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bladder infections

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Wouldnt simple innflamation from lyme/infection be causing that narrowed


You gals that had it stretched and/or scraping (oh gosh) have my sympathy.

Re the water, expect bladder to get better very slowly, because of its nature.

Its never empty so picture an irritated organ constantly filled with acid or

concentrated urine, trying to heal. It literally takes months but the chlorine

in the water seems to have been the culprit for me all these years.

Coleen <granscot@...> wrote:


Weren't you lucky, being asleep and all. My Uroligist did not put me to

sleep when he did some kind of testing, where he filled the bladder with

water, emptied it then filled it with air. I had to have my ureatha

dialated-stretching-every 6-9 months, i remember I had asked him if

there wasn't some kind of an operation to fix it and I remember he said

no. Then when having a hysterectomy I also have bladder suspended(2 Dr's

preforming same time) he told me he had fixed it and I wouldn't have to

have that dialation anymore. Well, that was good news then but would

have liked to have slapped him in the face for lying to me earlier,

maybe insurance wont' pay to have that procedure only? Anyway he used a

stainless steel piece shaped like a pear that would be placed up and

then pulled out. THAT HURT, then the ride home felt like bladder was

going to blow out thru stomach and then for the next 24 hrs every time

one urinated we are talking blow torch in that area. Years I had to have

that done, its now been two years and haven't been back yet I still have

many infections which I now treat myself with Rife machine although the

only thing that keeps it away is Rocephen IM-bladder infections that is.


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Coffee irritates the kidneys and bladder worse. There are some really cool teas

out there and you can double them to get your caffeine.....thats what I

do....two or even THREE teabags and we go for the really cool flavors like

natural cherry from france....(its tea with real cherry flavor, etc)....


Coleen <granscot@...> wrote:


Point taken but there hasn't been any sex here for over 10 yrs, thank

you LD, wear only cotton panties, why I even had a Dr tell me to put my

panties in microwave and cook them, he said it was sure to kill all non

washable germs.

I think why some of us have more problems in that area is because Lyme

gets in there where we have weaknesses, I had first bladder infection at

age 17 but never like this and its been 40 yrs of once in a while where

normal drugs for that use has cleared them. Nothing has any affect on

them for years, Rife will keep me from totally crying and when I get

really uncomfortable I rife for 4 days, twice a day. I know I should

stop drinking coffee but please leave me with one vice as all the rest

have been given up already, I certainly have backed off the amount of

coffee I drink these days, water and coffee and not much coffee.

Also take note I am not sleeping this nite either


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No sex here either, so cant be that...for me it was the chlorine in the water. I

think it may be affecting more people than me, as it started post lyme.

FSMFarms <fsmfarms@...> wrote:For those of you who have infections, I use

to have them before lyme. The

cause was sexual relations. The Drs advised me to urinate after sex and I

haven't had one since. It flushes out any bacteria that gets up into the

bladder. I don't know if this is the cause of any of yours, but I did this

and for over 20 yrs haven't had a bladder infection.

[ ] bladder infections

> Connieknwn,

> Weren't you lucky, being asleep and all. My Uroligist did not put me to

> sleep when he did some kind of testing, where he filled the bladder with

> water, emptied it then filled it with air. I had to have my ureatha

> dialated-stretching-every 6-9 months, i remember I had asked him if

> there wasn't some kind of an operation to fix it and I remember he said

> no. Then when having a hysterectomy I also have bladder suspended(2 Dr's

> preforming same time) he told me he had fixed it and I wouldn't have to

> have that dialation anymore. Well, that was good news then but would

> have liked to have slapped him in the face for lying to me earlier,

> maybe insurance wont' pay to have that procedure only? Anyway he used a

> stainless steel piece shaped like a pear that would be placed up and

> then pulled out. THAT HURT, then the ride home felt like bladder was

> going to blow out thru stomach and then for the next 24 hrs every time

> one urinated we are talking blow torch in that area. Years I had to have

> that done, its now been two years and haven't been back yet I still have

> many infections which I now treat myself with Rife machine although the

> only thing that keeps it away is Rocephen IM-bladder infections that is.

> Coleen


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<<You can get relief from you bladder infections by using D-Mannose, it isinner

leaf aloe. It comes in a powder that you take every day. IT blocks the

receptor sites that the bacteria would normally attach to in the bladder>>>>

Yes ,

You are right it does work...........I have taken it from time to time......


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ConnieK wrote:

><<You can get relief from you bladder infections by using D-Mannose, it isinner

leaf aloe. It comes in a powder that you take every day. IT blocks the

>receptor sites that the bacteria would normally attach to in the bladder>>>>


>Yes ,

>You are right it does work...........I have taken it from time to time......





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Any health food store should carry it, or you can buy online. If you can't

find a source contact me and I will give you the source of Mannose I use.




Connie & , where do you get it D-Mannose

Sorry to be so short but I am really feeling bad tonite



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<<<Connie & , where do you get it D-Mannose. Sorry to be so short but I am

really feeling bad tonite


I believe Vitamin Shoppee carries it.......


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  • 2 years later...

Hi Everyone: I have been treated over and over again for bladder and

urinary tract infections with repeated antibiotics. Does anyone here

have an idea if this is caused from the mycotoxins and have this same

problem? I know anitbiotics are NOT good for us but the cranberry

juice,etc. does not do the trick. Anyone have this problem and have an

alternative to medications? Thanks in advance- Diane

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Hey Diane -

Got confused for a second about which of my lists this message was on... lol.

Am also on a list for my Polycystic Kidney Disease - a topic another list member

brought up several weeks ago (you're welcome to search for his email - I don't

want to speak for anyone else's experience).

Since you've asked, I'll tell you about mycotoxins and my kidneys - hopefully

this isn't what you've got going on, but it's worth knowing about.

A decade ago, CDC published a study that showed that this genetic disease may

have an environmental trigger in some people

http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol3no2/miller.htm- and whaddya know, I have no

known family history and my diagnosis came after substantial mold/mycotoxin


PKD is a disease where folks can get a lot of UTIs... bladder infections are

less frequent. What happens is that the renal cells -the nephrons- swell up

with fluid and stop functioning as kidney cells.

In this study above, they analyzed the cyst fluid of kidneys that had been

removed and found all kinds of toxins as you can see in the study. To the best

of my knowledge, no one has ever looked at the fluid from cysts in kidneys that

are still in tact, but I've been writing around to see if anyone is pursuing

this field of inquiry (have been sending notes to the Kidney Foundation and to

USDA where there are still scientists interested in the subject).

When I lived in our mold pit apartment (none was visible in my unit, but there

was plenty in the air), I had three major hemorrhaging incidents within a year,

and the last one had them doing imaging of my abdomen to look at the pooled

blood - that's when they discovered inadvertently that my kidneys had cysts 'too

numerous to count' in them. Only they thought I was dying and didn't bother to

mention this to me... oh well. Thankfully, this niggling feeling that I was

missing critical information made me pull all the hospital records, and I

stumbled upon the diagnosis that they didn't bother to pass along to my primary

care doctor, either.

Now, I'm certainly not wishing this on you by any means...there are worse

diseases, but you really don't want this one. If you are having trouble with

this system, you should be aware that at least a couple of us and a study at CDC

say that this can happen to folks with mold/mycotoxin exposure.

My bloodwork (Creatinine/BUN) numbers still look pretty normal, but 24-hour

urine testing shows that my renal function is close to 50% (which is still a

WEALTH of function frankly) - down from roughly 75% when I was diagnosed 4 years

ago. (The big drop appears to have come from a cyst rupture - something I

learned from the folks on my PKD list since the ER docs and my nephrologist

couldn't explain the pain/blood in urine/fever that are apparently typical of

cyst ruptures).

I have an artificial heart valve for which I take blood thinners, and CSM is

contraindicated with the drugs I take, so am hoping that I can get a monitor to

test my blood at home and eventually try doing the protocol. Who knows? If I

can get the toxins out, maybe I can slow or even stop disease progression...?

That would sure be a miracle to folks with PKD. Dunno.

The easy way to get a good look at kidneys if this might be a problem is with

a sonogram. I'll add that I also have cysts in my liver, spleen, pancreas,

sinus and on my spine... Is this the body's way of isolating toxins I haven't

been able to eliminate? Excellent question, glad you asked. ;-) Hope so -

that might mean a resolution (I'd hesitate to say 'cure') is possible.


dianebolton52 <dianebolton@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone: I have been treated over and over again for bladder and

urinary tract infections with repeated antibiotics. Does anyone here

have an idea if this is caused from the mycotoxins and have this same

problem? I know anitbiotics are NOT good for us but the cranberry

juice,etc. does not do the trick. Anyone have this problem and have an

alternative to medications? Thanks in advance- Diane

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Hi Diane,

I have had the same experience as you, and after many antiobiotic failures, I

thought maybe they are fungal infections. So, I tried oregano oil capsules and

have had much more success. The symptoms usually abate within 24 hours but I

take the oregano oil for a few more days after. I still get the bladder infects

& uti's, but not nearly as often. I also use cranberry pills. Watch the

cranberry juice, be sure there is no added sugar in it. Sugar is fuel for the

infections and eliminating it from your diet would also help.

A note of caution on the oregano oil - it is hard on the stomach so be sure to

get the enteric coated type.


(standard disclaimer - not giving medical advice, just relaying what works for


[] bladder infections

Hi Everyone: I have been treated over and over again for bladder and

urinary tract infections with repeated antibiotics. Does anyone here

have an idea if this is caused from the mycotoxins and have this same

problem? I know anitbiotics are NOT good for us but the cranberry

juice,etc. does not do the trick. Anyone have this problem and have an

alternative to medications? Thanks in advance- Diane

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its your pituitary that controls your urination. Are you going frequently?

Thirsty a lot? Just a thought? Do You have dark urination spot on your

underware? Before I saw Dr Marinkovich (may he rest in peace) I to Thought I

had a bladder problem. When I shared with Dr M my symptoms. He said very

common when you've been exposed to mold and are colonized. This is also how I

was able to tell that my little girl was affected by mold. It wasn't until I

saw Dr Gray that I am now just understanding it. Some of us mold patients get

whats called Diabetes Insipidus. Are body's can't hold on to fluids. hence

frequent urination and why it may feel like a bladder infection. I can't

remember which test they use for this but it is in Mold Warriors by Shoemaker.

Check with your Dr, this is from my personal experience

The Canaries <thecanaries@...> wrote: Hi


I have had the same experience as you, and after many antiobiotic failures, I

thought maybe they are fungal infections. So, I tried oregano oil capsules and

have had much more success. The symptoms usually abate within 24 hours but I

take the oregano oil for a few more days after. I still get the bladder infects

& uti's, but not nearly as often. I also use cranberry pills. Watch the

cranberry juice, be sure there is no added sugar in it. Sugar is fuel for the

infections and eliminating it from your diet would also help.

A note of caution on the oregano oil - it is hard on the stomach so be sure to

get the enteric coated type.


(standard disclaimer - not giving medical advice, just relaying what works for


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I never had a bladder nor kidney infection until right after the mold.

I have tried and tried to get around taking antibotics due to inherited

liver issues. One thing, the bladder is a vital organ and something

one shouldn't mess around with. If you need an antibotic to clear it

up, do so because if a bladder infection is not cleared, it can cause

even worse issues than taking an antibotic to clear it. Just take a

bunch of probotics afterward the antibotic treatment. I don't like

antibotics and I know they are bad, but an infection can cause worse

health and organ damage if left untreated.

--- In , " dianebolton52 " <dianebolton@...>



> Hi Everyone: I have been treated over and over again for bladder and

> urinary tract infections with repeated antibiotics. Does anyone here

> have an idea if this is caused from the mycotoxins and have this same

> problem? I know anitbiotics are NOT good for us but the cranberry

> juice,etc. does not do the trick. Anyone have this problem and have


> alternative to medications? Thanks in advance- Diane


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