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Re:Daughter was allergic to almost all molds she tested for

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I had about 15 years of immunotherapy, with allergists, for multiple

environmental and food allergies. I started around age 9, and finished around

age 24, and I can safely say that those shots never did me a damn bit of good.

On the contrary, I could always count on being sicker on the evening following

those shots, than any other night of the week. One interesting observation that

I made, as a child, that stays with me to this day (I'm 64), was that one of my

female allergists always wore a full-length mink coat, even on the hottest days

of summer (you do the inferral). My allergies and asthma have vastly improved,

by using the same technique that I now use for my toxic mold reaction. That

technique is " complete avoidance, to the point of 'insanity', of anything that

will trigger my illness. "

My toxic mold (non-allergic) reactions began about seven years ago. When I get

a mold reaction, now, I find that my asthma medications relieve only about 20%

of my suffering. From this observation, I assume that my mold reaction is 20%

allergic, and 80% toxic(non-allergic). Everyone is different, and will have

their own mix of combined allergic/non-allergic mold reactions. The definitive

tip-off, for me, was, that as I took ever-increasing doses of asthma medicines,

I would eventually reach the point that they became cardio-stimulating

(palpitations) without relieving my breathing problems. This had NEVER happened

to me, prior to my " toxic " mold reactions beginning. This indicated that I had

taken more medicine than my ASTHMA required. If I could still not breathe, at

that point, then what I was dealing with, was NOT asthma.

Don't be too concerned about heart palpitations from beta-adrenergic asthma

inhalers and nebulizers (albuterol). My palpitations were due to the fact that I

was taking that medicine in PILL form. Pills are more systemic(body-wide) in

their effect. Inhalers and nebulizers mostly effect the lungs ONLY. My doctor

just switched me from the pill to the inhaler. He told me that " a man your age "

can't take any heart stimulation. This was the first time anyone ever said " a

man your age " to me, in ANY context. So, now I have substituted " age depression "

for " heart palpitations " . Such is life.


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Heart palpitations liked desribed below are also a coomon symptom from mold



J <jackiebreeze@...> wrote:

About a month and a half ago, I was admitted into the

hospital due to my blood pressure dropping very low

and then going up very high. My heart was racing like

a wild cat! This was before we finally got out of the

mold house. The doctor told me I HAD to cut back on

my asthma medications due to the heart palpations. He

said that people could have heart attacks from taking

too many inhalers. He said if my asthma got bad enough

to where I needed more inhalers than the 3 times a

day, that I did not need the inhaler but to get to the

ER ASAP.I do not take the asthma medication in pill

form with the exception of Singular. I was told it was

the inhaler form causing my palpations which could

lead to a heart attack and often did. At any age, we

need to listen to our bodies. Here in SC at one of

our university, there have already been several young

kids who passed from heart attacks.

--- Joe Salowitz <josephsalowitz@...> wrote:



> Don't be too concerned about heart palpitations

> from beta-adrenergic asthma inhalers and nebulizers

> (albuterol). My palpitations were due to the fact

> that I was taking that medicine in PILL form. Pills

> are more systemic(body-wide) in their effect.

> Inhalers and nebulizers mostly effect the lungs

> ONLY. My doctor just switched me from the pill to

> the inhaler. He told me that " a man your age " can't

> take any heart stimulation. This was the first time

> anyone ever said " a man your age " to me, in ANY

> context. So, now I have substituted " age depression "

> for " heart palpitations " . Such is life.


> Joe



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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I had bad reactions to every type of inhaler I tried, I dont use any.

with MCS to molds and chemicals several things can bring on heart

palpatations. I went to the ER one time when they were really bad and

they put me in a room that happen to have a good clean air system and

after laying there about 20 minutes the palpatations went away. this

was when it started soaking in to my head that if this was happening

it was a good sign that something was getting to me weither I smelt

it or not.



> About a month and a half ago, I was admitted into the

> hospital due to my blood pressure dropping very low

> and then going up very high. My heart was racing like

> a wild cat! This was before we finally got out of the

> mold house. The doctor told me I HAD to cut back on

> my asthma medications due to the heart palpations. He

> said that people could have heart attacks from taking

> too many inhalers. He said if my asthma got bad enough

> to where I needed more inhalers than the 3 times a

> day, that I did not need the inhaler but to get to the

> ER ASAP.I do not take the asthma medication in pill

> form with the exception of Singular. I was told it was

> the inhaler form causing my palpations which could

> lead to a heart attack and often did. At any age, we

> need to listen to our bodies. Here in SC at one of

> our university, there have already been several young

> kids who passed from heart attacks.



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I think that weither you have MCS or just mold/myco

hypersensitivy/hyperreactivity you will have reaccuring vasculitis to

some degree and heart palpitations along with it anywhere from mold

to sever depending on exposure consentration and your level of organ

damage. with MCS it seems that doing a spect scan after being exposed

to say a colone pr something that triggers a attack if they do EKG's

alomg with this it would show reaccureing vascular inflammation.

depending on the shape your in they may not have have you smell

anything as many things in the environment could cause it anyway.

> >

> >

> > About a month and a half ago, I was admitted into the

> > hospital due to my blood pressure dropping very low

> > and then going up very high. My heart was racing like

> > a wild cat! This was before we finally got out of the

> > mold house. The doctor told me I HAD to cut back on

> > my asthma medications due to the heart palpations. He

> > said that people could have heart attacks from taking

> > too many inhalers. He said if my asthma got bad enough

> > to where I needed more inhalers than the 3 times a

> > day, that I did not need the inhaler but to get to the

> > ER ASAP.I do not take the asthma medication in pill

> > form with the exception of Singular. I was told it was

> > the inhaler form causing my palpations which could

> > lead to a heart attack and often did. At any age, we

> > need to listen to our bodies. Here in SC at one of

> > our university, there have already been several young

> > kids who passed from heart attacks.

> >

> >


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I am aware of this but mine was from the medication.

--- a Townsend <kmtown2003@...> wrote:

> Heart palpitations liked desribed below are also a

> coomon symptom from mold exposer

> K


> J <jackiebreeze@...> wrote:


> About a month and a half ago, I was admitted into

> the



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