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Elidov update

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Subject: Elidov update

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Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 20:48:59 -0000


From: Omer.Wehunt@...

To: chiariegroups

Dear Friends;

Just got out of the hospital again. My guts are fine, Baby is FINE, but my head

is not. I knew it was justa matter of time. Toxemia was ruled out, my head is

acting up, and my vision is difficult. My eyeballs fell like they are gonna pop.

I am dizzy and the ol BP and AP are way up there. I thought bedrest wwas gonabe

another 6 weeks, but it is here for the next three months. I can do that! I am

used to looking at my house, my husband's shirts and empty lunch pail and say to

myself " Oh well " They are of course talking c-section and my guts say hey 8

incisions now are being strained and I don't want that. I say hey, just let me

get to the time, MAY it not be too early and let me try and see what happens. I

trust in the end, all will be well. This is hard work. I don't recommend it to

anyone at my age. Think about it and think again. Then again. Then come talk to

me, then hit your head on a wall, and think again!!!

Haydee Haydee Haydee:

I sure love you and didn't want you to worry. The amnio results came late, I

think they did it twice. But it is ok. Just a nasty scare they felt we needed.

My afp numbers were terrible, but our faith got us through it. 1:10 still put us

in a 90% chance.I guess they worry because it is 1:1000 for the rest, and the

SpinaBifida was high as well, but we are having Ultrasounds almost once a month

to check. This baby moves around alot and they haven't been able to image the

spine and heart well enough. The tech thought it was good but the specialist

didn't. Ultrasounds, I can do! Do you know you can see three dimensional color

pictures of your baby's face now.6 months, Whew. We will look at the face but

not the fanny. We would like one secret left until he/she comes. Of course they

know 100% now, and said we could ask any time. I wonder how many couples do call

when the other doesn't know they did.

: I have your baby girl's gift cut out, but it ain't sewed. My baby is

gonna live naked until the winter, Iam so sew far behind. I can get my hoop on

the bed to quilt, but the basketball is getting in the way now.

My cousin Tina was due to go home this past week after 10 months in a coma from

ACM,hydro,5 shunt failures and a rare lyme infection in the shunt itself to the

brain tissue. 16 months in all for treatment.She was able to go home for her

40th birthday bash. The doctor in Missouri did a real great job in figuring it

all out. She was in Vanderbilt in Nashville and had to travel to Missouri to see

him. Her husband went to Florida to get a great deal on a w/c van. Saturday, she

had a massive seizure from a sudden fever, the virus got ahold of her. She was

returned on the vent and did go home to the Lord on Sunday. Her husband made it

back an hour before she went.

It is an awful sad thing and yet we are glad that the alternatives of her being

in a come again and with massive damage this time from 02 loss, she does not

have to know that again. You know you can pump those organs and give 02 but if

your brain isn't taking it, there is nothing you can do. I am not callous, just

very realistic. My brother lost his son( ACM 2 and " not condusive to life "

what did that all mean) after intense attempts to make him live, at birth and it

was almost as hard to see him struggle to live than to be loved and relaxed and

go. I am thankful for all I have seen being a pediatric nurse.

I have taken care of three anencephaly premies, and a baby without any bones in

her body. I don't know why these things have to happen to those we love and to

ourselves. It would break my heart to know I did this all on purpose for my

little one's hardship and I dealt with that during the wait for our amnio.

All our joy was turned around. I wish I hadn't been tested, to be depressed and

worried the rest of the wait. I knew I was capable and the perfect mom to have

aspecial child but I still was heart broken. I believe all these precious ones

are Angels come to live among us to teach us something. I know their lives can

be wonderful with the love and care of parents who stick with them. It is still

too hard.But we do it! We are complex beings who can be happy, love,suffer and

keep on like we do.

Time is up, gotta go. I am out there and keep all in my thoughts.



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