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Dr. Luc : Homeopathy to the Rescue in Your Household! (fwd)

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Homeopathy to the Rescue in Your Household!

by Luc De Schepper, MD, PhD, DI Hom., CHom., Lic.Ac Write to Dr. Luc at:

drluc@... Visit Dr. Luc De Schepper's New Blog

www.homeopathysnc.org/blog.htm When you have children (and even adults that can

act like children) then mom knows that she needs to be prepared to be a doctor

in the field and trenches. I have five children and I suspect that one of the

reasons I got them is that they wanted to challenge me to see how good I was in

acute homeopathic prescribing. Hardly a day went by or I had to bring out the

" magic box " as it was dubbed by my combative children. " Let's see dad if

homeopathy can treat this, " was their warrior cry: Cuts, bruises as big as an

egg, burn wounds.and yes even heartaches and disappointments! I am actually

grateful for these challenges now as they are all grown ups, and have their own

children, and not even a moment do they doubt to use homeopathy for all the same

troubles their children cause now as they did to me. There is some pride in

their voice as they talk about having successfully treated some of the 101

incidences that do not require an ER visit or a even a doctor's visit. I want

the reader to get acquainted with some of these " magic pills " and put a

physician's cap up for a moment and see the " magic of the minimum dose " as we

call it.

Here follow some descriptions of homeopathic remedies you should have in your

first aid box. They easily replace Tylenol and company as they are effective if

truly indicated. The intake of these remedies for acute cases (I am not talking

about chronic diseases for which you need to consult a professional) is always

the same. Put two pellets of a 30C potency (NOT 6C) in a bottle of 8 oz spring

water, let them dissolve (if they are big pellets crush them first in paper

without touching them and throw the powdered remedy in the bottle) and take 1

tsp from the bottle directly. Do not repeat before two hours go by. If there

is total improvement after two hours there is no need to repeat. This bottle

should be kept out of sunlight or radiation.

The Magic of Arnica

This is the sports and injury remedy par excellence! Bruises, falls on the head

with the formation of the well known " eggs " on the front, black eyes (you never

know how they got them) and " over exercise " all respond by magic to Arnica.

" Over-exercise " can go truly to overdoing it even when you are a well trained

athlete. But I think more about children and adults alike who do very little

during the year, go on vacation and imagine that the muscles they never used,

are just ecstatic to be used excessively. Enthusiasm easily takes over the

first vacation day but the second day, one feels like a " bulldozer run over

him. " This is where Arnica comes in (the pellets taken orally in water are MUCH

more effective than the cream and cheaper!). Arnica can be used acutely after

operations where bruising takes place, is a must for the woman right after

delivery of her child, after tooth extraction.it brings the swelling down

immediately, stills the pain and stops the bleeding. Pure miracle! Keep in

mind: never use arnica for open wounds!

The sting of Hypericum

Have you ever crushed your finger between a door? Fingers are rich in nerve

endings and that's why it is excruciating painful! It is also indicated in any

pressure on nerves like in acute sciatica where the pain radiates down your leg

from the back on. While an chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture treatment

can do wonders, Hypericum's pain relieving characteristics are fabulous.

Indicated for those sharp, electrical, stinging and stitching nerve pains (even

in tooth pain).

Sprains and Rhus-tox

Nothing is more effective than Rhus -t for sprains and strains of your ligaments

no matter where in your body.

You rolled over your ankle and now a swelling appears? Make sure there is no

fracture first but in such sprain there is restoration within a few days. It is

also greatly indicated in any lumbago. You lifted some things during a move?

You hyper-extended your shoulder serving a tennis bal or less gloriously,

painting a ceiling in your home? You worked for hours bent over in the yard and

now you really do feel your age as you can't straighten your back? Put the

youth back in that lower back with Rhus-tox and look forward to your next day of

gardening! Keep it also in mind after acute whiplash!

Grief and Ignatia

While physical ailments can bring much pain, whoever has felt grief (and who

hasn't) needs this remedy.

Hearing bad news, emotional shock from seeing horrible things, unexpected death

of a friend or family member, deception and betrayal and the first lost love of

your child.nothing makes the healing of the soul smoother than Ignatia. It has

all the characteristics of deep grief: hysterical crying or sobbing, loss of

appetite, even the development after grief of a stiff neck or tic nerveux,

constant sighing, a feeling of a ball in the throat, loss of sleep in your

grief.this miraculous remedy will remedy all of this before the situation might

develop in a full blown depression! I wish the rest of the world knew of this

remedy! Tell your friends, they will be grateful.

I even had children developing a stiff neck when humiliated by a coach or

teacher in front of everyone. Always have Ignatia remedy for the many insults

to the soul!

Infection and Calendula

I wish allopathy would know the wonders of the antiseptic characteristics of

this remedy. Again better to take the remedy orally rather than using it on the

open wound although you can do both! Any cuts, open wounds, scraped skin,

incisions after operations, post delivery to heal the cu in the perineum, to

avoid infection after tooth extractions, can be avoided and healed with

Calendula, derived from a little flower like Arnica, True Nature does not have

healing boundaries and limitations. Mankind has not made sufficient use of its


Aconite and Fever

If your child wakes up around midnight with sudden high fever, weeping, very

restless, hot to the touch In the head and over the body, bring Aconite out to

the rescue! That little tsp from your bottle as by magic will calm the child

down, make her fall asleep and often, the first dose cures! How could it have

happen? It often happens on a sunny but rather cold NE windy day.The child has

been sweating and caught a cold, which shows up without warning between midnight

and 2 am with these violent expressions. It is also a great remedy for anyone

who was caught in a sudden fright.almost died from as heart attack or from an

accident: the restless and excited mind needs the calming capacity of Aconite!

And no better remedy for the fearful woman pregnant for the first time, fearful

for what can happen during the delivery!

Cantharis and burn wounds

The sun is out for the first time and you can't get enough! And it was so great

to splash around in the pool or ocean, but when evening comes, you are burning

allover your body in spite of sun cream.Even blisters (second degree burn) can

show up.Reach to cantharis for first and second degree burn wounds and see

healing taking place without the formation of scars. As I told you before, my

children did test this remedy more than once!

Arsenicun: such poison and such healer!

To finish a remedy that " I never leave home without, " (never mind Mastercard),

especially on my travels overseas! For any food poisoning with bad water,

causing burning constant diarrhea, draining your fluids, Arsenicum is indicated.

The diarrhea is an expression of the body's attempt to purification and

evacuation and Arsenicum will assist the body in doing so in the right way.

Medications that stop the diarrhea often don't help (it is like putting a cork

in your anus leaving the toxins in your body where they play havoc!). Numerous

are the people I helped with this wonderful remedy in Mexico, India, Egypt,

china, Morocco.The travel brochure usually does not advertise Montezuma's

revenge as they call this illness. Don't be caught without having Arsenicum at


These are just some of my favorite remedies but there are so many more. Much

more can be learned from my book, " The People's Repertory, " which you should

have at home and bring on your travels. You feel empowered and grateful you can

help your family and others!

Become a domestic physician!!

Warm regards from Dr Luc!

-- Posted By Dr. Luc De Schepper to Dr. Luc De Schepper for HSNC at 8/09/2007

02:08:00 PM

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