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Ann (MB) - You can join the many of us who have decided to stick

around this board and help those who are new to the disease. Everyone

that has stayed on the board after their LO has passed experienced

different things - so collectively we can pretty much help all

aspects of caregiving b/c one of us has already been there.

My mom passed away September 2006, and I can honestly say that I know

more now than I did before. (unfortunately for Mumsie, but at least I

can pass on what I've learned to others...)

After my mother's passing I decided to be a facilitator of a LBD

support group. Now I can pass on all that I've learned to those

locally who are new. e.g. During mom's journey I didn't know who the

best doctors to go to in MA, now I know... The support group meets

monthly. To those who just join the local group receives an email

from me that lists a # of the most useful links that are out there

about LBD. I now have tons of local resources under my belt too -

some used by me & mom and others that were given to me from MA Alz.

Assoc. (e.g. local Day Care Centers, local In-Home Care Services,

etc.) Those who find me in MA are now getting a huge amount of info

in one dose... As you know caregiving is very time-comsuming so I'm

sure those w/in the local support group are grateful of the resources


One caregiver had his mother move into the same NH my mother was in,

another caregiver used the same woman who would give my mom weekly

compassionate touch massages, a few caregivers met with the doctor

who did the online Q & A session at LBDA.org, another caregiver went to

the elder law attorney that I went to...

I noticed that you're in WI - there isn't a local support group there

yet - see here: http://www.lewybodydementia.org/sptgroups.php

See - there's tons of stuff to do... And things that are not only

very useful to other caregivers, but gratifying for you too. And

healing too! Just by doing what I do on this board + what I do for

LBDA has allowed me to do something productive after the loss of my

mom - and I'm keeping my mom's spirit alive as well...


> So my father's battle with LBD is over, but I find I want to


> learning about this disease and helping others. Any suggestions


> the group?


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