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An unhealthy relationship blooms

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An unhealthy relationship blooms

Charlotte Sun-Herald - Charlotte Harbor,FL*


pubdate=010208 & story=tp8np14.htm & folder=NewsArchive2

I have been involved in a an unhealthy relationship for months, and

it keeps growing. On Nov. 12, I discovered a leak under my slab that

had come up through the carpeting and spread through four rooms of

the house. After having a restoration company come in and tear out

the carpeting and set up dehumidifiers and dryers, I quickly packed

a few things and moved my children over to my parent's house. But by

then the technician had uncovered a previously undetected occupant --


Of course, the technician couldn't say it was mold for sure until it

was tested, but still, I live in Florida. And we were here for

Hurricane Charley. So I know what mold looks like.

We settled in for what we assumed would be a week or two of family

togetherness with my parents, and I lined up a repipe job, the money

to pay for it, and contacted my insurance company to open a claim.

The repipe went beautifully. I will never have to worry about a slab

leak again. But of course, my insurance company didn't cover it. The

mold restoration, which they should be covering, is on hiatus. The

restoration people need money in order to continue the job, but

because I'm still waiting for my insurance company to tell me

something other than " A check's going to be in the mail for you

soon, " my home repair plans have stopped dead in its tracks.

I shouldn't say dead, though, since the mold is very much alive and

thriving in my house. In fact, the mold smell is worse now than it

was when I found the leak.

If you can't tell, I am starting to resent this new presence in my

life. Let me count the ways:

* Mold is spending more time in my house than I am. Because of mold,

I can't even live there, although I still have to be there several

times a day to check on the animals, put out trash, etc.

* Mold has taken over my favorite bathroom and is hogging what used

to be my sanctuary. Anyone who's a parent knows that the bathroom is

sometimes the only place to get two minutes of peace. Now I'm not

alone even when I'm in the bathroom.

* Mold dominates my conversations now. I frequently talk about how I

can't wait to get rid of it and move on with my life.

* Mold takes my breath away. I get headaches if I'm in my house for

more than a half hour.

* Mold can't be reasoned with. Talking to it does no good -- it's

not going to leave on its own. It has a foothold in my house.

Screaming and cursing at it is useless, too.

* Mold got to spend my first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year in

my house -- but my children and I didn't. At this rate, I may be

spending Valentine's Day with mold too.

* I spend a lot of money to keep mold living comfortably --

mortgage, electric, water and sewer -- not to mention the food in my

fridge it got since we weren't there to eat it.

Mold has not been a courteous house guest, and it's certainly

overstayed its welcome. I'm hoping that check really is in the mail

and I can evict it soon before it becomes a permanent resident.

By Noles

North Port Herald Editor

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