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Issue 34

May 30, 2012

B r a i n B y t e s

High IQ Linked to

Anxiety in Autism

Drugs and Shrinking Brains

Is Sugar Making us Stupid?

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"My vicinity affords many good walks; and though for so many years I have walked almost every day, and sometimes for several days together, I have not yet exhausted them."

- Thoreau

As you walk today, become aware of those common place things, those habits, that you do automatically and compare them to those that require some thought or some decision making-those thing that capture your attention. What was most interesting about your walk today?

Where in the World is Aunt Martha?

She is in ARIZONA with Certified Consultant,


On the Lighter Side


Q: How well do those memory pills work?

A: Who are you and way am I writing this article?

In Their Own Words

Click on these links to see what RDI consultants are doing!

Amy Cameron

Breathing Underwater Podcast

Kathy Darrow

Kathy discusses RDI in an interview on Autism One Radio


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Understanding Autism Podcast - Broadcast live on the 2nd Monday and 2nd Monday of every month


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The RDI Book

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Available through Amazon or Click here.

Good News...Amazon is now shipping the RDI Book Internationally.

Dear Friend

This week, we share some information from Dr Gutstein on Dynamic Intelligence and hear from an RDI mom/consultant about puberty and autism.

~ le Sheely, PhD

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What is Dynamic Intelligence?

For those of you who have been around RDI for any time at all, you know that the concept of Dynamic Intelligence is at the center of our programs. Following is a brief introduction from the writings of Dr Gutstein:

At it's core, Dynamic Intelligence is...

The real-world application of the most sophisticated level of human neural processing. Mental functioning that has evolved to enable us to successfully handle challenges presented by complex, dynamic environments

The Gutstein Dynamic Intelligence Model, considers human beings to be active decision-makers, problem-solvers, opportunity-seekers and life-long learners, who benefit from their own and others' experiences, in order to make and execute effective decisions, in increasingly complex and dynamically changing environments.

Dynamic Intelligence is deployed in settings where emergent change is the norm. These are fluid, information-rich environments, where paralysis or chaos results if we cannot rapidly "filter" and narrow down the Decision-Making Field. They are "volatile" environments where new situations may emerge without notice and require immediate set-shifting. They present tasks and problems where even the most careful plans inevitably require multiple revisions, as we encounter unanticipated factors, inherent in dynamic environments.


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Be Careful What You Wish For: Autism Remediation and Puberty

The following article is written by an DeAngelo, an RDI Certified consultant from Connecticut. She has been an RDI parent for seven years and has a great deal of experience with the teen years! helps families through her business, AutismFamilyServices. Email here.

RDI consultant, DeAngelo

Mom talking to her teenager: So, honey, what's going on in your life? I never hear about it lately.

Teen: Not much.

Mom: Well, what classes do you like at school?

Teen: The same ones I liked before.

Mom: OK...How about your friends? Who are you hanging out with?

Teen: Different people. It's no big deal mom!

And so it goes...

The onset of puberty is a challenging time for any parent, let alone a parent of a child with autism. The physical changes seem to happen so quickly that we scarcely can keep our kids in clothes and shoes that fit them. Personal hygiene reaches epic importance as little bodies morph into breeding grounds for gnarly odors and skin eruptions. Emotionally, our pubescent kids seem to actually regress at times. The moodiness, the stubbornness, the "attitude," the eye rolls, even preteen temper tantrums - sometimes we feel like we are dealing with the terrible twos again.

What about a child with autism? Because of the child's neurological makeup, parents can find all these emotional changes magnified tenfold. The period of puberty, then presents unique challenges and opportunities for parental guiding of an ASD child.

RDI has softened this transition into the teen years, by helping me build a stronger relational base with my child; this is marked by greater respect, open communication without forcing, and a greater capacity to encourage my child's feelings of competence.


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