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Autism and RDI: A Go-Kart Project!

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Issue 32

May 16, 2012

B r a i n B y t e s

Autism Misinformation

Autism Criteria Blasted by DSM-5 Leader

Agent Reduces Autism-like Behaviors in Mice

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Dear Friend

This week's newsletter is packed with great stuff. I discuss gaze aversion, we see a child accomplish a life long dream, and Tessis gives us the second part to her article about hitting rough places.


~ le Sheely, PhD

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To Gaze or Not To Gaze, That is the Question

by Dr le Sheely

Gaze aversion in autism has been the subject of many scholarly articles and therapeutic interventions. I remember a well-known speaker suggesting that a nanny had been especially helpful by saying, "look at me", while using just the right pressure on the chin to ensure that the child would look at her eyes.

Other early interventions included "quiet hands" along with admonitions to stop stereotypical behavior. As RDI became more developmentally based, and as the guiding relationship became more foundational for all of our work, we began to understand the importance of reading signals; sometimes internally-sometimes externally generated.


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Go Kart Project


Nick (age 14) enjoying the go kart

project he worked on with his dad - a lifelong dream that he realized through study and persistence

Have you ever wanted to do something with your son/daughter? Why can't you ever figure out something fun to build? Well, my dad and I had these questions on our minds. One day we were watching a movie and I was bored, so I told him maybe we can build a go kart. My dad suggested we should just build a wood frame on wheels with no engine that we would just push downhill. I thought to myself, "Dad are you serious?" My whole idea was to have something with an engine that would go 35 mph. And actually, I was kind of mad that my dad even suggested a puny go kart with no engine. But, I wasn't going to let that stop me from building a go kart with an engine.


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Hitting a Rough Patch - Part 2

by Stacey Tessis

The following is the second part of an article written by RDI Certified Consultant, Tessis, B.A., A.T.C. Stacey is a Parenting Coach and has been an RDI® Program Certified Consultant since 2008. Stacey has a private practice in Toronto, Canada, and works with clients as far away as Greece. You can reach Stacey at stessis@...

We were making changes at home, but the problems still existed at school. My son felt like he was spinning his wheels and that no one there cared. AC/DC's Highway to Hell seemed an apropos accompaniment as his sense

RDI Consultant,

Stacey Tessis

of despair increased and the driving conditions worsened.

It's exhausting driving through a storm...even for an optimist. At times I felt so discouraged and started to doubt my instincts. Should I turn into the skid or out? I wish that I had paid better attention in driver's ed. all those years ago.

I decided to seek the help of a colleague who I trusted to provide an objective perspective. She validated the approach I had been taking and also provided some really good insights and suggestions to help get us back on track. Her support refueled my tank and kept me going through this difficult time.


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