband would have to get a much better job I suppose before I could actually

afford that...but it is great to think about! LOL

Please keep up the Roll Call! We have HUNDREDS more that have not responded!

We want to know about you and who you are!!!!!!!


Twomey wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Been about time i said hi to all the new members and reintroduced myself. Kristy

has been keeping me busy on the website, so I'll blame her.....hehehe

My name is Twomey, I'm 36 and I am married to for 14 years, and have

two children, who is 10 with mds and who is 8. We live in Narellan,

Sydney, Australia. was diagnosed just after he was born. He attends the

local public school along with is sister, and is in a mainstream class. He had

some aide when he started, but no longer receives individual funding, so he gets

whatever the school can provide when they get it, like some reading time etc. He

loves school, and is generally a happy kid, oh yeh, and by the end of the year

last year, he knew all his times tables to 12 in any order!!!!!. Hi sister is

not impressed becasue she doesn't!!! He loves that. Socially the kids love to

say hi and do the hi5's after school saying goodbye, but he still doesnt have

that friend circle yet. Now that his speech and conversation skills are sorta

improving, i hope that it will help this year going into Yr5.

We are on christmas holidays at the moment, and go back to school at the end of

January, so we are all enjoying the summer heat and swimming in the pool and all

the summer fun stuff...(It is good isn't it Fiona!!! LOL) I just wish I didn't

have to work as well!!!


Thats us. Oh and if I can help out any families that are in Australia, (Welcome

Narelle) I am more than willing to find anything out you need, as I am the

Australian Family Connect Rep.

Also, if anyone would like to add any photos to the kids photo page on the IMDSA

web site, please feel free to email me with a jpg and i will add it. Send them

to mosaicdownsyndrome@...

If you would like to see the photos that are already there, go to

http://www.imdsa.com/photos.htm and use the log in -

username - vktphipps

password - mds

Cheers to all

IMDSA Secretary & Website & Australian FC Rep


IMDSA Secretary & Website Admin

Mum to 10mds and 7





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