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New to the Family, hurt, sick and searching for help

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Hi everyone, like the heading says, i am sick and in need of some

support. i too live in So. Cal., . So we are neighbors. A bit

about my Sick Building experience. Myself and co workers were exposed

to a very large and thick area of MOLD, but not just any MOLD, this

Mold had formed behind a cabinet, and was due to the Toilet

overflowing many times over the years in the restroom adjacent .

Fecal, urine, blood and vomit stayed on the floor for hrs at a time

as we would tape an " Out of Order " sign on the door. I was unaware of

this MOLD until Feb. of this year, at which time we were still

mandated to work in this " infected " small workroom. I work in the

health care industry and this room " was " also a Patient Exam Room,

which when the discovery was made, we were told not to use it for

Patients due to unsanitary and health isses. I asked about our health

and was shrugged off and was told the Admin. said to still use it. I

admit I was unkowledgable about MOLD. I became very sick way before

Feb. but just didn't realize it. I succomed to an extreme harrasment

issue, which sent me to the E.R. with BP 198/106 in May. And then I

was just given some pills for anxiety and a referral to Psych. where

they said i was depressed??? I admit I was extremely irritable and

crying uncontrolably, but being harassed as the only female in a male

dominated field at work, tell me which woman wouldn't be? I filed for

elbow injuries in June 2007 for pain that had been ongoing since

March of 2006 at the sugestion of the social worker i was seeing (due

to my depression??)I never coorlated my pain to MOLD Exposure. my

feet and ankles would hurt,i was buying new shoes constantly? no help

I would lose my balance, have severe migraines, nightmares, lose the

ability to spell simple words, unable to retain and so many more

little things i never realized until I became totaly weak, unable to

use my muscles, I had no choice but to go out on my elbow pain. I had

a heightened sense of smell and small tremors all the way back to

2005 and now sit here with full on MCS that has yet to be diagnosed.

My skin stings constanly and my hands, feet, legs and arms, buzz and

tingle all the time. Well anyway i could list everything but i'd be

here all night , since i can only type a few words at a time. I want

so much to scream about this subject Sick Buildings and i know that

my co workers that have DIED, want me to scream for them also!

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