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RE : My Story and Immune and Toxicology Expert

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Hi -

I was so happy to read your post. It helped me feel more vindicated. I am a

teacher who blew the whistle on a school system several years back and ended up

in law school because of what happened in my school. Loaded with aspergillus,

etc., and now breast cancer among the teachers and staff is rampant. Several

have died. Now, the staff looks at me very differently.

Each new cancer diagnosis made them realize they were in a 'sick' moldy

building and I was NOT wrong.

It is wonderful that your son got treatment. I am sure you were told you were

nuts, your kid was deranged and a faker. Thank God you saved his life, and

surely you did getting competent testing and medical treatment which is like a

needle in a haystack in this country.

Surely the teachers who almost never move out of a school, become what I call

" career exposed " to poison and you must know that teachers as a group have a

very high rate of cancer and autoimmune disease. Schools are built on former

dump sites. I call them " dumps on dumps. " Teachers need stronger and better

union support for environmental issues. It is likely that kids, like my former

students have lots of asthma, newly diagnosed, but are lucky to 'move' for

middle and high school.

Teachers and staff can end up in a building for 35-40 years - and if the job

doesn't kill them, the building conditions surely will.

I had environmental 'officials' laugh at a child who had hair falling out,

skin rashes, etc., when I suggested that the 'mold' made her sick. They said I

would never prove it. Laughing at her was what made something in me 'snap'

knowing that the problem was bigger than me, and that, the more they fought, the

more I was right, and the law might have some answers for me.

I was always evaluated with an excellent rating, until I got sick and reported

the mold, all the way to Washington, D.C. via my congressman. I went from

excellent to unsatisfactory and sent on the fast-track to be fired. It must

have been a large guardian angel whispering in my ear to 'not be afraid,'

because I knew my career was on the line. I also knew that those kids in front

of me with headaches, newly diagnosed asthma, dry throats, pneumonia, hair loss,

bleeding noses and ears, just like me, would never know why they were sick, if I

did nothing about it.

Your son has endured a great deal. And, surely it is a lifelong lesson,

probably giving him skills he never thought he would have to summon up, to be

courageous in the face of such a despairing situation.

The school mold situation is so different from any other. For many reasons.

The school is supposed to be teaching democratic ideals. It is not a democracy.

It is a top-down corporation, driven by book contracts, food vendors,

transportation companies and sadly the teachers and kids are at the bottom.

And, kids MUST go to school. They are a captive audience. There are not many or

any choices.

In the residential setting, you may have some choices. You are an adult. In

the school setting you are a kid, at the mercy of those 'experts' who will

refuse to allow 100% fresh air in an HVAC building and come up with ways to

justify their jobs, by finding a way to allow only a percentage of fresh air to

be in the 'intake' plenums and refuse to use precautions when repairing a school

building, or classroom.

Your child had no choice, except the one YOU created for him, by getting him

out. Teenaged years are tough ones to be separated from your friends, and

pulled out of your school. A new school is tough to deal with as the " New Kid

on the Block. " Hopefully, he can complete his treatment and go on to college or

career, 'defined' by the strength his courageous parents have given him.

You are HEROS!

Joost <julesyost@...> a écrit :

Dear KC and 'Sickbuildings " Members:

My 15 year old son became very very sick from his high school. It was and is a

terribly moldy environment. He was 'infected' with Aspergillus, Penicillium,

Stachybotrys , Cladosporium, Alternaria and bird droppings; all (and more) of

which have been found, sampled and tested from inside that building. Expert, Dr.

Lipsey, a very intelligent, experienced, and kind man, is our

environmental toxicologist who tested this school. (Thank you Dr. Lipsey!)

My son is now 17 years old. He no longer goes to that school. We took him out of

that unhealthy building. He is now going to a high school for his Senior year 25

miles from our home that is a clean and healthy environment. He has had

excellent medical treatment from medical expert, Dr. , an Immune

and Toxic Disorders specialist, in Houston, TX. Dr. is board certified.

He BELIEVED us! (Thank you Dr. !)

Between the many many prayers, medical treatment and change of school

environment, my son is doing well. (You can see we have an excellent team of

experts on our side, Dr. Lipsey and Dr. .) His health has improved; his

white blood cells are climbing towards normal. He says he feels better now than

he has in three years. He just finished IV treatment of Cancidas that he had

daily since June 18. He had this IV therapy for four months to kill the

aspergillus and Penicillium. Yes, he still has battles to fight regarding his

health and will for the rest of his life but for now he is feeling stronger. In

his words...he's feeling " awesome " .

I have hired excellent lawyers (searched for a lawyer for 1.5 years) and I am in

the middle of a legal battle with the school district where my son was horribly

infected with mold. The school is Westview high school in , TN. You can

google 'Mold at Westview high school TN' and you will find all kinds of

articles regarding this legal battle. Not only did I have to fight for my son's

life with 'unbelieving', uncaring doctors for more than a year, but now I'm

fighting the school system for the children and teachers left behind in that

building. The teachers have begged the district for more than 9 years to make

their school a safe environment. Nobody listened. We don't have a lot of money,

but I was willing to do whatever it took to save my son's life!

Thanks to KC (tigerpaw), and this web site, I continue to read good advice and

help. And, thanks to prayers, Dr. , and a change of environment for my

son, he is improving daily. If my son would have died because of this mold, I

too would have died from a broken heart!

I am giving you Dr. 's website and phone in case you are interested in

contacting him. God bless you and I will pray for you. I pray for everyone who

contacts '' website for I know what you are going through.

Dr. 's website: www.immunotoxicology.com

Ph: 281-681-8989



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