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Re: AWANA and autism

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Before mine was

recovered, he went, and the youth program at the church was so

terrific for him. Occasionally there are youth pastors who don't

have patience, but most are very patient, understanding, and have

a main goal of uplifting and accepting your child in a

unconditional loving manner. I have many children, but another

child who does not have diagnoses, also benefits highly from this

program. Church youth programs have been more helpful to my

children (special needs or not) than any behavioral program. Talk

to the youth pastor and let him know that your child has

memorization issues and such just to make sure all goes well.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

has anyone ever tried AWANA with their aspie child or high

funtioning autism child? i want to try it with my son for the

social aspect the the parent brochure talks about memorization of

bible verses and then reciting verses orally to pass. seems pretty

daunting for an aspie kid especially mine. thought? comments?

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I had a group last year. And AWANA is first a formost a bible verse memorization

program. Children with communication issues can learn and express their verses

in many ways. In my group. I had my son and one other boy that are nonverbal and

2 that were verbal but not the best communicators. One boy used fash cards. He

would learn the verse in order and then we would mix up the cards annd he would

then have to put them in the correct order with no help. We also did some fill

in the blank we would put the verse on the white board and have a word box to

the side and they would have to fill in the words in the correct blank. My group

of boys were 11-13. And they did great. One finished both 5th and 6th grade book

and the others finishe 1and a half. All the other NT. Kids finished one book and

that was squeeked in at the last minute. Last Awana is not the most social

program unless the church has things for becore or after class time. And it is a

mostly at home program. The child needs to be working and praticing everyday at

home to be able to accomplish the requirments in class. Also remember AWANA

programs are run by other parents. And helpers are also parents, so do not

expect trained professionals to impliment programming or behavoir or social

interventions, unless you are at a church who has a full program and is fully

vested for children with special needs. I ran my son's group last year and am

not this year. It was the only year he or any of the boys in the group had ever

been to an awanas program. As my son aged out in our church (ours dose not go

beyond 6th grade. I will not be running the group. And at this point no one else

has come foward. :-( . I was at the north campus of Prestonwood Babtist. You

can check with the main campus in plano though. Also Stonbrier community chruch

has a full program. Posibly check with cottonwood creek near . I would also

think first babtist Dallas may have a program. So in your search think Big

churches mostly. They will have a wider community reach. And then ask LOTS of

questions. Best wishes. .


> has anyone ever tried AWANA with their aspie child or high funtioning autism

child? i want to try it with my son for the social aspect the the parent

brochure talks about memorization of bible verses and then reciting verses

orally to pass. seems pretty daunting for an aspie kid especially mine. thought?



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thanks for the ideas. this is a full program i believe at one of the huge churches here in Houston. the church is good about accommodating special needs kids and even has a special sunday school for them. they are definitely for the kids and community. Sent from my iPhone

I had a group last year. And AWANA is first a formost a bible verse memorization program. Children with communication issues can learn and express their verses in many ways. In my group. I had my son and one other boy that are nonverbal and 2 that were verbal but not the best communicators. One boy used fash cards. He would learn the verse in order and then we would mix up the cards annd he would then have to put them in the correct order with no help. We also did some fill in the blank we would put the verse on the white board and have a word box to the side and they would have to fill in the words in the correct blank. My group of boys were 11-13. And they did great. One finished both 5th and 6th grade book and the others finishe 1and a half. All the other NT. Kids finished one book and that was squeeked in at the last minute. Last Awana is not the most social program unless the church has things for becore or after class time. And it is a mostly at home program. The child needs to be working and praticing everyday at home to be able to accomplish the requirments in class. Also remember AWANA programs are run by other parents. And helpers are also parents, so do not expect trained professionals to impliment programming or behavoir or social interventions, unless you are at a church who has a full program and is fully vested for children with special needs. I ran my son's group last year and am not this year. It was the only year he or any of the boys in the group had ever been to an awanas program. As my son aged out in our church (ours dose not go beyond 6th grade. I will not be running the group. And at this point no one else has come foward. :-( . I was at the north campus of Prestonwood Babtist. You can check with the main campus in plano though. Also Stonbrier community chruch has a full program. Posibly check with cottonwood creek near . I would also think first babtist Dallas may have a program. So in your search think Big churches mostly. They will have a wider community reach. And then ask LOTS of questions. Best wishes. .


> has anyone ever tried AWANA with their aspie child or high funtioning autism child? i want to try it with my son for the social aspect the the parent brochure talks about memorization of bible verses and then reciting verses orally to pass. seems pretty daunting for an aspie kid especially mine. thought? comments?


> Sent from my iPhone


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