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Re: Re: Too cloudy and chilly to go to see manatees./Imogene

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Oh my Imogene, you have had a hard day. I have been reading all you have been

going through with Don and your health. There is a lot on you.

It sounds like Don has been going through some changes with some

hallucinations and the dreaded cleaning out drawers and rearranging them. You

must have a lot of patience, that would drive me insane when Jim did that and

then wouldn't know where he put things. His caregiver would let him rearrange

his drawers and the kitchen cupboards and I would be at work and neither of them

knew where things were put. Jim would even clean out my pots and pan cupboard

and I couldn't find my electric grill for months and one day found it out in the

garage. But it wasn't where it should have been when I needed it and it would

really fry me. I got tired of going on hunts to find my things, never mind Jim's

things, which wouldn't appear until months later sometimes. Jim's wedding ring

has been missing since before he went into the nh. That is over 1 and a half

years ago. He hid it in one of his delusional frenzies that someone was after it

and going to steal it. I found it just a few weeks

ago in the hall guest closet on a shelf hidden under a baseball cap. I got a

good laugh out of it, now that I don't have to deal with that stuff anymore, I

could laugh. I had given that ring up as lost forever. I have not even told Jim

that I found it.

When Jim is home on weekends, I never put any action movies on or it will

become realistic to him and then he becomes a part of whatever the action is and

it goes on for hours. Today, I had " Hairspray " a light musical on. There is a

scene where the kids are in detention in a classroom and dancing and don't you

know, the teacher in my husband kicks in. (He was a 7th and 8th grade teacher)

and suddenly, he is telling the kids to sit down. He's asking me how is he going

to make it to work everyday. He wants to know how many kids he has. Oh my, it

went on and on. I tired to convince him it was ok and I would take over the

class, so he could relax and he was ok with that for awhile and then he was

worried again how he was going to handle this situation. He became angry with

himself that he couldn't figure a way to keep the kids focused on their work

instead of dancing in his classroom. Finally, I took him out of the room and had

him focus on something else and that worked.

I would have never guessed " Hairspray " would pull him in like that or I

wouldn't have put it on. We watch channels like Nick at Nite, so he doesn't get


I'm sorry to hear after all your hard work and every ounce of energy you had

getting that strip up over the shower, Don had to have a shower in that room.

You have had so much stacked against you in the last week, hang in there dear

one, as you say. You and Don are in my thoughts and prayers.

Bushels of Love....................Jan

Imogene Ward wrote:

All you beloved friends. I miss you too. We went to the allergist,

and she laid the law down in a nice way that I have to get this

carpet out of the house. She is very concerned about my allergies.

I will send you a letter I wrote to my kids.

But first, I will tell you about today. While I was in the bathroom,

I decided it was a good day to put the trim up around the shower. The

job came up real nice. Then after lunch, I was in the middle of

paying bills and guess who needed a bath, after his nap, yesterday,

and not in the tub shower. He would not settle for anything except

the shower I had hung the paper trim in.

I had to put my bill paying aside, and get that shower ready. I knew

the paper was too wet to put the shower curtain rod up, but he was

adament that we had to use that bathroom so I put the rod up, and of

course tore up my new papering job, It will have to be mended now.

I gave him a bath and then went back to bill paying. Oh yes, in all

of this I made him lunch and supper.

The letter I have is very long. Perhaps I should send it seperatly.

Love a bunch, Imogene


> the grands came over and although we were going to see manatees,


> boy threw up and we aborted the trip.


> I did let them play in the water and wear themselves out a little


> they would nap when they got home.


> Jim and my son visited on one bank of the river, and the kids and I

> kayaked to the other bank and they played in the sand and


> were wet from head to toe.


> I am tired enough to nap myself.


> I am taking adderall, and I didn't get to sleep until after four


> a.m.


> I was on Provigil for a while but it made me too grumpy to teach.


> youcan't find your happy face in the classroom, high school kids


> eat you alive.


> I promised them I wouldn't take that med on a weekday again.


> Courage, how are you doing?


> Imogene, missing you..my Florida connection.


> Sandie, I think it is marvelous you troll her at night. With work

> schedules and time zones, we can keep this site alove most of the



> I am going to get a nap now, I want to be able to stay up to watch

> Desperate Housewives tomorrow night, and it will be a school night.


> No potty stories today.


> Millie seems somewhat improved.


> dehydration a factor, for sure!


> Anybody started their Groundhog day shopping? I am having trouble

> finding boxed cards to send.


> Later,


> Carol


Welcome to LBDcaregivers.

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