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hot tubs, shampoos, etc. toxic

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hi , do not want to be a pain, however i want to pass on some info about

toxins. i never knew how toxins effected me until i came down with

something call candidias 8 years ago. this is a condition that was caused

by taking antibiotics over a period of years for sinus infections. (the

sinus infections i believed was just an effect from an allergy). a lot of

the good and bad bacteria is killed off, and the yeast that is normal to

your body begins to grow through out your system, and into your blood. it

can effect you in many ways. a couple of symptoms are itching and

fatigue, ( many more) which i just assumed were from the diabetes. diabetics

are more prone to this disease. this also made me more sensitive to

chemicals, so i began to replace most household chemicals with the best that

i could find, and started reading more about chemicals.

just want to say that i take a hot shower everyday and am not effected by the

heat, but if i was in a hot tub i might be. there is chorine in a hot tub

and chorine is a pesticide used to purify water. it is poisonous by

inhalation, is an eye and mucous membrane irritant. i t gets into our body.

shampoos may have sodium lauryl sulfate, formaldehyde and many other harmful

chemicals in it. if the label says warning, caution, or danger it is

toxic. there are better products out there.

just want to share this with you for your thoughts. ellen

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