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Re: Hello!!! Re:Health effects of nonindustrial indoor air pollution J Bernstein e

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I say we need more people that does what Mr.Thrasher Does along with Attorneys

and Doctors Truth tellers. to me it's and horner to have these type of people

joining us online I'm still ill from my surgery looking for a place to live mold

free also toxic mold free. I have never seen anything like my case example the


friends I have trusted given all the info below tells me they googled my name

and there are 3 Elvira's one has a PHD so this couldn't be me? so I said Oh

because she's educated and I'm not it has to be her. Oh but there are more then

3 Elvira's out there she may have PHD but her e-mail address isn't

elvira52@... mine is.

that hurt me so bad because my education leval it's not up to par, I've been

throu and still going throu so much my surgery I'm not healing. because each

time I think I have a friend to help me things like this happen I just want to

know why. this is a long story but God bless all of you that are good and don't

seek to harm anyone only help educate people.

If I wasn't so weak that's one of the things caused by Formaldehyde headach

and so on what happen when this person told others. I wasn't the one the women

wanted to speak people turn on me until someone else spoke up for me. all one

need do is e-mail the person the offer come from that want be on google at this


the person also told me I was baker acted I told them I gave my info so they

can fine out who baker acted me when I was sick with asthma. Mental hospital

don't care about other illnesses I could have died if not for the media calling

long story. a so called friend did this to me I was also being evicted by mold

under HUD Housing at the time. not because I didn't pay rent or any thing else


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