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Re: Need Help! Does mold remediation/exposures/health effects

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wouldn't it largely depend on what molds you were exposed too? as in

some but not all, like aspergullis molds that are able to collinize

in the body.some mycotoxins are more like hit and run, they do their

organ damage while your exposed. say you were exposed in a home with

mainly stachy and your exposure was to mainly stachy myco's, no

allergies, no collinizeing type molds and not in quite high enough

amounts to distroy your mucus system or cause liver overload or

immune disfunction and mcs. you get out and you mainly have what ever

organ damage it caused while exposed but immedite reaction

typesymptoms you suffer while in that inviroment go away.I read

somewhere what made sence to me, that with lower amount exposures it

the length of exposure that matters were as with higher exposures its

the amounts. why that makes sence to me is because at a lower amount

your mucus system,liver and immune system are still functioning to

rid your body of the toxins, at high amounts it cant keep up. i have

a pretty strong felling that higher exposures causes most of the

damage and sets us up for possable collinazation of those molds that

can do that. problem is that everyone may have a different limit on

whats consider as a low level or high level and age probably plays a

large role. if mycotoxins are like nanoparticles some may cause

lesions and get trapped in tissues in verious organs and may cause

cyst type growths mainly the liver and kidneys, or maybe it's the

fungal fragments that cause this and the cysts form because it is

produceing mycotoxins. not sure, maybe both. I've been exposed to 2

tottally different situations one long term to mainly stachy where

over the years the amounts got higher(accumulated) but my symptoms

from mycotoxin exposure from the start were severe and as years went

by it became more constant, but the constant insult of mycotoxins on

my reproductive system led to a hisderictomy so the damage to organs

is accumalarive. there was a period during this exposure where i was

not home much and had some relief of my symproms but not tottal

relief, but i wasn't tottally out of that invironment, my cloths were

still there,ect and i was there a few hours everyday but spent most

of the tome at my boyfriends house. i never connected the dots that

maybe my body was trying to tell me something. the other short term

exposure to high amounts of several toxic molds in the second home

caused my mucus lineings to be distroyed and toxic overload on the

liver and mcs along with tbi. high amounts of

aspergillus,penicillium,alternaria,chaetomin, amd a few others, now

O'm pretty sure my sinus brain and lung problems are a result of two

possable things, collinized molds and/or severe mcs, lack of

funtioning mucus sytem which causes mycoses mainly because

aspergillus and alterneria are just in the air here year around and

either aggervates or causes re-infection either because of whats

collinized in my body or because i have no defences anymore.

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