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RE : RE: Jan 7th

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Doug - Dealing with a corrupt enitity/entities is unbelievable - and happened to


Upon filing complaints about IAQ,or lack thereof in my school, in my city, the

state reacted with only a warm and fuzzy type relationship, which made me smell

a rat. At that point, the key people in the STATE also had CITY jobs! The

state IAQ report blamed ME for the problems.

The late Congressman Joe Moakley diffused in 2001, correspondence to OSHA in

Washington, DC (Incidentally, when I testified for Cong. Conyers in 2002, in

Detroit, I discovered they were good friends in Congress) and all local and

state officials who denied any wrongdoing or standards of care for mold. Joe

Moakley also wrote in my behalf to the head of OSHA in 2001, shortly before his

death, from leukemia, ironically caused by anti-rejection (for a liver

transplant) drugs, ironically also made from many of the molds we know can make

us very sick. My school was in Cong. Moakley's district, one block from his own

house, as well as mine! It was a disgrace.

By that time, I had been in law school, (I could still read!) looking for

answers, (after my personal career plans were derailed by aspergillus) sick,

dragging and still teaching, and mother of 3, but better able to link the rotten

apples in the barrel. What politicians hate more than anything is public

embarrassment, and an image that purports to be helpful, while at the same time,

will work endlessly to '' shut you up " or move you out. I never had anything

less than an A or Excellent rating which went to an F or Unsatisfactory rating.

I was personally humiliated, but my kids were on or above grade level, so I knew

they were liars.

If I had moved, I would have had no opportunity to get more samples tested

from other classrooms, invite a city councilor into my classroom, to see the

mold, much to the dismay of the then-principal, and, really get my arms around

the lengths officials will take to protect their dirty turf, and let children

and staff fall victims to asthma and cancer. The longer I stayed, the better

were my lessons in employee-abuse, and Whistleblower Retaliation. Cong.

Moakley's sent me a great deal of information on Whistleblower issues, since

they knew that is what was going on.

Your reference to Vietnam is particularly compelling as it is an indicator of

service to our country and also the " biologicals'' used there in combat. The

real war is " within'' - our " free " country.

Your state is no different from mine.

The indicator that the WC claim was settled, and I don't know the terms, shows

me, that the higher the level of combat; the other side KNOWS they are losing.

All these sick people cannot be wrong. There should not exist a need for

legislation, if the government was applying Internationally respected standards,

since the Geneva Convention of 1924 banning these ''biologicals'' in warfare, to

all levels of living in a civilized nation, we claim to be. All these people

are not all depressed, menopausal, hypochondriacs.

Their abuse of workers could make you depressed. Finding no help at the

doctors could make you depressed. Finding the government not helpful could make

you depressed. Or, as I have read " when repression is greatest, so is the

rebellion against the injustice. "

The more they fight you, the closer you are to victory.


Haney <_Haney52@...> a écrit :


Since you were the first to ask, here is what I can relate at the moment. When I

initially arrived and served in Vietnam, I was placed into a MASH unit with the

" Big Red One (this was before I was transferred to a combat unit up in Quang

Tri/I Corp). " The area surrounding Ben Cat, where I was located at that time was

called the " Iron Triangle " The Iron Triangle, as any Vietnam veteran who served

" In Country, " and they will tell you that throughout the war, this area was a

literal " hot bed " of enemy action. With that scenario in mind, I am choosing to

call what I am about to relate as the “Iron Triangle of Sacramento.”

In Sacramento presently, there are three potential litigation matters

[volcanically about to erupt] involving three important state and local

government entities, two of which own and continued to operate in

water-damage/plagued sick buildings with longstanding knowledge of the potential

environmental health hazards present within these buildings.

All of these matters directly relate pathogenic human exposures to a variety of

microbes (several strains of micro fungi and bacteria) and chemicals. All

involve prevailing and ongoing serious human health conditions attributable to

both biochemicals and bioaerosols that ARE conclusively and verifiably

associated with the unhealthy environmental conditions of these buildings. All

have multiple errors in judgment, possible illicit activity, conflicts of

interest, and fraudulent concealment and several other legal concerns attached

to private industrial and governmental activities within their administrative


One of these matters has already been adjudicated in the California Workman’s

Compensation system, where the plaintiff’s compensation for injury was recently

denied. This particular case has virtually opened up a literal “can of worms”

that currently is being; or about to be, investigated by several federal, state,

and county government investigative entities. In this case the Department of

Homeland Security, has been notified of the circumstances pertaining to certain

improprieties that have taken place that could affect the health and welfare of

millions of Americans. This case is also has human rights issues at its base;

calls the ACOEM’s “general guideline” California WC adopted practices into

question; and, may well have serious implications for massive changes in

California WC and workman’s compensation programs nationwide.

The second situation involving a 24-story building housing state workers and

other industrial entities, unfortunately I cannot comment on at the moment.

The third situation involves a senior citizen complex run by a county entity

that in the past year alone it is alleged, is water damaged/plagued with

prevailing unhealthy environmental conditions; has observed several people die

of cancers, respiratory failure, and possibly one suicide. City and county

administrative personnel were made aware of the years of neglect faced in this

building. Management had made promises to residents that this building was on a

“6-month, fast-track” for revitalization/reconstruction for a few years, and yet

virtually nothing has been done at this juncture.

Since I am involved with all three of these unfolding situations, at the moment

they are not open for any further presentation. However, each matter has

potential as a “media explosive” news item. Each matter will no-doubt exploit

what pathogenic micro fungi exposure victims have known and experienced for at

least a decade now, that such exposures cause serious health problems in humans.

And, each matter will definitely expose exactly why molds and yeasts/mycotoxins

and mvocs; found in all kinds of American products as opposed to viral and

bacterial microbes, have been placed on the “back burner” of government/private

industry-funded research.

Some of you may not realize how extremely important these matters are. However,

those of us who have been studying, researching, and reporting how dangerous

indoor microbes, particulates, and toxins are to human health, and how the

science behind the studies have been maliciously distorted, maligned, and

concealed might understand the potential herein. These unfolding matters also

promise to expose the trials and tribulations that esteemed medical doctors and

scientists who have been medically diagnosing, treating, and researching “toxic

molds” have had to endure at the hands of those who have purposely condemned and

attempted to ruin them professionally.

Since I began to devote what I had learned of the molecular sciences in over a

decade of personal study, to the study of micro fungi and environmental health

initiating in 1999, I have been waiting something such as I have just described

to unfold. When I began my quest to understand the magnitude of microbial

infestations and contaminates in unhealthy or “sick” buildings, I did not

believe that molds were anymore than simple allergens. I could never have been

convinced for a second that medical doctors whom we entrust with our health and

very lives, could actually be petty, corrupt, or dishonest; especially in the

United States of America. I would never have believed that our political system

of justice and government would place economics above human health and safety.

And yet, now I am disillusioned and find myself mistrusting, not because of any

since of impropriety, but because I have experienced and observed it over the

last eight years not just in Sacramento, but as

I have traveled across our Country. With these three possible litigation

matters unfolding, and my personal involvement in them (together with experts of

the highest qualifications being notified and retained), our efforts will

no-doubt assist with unbiased facts and scientifically “peer-reviewed” materials

that are bound to be heard, VERY CLEARLY.

I cannot say weather or not I would vote for Senator Hillary Clinton or not, but

yesterday I observed her say something that is absolutely true (rare for a

politician of course). She stated, “Something is seriously wrong in American,

and I want a chance to fix it before it is too late.” She is absolutely right,

something is wrong, and how politicians view the unhealthy conditions and

federal, state, and local handling down in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina

is a perfect example of what she was talking about. To my utter amazement,

during this election year, not one question have I heard posed about the need

for “mold legislation and/or research funding” posed to any of these so-called

potential American president-elects’. We should be making this a major election

topic in the cities where these candidates visit, as well as in our local and

national media. We should be bringing the fact that Michigan Congressman

Conyers Jr., has presented three “Mold Bills” to the

Congress, and though WE have solicited both Senator and Senator

Hillary Clinton MANY, MANY times, we have NEVER received any support from either

candidate, such as we have from Senator Ted Kennedy! WHY NOT, if both candidates

pose that they are concerned about healthcare in America? The real question is,

“what have these candidates done for victims of unhealthy and pathogenic

(disease-influencing) mold exposures lately? And, how do they propose to solve

this deadly problem, if elected?” Let’s see who has the fortitude to stand up to

this kind of heat? Similar questions were posed to California Congressman Dan

Lungren in a recent “Town Hall” meeting held in Folsom, California. I met with

his staff, discussed the issues much more thoroughly and presented facts, and as

a result… NOTHING YET!

More will evolve in time, as promised.

Doug Haney

EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc.

Email: _Haney52@...

@...: kmtown2003@...: Sun, 6 Jan 2008

09:10:24 -0800Subject: [] Jan 7th

So what is going on in Sacramento Jan 7th to the 11th??? Sitting on pins and

needles here!! I'm going to guess.Someone is going to admit that mold made all

those employees sick in that Goverment building in Sacremento??California is

going to pass a law about

mold???Anybody?---------------------------------Looking for last minute shopping

deals? Find them fast with Search.[Non-text portions of this message have

been removed]


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