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Re: SWhat are natural mold prevetatives?

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Dear Bex:

I'm no expert, but you sound like savvy about housecleaning, so if the rental

you're in has enough moisture in it to have mold growing on your sheets, I think

you're beyond feeling confident that an air purifier keep you safe. You can't

clean what you can't see and what isn't in your own apartment - and from what

you've written, it seems your landlord isn't interested in searching out the

source of the water intrusion and doing a thorough remediation.

If there is a problem throughout the building, it is unlikely to be something

you can address yourself - the State of New York is making progress about

addressing mold, but the systems are not yet in place for the state to assist

you in determining whether or not your health is at risk.

My advice is to get out while you have the strength to do so. Several of us

on the list thought we could tough it out or fight it out, and several of us

have later just been able to escape by the skin of our teeth. In my building,

we did not all survive, and I mean that literally. We can prove one death, and

there's a second we all have serious questions about.


ccgardenlady <ccgardenlady@...> wrote:

Besides fresh air and sunshine. I am wondering how to furthur prevent

mold form coming back into my aptment I lost all of my Orchids,and

many tropicals plants due to mold being in my building and being in

theri soil I was not over watering them either?? The landlord does

not see this mold as a health problem.

I live in Staten Island, and I see other areas here with mold

problems. My sons house had mold problem and he and his wife cleared

it all out and put in new walls and pipes rugs and new floors. I am

wondering how to prevent this from happening again? I am trying to

keep up with the posts and learn how to deal with the mold.

I now know about being careful in using bleach and used white vinegar

with great succes on a flannel sheet I found with green mold spots on

it. I washed the sheet well in hot water and had poured white

vinegar all over the spotted areas. I washed the flannel sheet alone.

It came out without any ring or spoting, it was clean and smelled

fresh and clean. I am airing out the area where I had the bed with

this the sheet on it. I can not afford the any more expensive air

purifiers. I only have a Ionic Pro and a ionic Silverline by Hoover

which is so quite I never know it is on it uses filters sheet. I just

learned about one called the Rabbit .it is not an energy monster and

actully is known to kill mold as well as the commomn air pollutents

and animal dander, it has a nanao silver filter which I have found

out to be a very goodf thing to have in a filter. But I have to wait

to get one. I want low energy consumption as well as high efficencey

in getting rid of mold,reduce virus,pollen, dust allergens etc. I

have a Germ Guardian which I like very much and am using in

conjuction with my air purifiers/ionizers.I am trying my best I know

others here have a lot more knowledge than I have any suggestions

would be very much apprecated I have gownm to the files and am

reading as much as I cna absorb and understand.thanks for any

answers/ suggestions and posts with me in mind. deLadyBex

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