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Re: Food Reactivity

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Mold-survivor.com Check out the diet.

antares4141 <antares41_41@...> wrote: I have for years

experienced food reactivity and never been able to

peg it specifically to any one food because it seemed so random and

always being exposed to mold it was impossible to separate the two.

I have never bought into the mycotoxin connection to reactivity but

have no problem accepting what mold does to my immune system. I know

it's real it's crippled me going on my 11th year now.

But I have recently been pondering on the possibility that maybe we

are not sensitized to mold specifically or made even made sick by

mold but our immune systems are shot and my theory is by chemical

exposure specifically (my opinion only)

My latest theory is that the only reason we associate mold with our

reactivity is because it's so prevalent. In this theory I surmise

that if other forms of pathogens were so ubiquitous and impossible to

avoid instead of mold we would react to them. Say some of the

innocuous types of bacteria that grow on food. It's only because we

can't avoid breathing that we are constantly reacting to mold. But

secondarily we are reacting to food because their is plenty of

bacteria in just about all the foods we eat unless we cook them out.

So I have been experimenting on this premise by not touching anything

that can't be cooked, lettuce, cereal, milk,orange juice, any of your

produce such as apples. If it doesn't get cooked I don't touch it. I

haven't experimented with this enough to make any tentative

conclusion and I react to the house so it's going to be hard to

separate but just wanted to throw this theory out their for anyone

that is desperate enough to try this method of treatment on



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> Mold-survivor.com Check out the diet.



I agree with their suggestions of washing produce in hydrogen

peroxide, and not touching any leftovers after a day, but I am

ignoring all the warnings about the foods with sugar and mycotoxins

and just following one basic principle. Not because I believe they

lack any merit but simply as a test to see if they do have merit and

to what extent and weather we should still be searching for other

viable possibilities.

That and I am not well equipped to implement these disciplines. I am

hoping for something much more simple to follow. When things are this

difficult to follow you get no science out of them because your

always going to tell yourself " well I did this wrong or that thing or

the other thing " It has to be relatively simple so that we can be

stringent in our disciplines. And this way results can be giving

more weight as to their effectiveness or lack their of.

My theory,

All foods to one degree or another have bacteria and mold on them,

some more than others and their are many variations in species. For

most this is innocuous and uneventful but for me anyways, the theory

goes, I react to these pathogens violently and in the past attributed

it to other variables.

I am not focusing on the Candida angle, (not that I don't think it

has merit) nor am I focusing on the mycotoxin angle, (I am less sure

about this angle) Instead my angle is that pathogens cause

immunological reactions in my body weather their ingested or inhaled

and it's only that the main form of transmission is though inhalation

that I have focused on mold all these years. And not entered

ingestion into the equation.

It is so easy to fool yourself, I don't know how many times I have

attributed a reaction to something only to find later that maybe it

wasn't a factor at all. I will have to be willing to accept this

about my current theory and go back to the drawing board if I am

wrong to one degree or another. (I doubt it's black and white)

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> I you want to know about your skin, find a black light fungi glows,

very neon colors.


I don't have ready access to one but if I find such I will give this a

try. Wasn't aware of this. I know some things can be viewed this way. I

heard on an love line episode where dr drew examined adam corola this

way (for genetal warts). I think he mentioned using some type of

solvent to enhance the results though.

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