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KC: Hope yours and all who visit and appreciate the " Sickbuildings " board have a

very happy New Year. Thank you so very much for your comments. A couple years

ago I made some promises that we would have some major developments wherein mold

exposures and illness are concerned. I believed then that this news would arise

from the massive mold exposure problems that Air Traffic Controllers are

continuing to face in Control Towers across the nation (which the FAA has all

but put on its very low priority list). I was one of four original consulting

experts on environmental health that had been contacted for this

arbitration/litigation process. I chose to depart from that process, mainly due

to the " snail pace " of the case. When a team we organized to visit Washington DC

in April 2007 to speak with members of the Senate and Congress, the president of

the Detroit Metro Air Traffic Controller's Association chapter accompanied us.

Others who dedicated their time and own expenses to make the trip and contribute

greatly were Dr. Jack Thrasher (Expert Toxicologist, exp., environmental fungi

and health), Dr. Dennis Hooper (Medical Mycology/Genetic Researcher), Ms. Cheryl

Bossio, Esq. (expert plaintiff's attorney greatly experienced in litigating mold

exposure health-related cases), Overton, Esq. (who also is experienced with

mold and health litigation). These people have been working hard either behind

the scenes or publicly to bring about greatly needed change. My thought then was

that 2007 was going to be a positive-explosive year for mold exposure victims.

This visit WAS successful in its own right, and Sharon Kramer's work to this

regard has been nothing less than exceptional, given the pressures and fiscal

issues facing her in her own litigation matter, but what has happened in reality

with all of our efforts in 2007, is that what we have accomplished as set up

2008 as a banner year for mold victims. In January several things will start to

happen to demonstrate clearly what I am telling you now. Look for news coming

out of Sacramento, California concerning this topic. And, remember all

throughout 2008, that you heard it here on " Sickbuildings " first. Sometime

between January 7-11, I will write " THE " post that I have been waiting to write

for over 11-years, AND I will guarantee that we will have some delightful fun

with all of those " naysayers " who have expressed the views/writings that " mold

exposures are not harmful. "

God Bless and take care. Doug Haney

EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc.

Email: _Haney52@...

@...: tigerpaw2c@...: Sat, 29 Dec

2007 03:08:40 +0000Subject: [] Re: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW,


Doug,Thank you very much for this post. It is one of the best I have even seen

on explaining the Ig panels. Very informative and easy to understand. Now if we

can only get the rest of our physicians to grasp this information we would all

be better off. KC---

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Don't leave us hanging!!!! What happens Jan 7th thru the 11th?? What are we

missing? Can you give us a hint?



Haney <_Haney52@...> wrote:

KC: Hope yours and all who visit and appreciate the " Sickbuildings " board have a

very happy New Year. Thank you so very much for your comments. A couple years

ago I made some promises that we would have some major developments wherein mold

exposures and illness are concerned. I believed then that this news would arise

from the massive mold exposure problems that Air Traffic Controllers are

continuing to face in Control Towers across the nation (which the FAA has all

but put on its very low priority list). I was one of four original consulting

experts on environmental health that had been contacted for this

arbitration/litigation process. I chose to depart from that process, mainly due

to the " snail pace " of the case. When a team we organized to visit Washington DC

in April 2007 to speak with members of the Senate and Congress, the president of

the Detroit Metro Air Traffic Controller's

Association chapter accompanied us. Others who dedicated their time and own

expenses to make the trip and contribute greatly were Dr. Jack Thrasher (Expert

Toxicologist, exp., environmental fungi and health), Dr. Dennis Hooper (Medical

Mycology/Genetic Researcher), Ms. Cheryl Bossio, Esq. (expert plaintiff's

attorney greatly experienced in litigating mold exposure health-related cases),

Overton, Esq. (who also is experienced with mold and health litigation).

These people have been working hard either behind the scenes or publicly to

bring about greatly needed change. My thought then was that 2007 was going to be

a positive-explosive year for mold exposure victims. This visit WAS successful

in its own right, and Sharon Kramer's work to this regard has been nothing less

than exceptional, given the pressures and fiscal issues facing her in her own

litigation matter, but what has happened in reality with all of our efforts in

2007, is that what we have accomplished as set

up 2008 as a banner year for mold victims. In January several things will start

to happen to demonstrate clearly what I am telling you now. Look for news coming

out of Sacramento, California concerning this topic. And, remember all

throughout 2008, that you heard it here on " Sickbuildings " first. Sometime

between January 7-11, I will write " THE " post that I have been waiting to write

for over 11-years, AND I will guarantee that we will have some delightful fun

with all of those " naysayers " who have expressed the views/writings that " mold

exposures are not harmful. "

God Bless and take care. Doug Haney

EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc.

Email: _Haney52@...

@...: tigerpaw2c@...: Sat, 29 Dec

2007 03:08:40 +0000Subject: [] Re: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW,


Doug,Thank you very much for this post. It is one of the best I have even seen

on explaining the Ig panels. Very informative and easy to understand. Now if we

can only get the rest of our physicians to grasp this information we would all

be better off. KC---


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Dr. Thrasher:

First, let me say that your wisdom and opinions have always been held in the

highest esteem with me, and continue as such. Second, there is no question what

so ever that Sharon Kramer's dedicated service to mold exposed victims has been

of unparalleled by our trip to Washington, DC, or anything else. And our trip

was not meant to compete with anyone or boost anyone's ego. Our mission was

clearly spelled out: (Mission/Objective: extracted from the trip report.)


Our primary focus was to educate federal lawmakers and special interest groups

as to the scientific facts relating to the complex pathogenic environment to

promote serious interest in order to enact responsible legislation that will

educate and guide fields involved sufficiently to adequately protect the health

and safety of American citizens.

The Politicians in Washington clearly demonstrated a proactive interest in the

welfare of the American public. They actively listened and posed thoughtful

questions in response to the material presented.


· Encouraged advanced medical training

· Positively impact our fight against human disease.

· Investigate dangerous and unhealthy exposures.

· Investigate alleged fraudulent concealment, cohesion, and unethical


· Mandate monitoring with public reporting and accountability

· Punish unethical destructive behavior against others and publicly

identify the perpetrators to discourage future such activity

The team suggested consideration of classification of mold-related diseases as

“reportable diseases” by healthcare professionals or facilities by the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)., Mold infections have proven to be

more difficult to medically diagnose and treat than bacteria or viruses despite

the availability genetic analysis to rapidly identify the disease.


For eight years now, I have been planning a trip such as this. Each person who

joined our venture in Washington DC paid their own expenses and were not

sponsored by any other party. No conflict of interest issues were present. The

teams mission was to initiate education as to the seriousness of health issues

involving human exposures.

We did our best as a cohesive team, and everyone gave outstanding presentations

unified in the goal to help educate the decision makers of our nation.

There are forces that do not want laws assisting in the health, safety, and

prevention of indoor exposures to unhealthy environments to come into effect in

the United States. As we push forward and demand full accountability and

disclosure it becomes ever clearer who the obstacles are behind the prevention

of initiation of safety measures with accountability for all Americans. We are

truly fighting a war of economy verses human quality, and the stakes are much

higher than other types of warfare because we are fighting invisible entities

within our own fold. I believe in the American way of life, and that justice

will endure.

Dr. Thrasher, as I recall, you went further than any of us in your dedication

because you were in quite a bit of pain at the time, and for that reason I

consider your participation extraordinary. However, I believe we did accomplish

quite a bit as a result of that trip because I have received several calls from

congress and senate aids since. To this regard, I do not believe that Sharon

Kramer feels anything but respect for our attention to mold exposure health

issues, and knowing her as I do, as we have spoken in the past, I believe she

feels as I do, that we are all in this effort together. I would welcome many

people to visit their political leaders and personally do not care in the least

who finally accomplishes the best results as I care about public involvement

more than anything. As I have stated before, this public health problem involves

a literal WAR between the values of American economics and the sciences AND an

American public that has suffered greatly because the " cause and effect " of

exposures to indoor pathogenic microfungi and the multitude of products with

microfungi and microfungi produced mycotoxins/MVOCs has been terribly neglected

and maligned in regard to human health and serious diseases. Beyond that scope

of interest, my personal work and efforts are simply part of the overall effort.

Third: Dr. Thrasher, until this date, I had no idea of the deep chemical

composites of MDF-500. However, your recommendations or not, I have found this

to be the very best answer in killing and sustaining the kill ratio of molds,

bacteria, and viruses that the government has ever produced as I have personally

used it in my home and on my patio area with exceptional results. It was used in

a surgical center in Roseville, CA with exceptional results as monitored through

standard remediation protocol. One year later, air sampling demonstrated clearly

that this product was highly effective. All of your concerns regarding this

product's can certainly be answered much better by the manufacturing folks at

Modec, Inc., of Denver, CO. The reason I promoted it in Washington DC, was that

it was being used for remediation efforts in other federal buildings, nationally

by HASMAT teams coast to coast, had been properly reviewed and registered by the

CA EPA, and might be useful in the Detroit Metro Control Tower situation, and at

the Walter Medical Hosptial. I will continue to suggest its use to anyone

who might find it useful. I suffer with MCS, sugar diabetes II (mellitus II),

polycystic kidney disease, severe GERD/acid reflux disease, and have 10 species

of microfungi at 4-7x the ranges formerly posed by ImmunoSciences Laboratory,

and this product's use has done nothing after use in my own home to harm me in

any manner. In fact, this year I have felt better than in years past. I can only

speak for myself on this subject, but though I absolutely value your opinions,

on this one humbly, I submit that I have to waiver and will look into your

considerations to a greater degree.

Fourth: Thank you for the update on the Detroit metro situation. I am aware of

that matter as well as several others around the country. My point overall is

that it moved too slowly for my involvement. Prior to your commitment to it I

had been reviewing this matter for nearly a year, and that is precisely why I

requested that you go to Washington DC, to meet with my friend and then, Detroit

Metro Air Traffic Controllers chapter President, Mr. Sugent. I wanted him to

meet you and for you to hear of their plight first hand. Another person who

should be working with Controllers, nationwide and not just in Detroit, is Dr.

Hooper. I have all the faith in the world, that with your expert assistance, and

that of Dr. Lipsey (whom I also hold in the highest of esteem), this matter will

resolve sooner than later, and that the mold exposed victims who have been made

seriously ill as a result of working there, will find effective medical

attention as a result.

God Bless you and your work, and I wish you and yours the very best New Year.

With warmest regard,

Doug Haney

@...: toxicologist1@...: Mon, 31 Dec

2007 06:03:46 +0000Subject: [] Re: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW,


Doug: I was on the trip to Washington, D.C. as you stated in the post below.

However, I strongly feel that Sharon Kramer's work was of greater benefit to the

indoor mold problem than what we accomplished. Also, the Air Traffic Control

Towers litigation is on the move. Both Dr. Lipsey and I are involved in this

matter. All litigation moves slowly. Finally, I remember on the trip that you

were promoting a fogging mixture of chemicals to be used in damp indoor spaces

to kill mold and bacteria. I just looked up the California Pesticide

Registration of this product at the request of an individual who wanted

information on its toxicology. The product is a petroleum distillate of the

diesel fuel and kerosene group. I would not recommend this product under any

condition, particularly when occupants may have developed MCS or chemical

hypersensitivity. The product I am referring to is MDF 500, California Pesticide

Registration No. 218536 and 21548. The USEPA number is 80364-1 and 9036r-2. A

registered pesticide is a pesticide. If I am wrong please let me know. Jack D.

Thrasher, Ph.D.>> KC: Hope yours and all who visit and appreciate

the " Sickbuildings " board have a very happy New Year. Thank you so very much for

your comments. A couple years ago I made some promises that we would have some

major developments wherein mold exposures and illness are concerned. I believed

then that this news would arise from the massive mold exposure problems that Air

Traffic Controllers are continuing to face in Control Towers across the nation

(which the FAA has all but put on its very low priority list). I was one of four

original consulting experts on environmental health that had been contacted for

this arbitration/litigation process. I chose to depart from that process, mainly

due to the " snail pace " of the case. When a team we organized to visit

Washington DC in April 2007 to speak with members of the Senate and Congress,

the president of the Detroit Metro Air Traffic Controller's Association chapter

accompanied us. Others who dedicated their time and own expenses to make the

trip and contribute greatly were Dr. Jack Thrasher (Expert Toxicologist, exp.,

environmental fungi and health), Dr. Dennis Hooper (Medical Mycology/Genetic

Researcher), Ms. Cheryl Bossio, Esq. (expert plaintiff's attorney greatly

experienced in litigating mold exposure health-related cases), Overton,

Esq. (who also is experienced with mold and health litigation). These people

have been working hard either behind the scenes or publicly to bring about

greatly needed change. My thought then was that 2007 was going to be a

positive-explosive year for mold exposure victims. This visit WAS successful in

its own right, and Sharon Kramer's work to this regard has been nothing less

than exceptional, given the pressures and fiscal issues facing her in her own

litigation matter, but what has happened in reality with all of our efforts in

2007, is that what we have accomplished as set up 2008 as a banner year for mold

victims. In January several things will start to happen to demonstrate clearly

what I am telling you now. Look for news coming out of Sacramento, California

concerning this topic. And, remember all throughout 2008, that you heard it here

on " Sickbuildings " first. Sometime between January 7-11, I will write " THE " post

that I have been waiting to write for over 11-years, AND I will guarantee that

we will have some delightful fun with all of those " naysayers " who have

expressed the views/writings that " mold exposures are not harmful. " > > God Bless

and take care. Doug Haney> EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc.> Email:

_Haney52@...> > > > @...: tigerpaw2c@...: Sat, 29 Dec

2007 03:08:40 +0000Subject: [] Re: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW,

2007> > > > > Doug,Thank you very much for this post. It is one of the best I

have even seen on explaining the Ig panels. Very informative and easy to

understand. Now if we can only get the rest of our physicians to grasp this

information we would all be better off. KC--->


i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a



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Dr. Thrasher: You are absolutely right about the dedicated service and

accomplishments of Sharon Kramer, and I am deeply appreciative of her

contributions and her valued friendship. To this respect, I do not believe there

is a big enough frame to hold all of the commendations this lady deserves, and

not enough words in the dictionary to cover all that she has done for victims of

unhealthy environmental exposures. You know, sort of how I feel about you, Dr.

Ritchie Shoemaker, Dr. Gray, Dr. Vojdani, and Dr. Lipsey, among the many. One

person who is not here, but who gave his patients his ultimate best was Dr.

Marinkovich. His loss has created a void as well as a setback for all of us that

will never be fully refilled. Personally speaking, I owe my life to his medical


As for the MDF-500 product, I have personally used the fog application in my

home. and I both have acute chemical sensitivity and have experienced

nothing with its use. I have either applied this product or monitored its

application in several homes, offices, and one surgical center and as yet, have

never had one complaint from anyone as to any adverse reactions. On the

contrary, I have had nothing but complete satisfaction. In California, which has

the most stringent EPA regulations in the Country, this product after over one

year of investigation and testing was given registration for use in indoor

environments. However, knowing of the general chemical components and how they

are used, I was unaware of any adverse levels of petroleum based activity within

the product. I am going to speak directly with Dr. Mark D. Tucker the primary

scientist who invented it, and get his take on your valid concerns. I will tell

you, that I have only observed excellent results in the use of this product, but

I am no longer involved with its application at present. My direct work with

this product has been primarily in a study of its overall effectiveness, and I

am greatly impressed. However, when you are concerned, due to the fact that I

value your vast experience and overwhelming knowledge base, I am concerned as


I am pleased to hear that your health concerns related to your leg have

improved, but to this regard, you are not that old in my book. However, shall I

now refer to you as my " old " friend? Just a bit of humor in the New Year, which

I wish you the best of. Take care.

With warmest regard,

Doug Haney

@...: toxicologist1@...: Wed, 2 Jan

2008 22:05:14 +0000Subject: [] Re: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW,


Doug: I did not mean to imply that we did not accomplish our goal. I only meant

to point out that Sharon Kramer has done outstanding work in this area,

particularly with the ongoing GA0 investigation. She is to be commended.I am

surprised that you are not aware of the chemical compopsition of MDF 500. There

is at least three products with this registration. One is known to release

copious amounts of ammonia. However, all are petroleum based. I do not recommend

their use, partcularly where an individual has chemical hypersensitivity. When

it comes to this illness some people are highly sensitive. The manufacturer and

registrar of these products do not warn regarding the issue of chemical

hypersensitivity. You may have used it successfully, but in my experience many

will not, particularly with respect to the diesel fuel rating of these products.

Jack D. Thrasher, Ph.D.P.S. My left leg injury has pretty well healed. It has

taken its time to heal. I had a severe muscle pull in the left gastrocnemius

muscle that probably will never be 100% at my age.>> KC: Hope yours and all who visit and appreciate the

" Sickbuildings " board have a very happy New Year. Thank you so very much for

your comments. A couple years ago I made some promises that we would have some

major developments wherein mold exposures and illness are concerned. I believed

then that this news would arise from the massive mold exposure problems that Air

Traffic Controllers are continuing to face in Control Towers across the nation

(which the FAA has all but put on its very low priority list). I was one of four

original consulting experts on environmental health that had been contacted for

this arbitration/litigation process. I chose to depart from that process, mainly

due to the " snail pace " of the case. When a team we organized to visit

Washington DC in April 2007 to speak with members of the Senate and Congress,

the president of the Detroit Metro Air Traffic Controller's Association chapter

accompanied us. Others who dedicated their time and own expenses to make the

trip and contribute greatly were Dr. Jack Thrasher (Expert Toxicologist, exp.,

environmental fungi and health), Dr. Dennis Hooper (Medical Mycology/Genetic

Researcher), Ms. Cheryl Bossio, Esq. (expert plaintiff's attorney greatly

experienced in litigating mold exposure health-related cases), Overton,

Esq. (who also is experienced with mold and health litigation). These people

have been working hard either behind the scenes or publicly to bring about

greatly needed change. My thought then was that 2007 was going to be a

positive-explosive year for mold exposure victims. This visit WAS successful in

its own right, and Sharon Kramer's work to this regard has been nothing less

than exceptional, given the pressures and fiscal issues facing her in her own

litigation matter, but what has happened in reality with all of our efforts in

2007, is that what we have accomplished as set up 2008 as a banner year for mold

victims. In January several things will start to happen to demonstrate clearly

what I am telling you now. Look for news coming out of Sacramento, California

concerning this topic. And, remember all throughout 2008, that you heard it here

on " Sickbuildings " first. Sometime between January 7-11, I will write " THE " post

that I have been waiting to write for over 11-years, AND I will guarantee that

we will have some delightful fun with all of those " naysayers " who have

expressed the views/writings that " mold exposures are not harmful. " > > God Bless

and take care. Doug Haney> EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc.> Email:

_Haney52@> > > > @: tigerpaw2c@: Sat, 29 Dec 2007

03:08:40 +0000Subject: [] Re: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW, 2007> >

> > > Doug,Thank you very much for this post. It is one of the best I have even

seen on explaining the Ig panels. Very informative and easy to understand. Now

if we can only get the rest of our physicians to grasp this information we would

all be better off. KC---> > > > > > > >

__________________________________________________________> i'm is proud to

present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a difference.>

http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/MTV/?source=text_Cause_Effect> > [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]>


i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a



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