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Talked to (robins daughter)

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Hello all, Well after crying all last night about Robin, then All this

morning, the phone glued to my hand!. finaly called me again tonight

Late here, I actualy had the phone in my hand. We tried ALL the phone numbers

again to TRY to reach Steve (robins husband), we were both just frantic, and

I already called sweet Vicky tonight earlier who had no word. Finaly I

rummaged through Every possible numebr it could be, we eenve called the

hpsital direct! main line. I found a number and said what the heck I

will try it. I got someone in the stepdown and said " THANK GOD! " . the nurse

said Robin's pain manaagment was really really out of control, and is betteer

now and shes alseep, and so is Steve, porr guy is so exhausted after her

being Intubated last night, so there resting. I cant teel you how relieved I

am. I want to be there soooo badly, it crushes me to not have been there to

help them both last noght, but I think its settling down. So sorry this is

so long, I havent slept in days, becasue I really love my friend so much. I

will write you a short note tommorwo when we talk to Steve ok. Peace and

Happy Mother's Day. for one will sleep much better tonight I think.

LOL Dawn(exhausted)


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