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RE: Aspergers Emergency Card

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Liz, Much as others may appreciate your work and your enthusiasm, this is the second time you've used the ASPIRES-RELATIONSHIPS list for what really amounts to a commercial solicitation.

I'm pretty sure Helen or may have reminded you that this is inappropriate for the list. There's also a possibility that you may have used "multiple addressees" on your convenient mailing to the discussion list, something that's also not in line with long-standing policy and practice asking members not to use a multiple addressee format in their postings to this list.

Unless things have really changed regarding both practices, please desist from solicitations and "good news" announced in this manner to the list. This is not a marketing forum.

Just to make something very clear...This discussion group list is NOT what is ordinarily considered "social media." That means it was established long ago as a confidential and private Internet venue for far different different purposes than Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and other similar social media.

It is Email, pure, simple, and that's all. Email's been around since the early nineties with well-developed politieness and appropriate use understandings that are well documented and well-justified. Please consult this discussion list's rules, which I helped to draft a long time ago. They have been in place almost as long as the list itself. I'm pretty sure you can access them from a home page link.

If not, please ask Helen or where they can be accessed.

Thanks. Grumpy old Meyer A stickler for "da rules" Aspergers Emergency Card > >Hello -- > >I just finished a project I'm quite proud of, and I hope it does some good in our crazy world. I designed a personalized card to be carried by people with Aspergers who may not be able to communicate well in a high stress emergency. > >The idea came about from some discussion on a list for parents of gifted AS/NLD kids ... we were talking about how our teen kids are learning to drive and becoming independent, maybe before they are as ready as their parents want. > >The idea is that we Aspies often know we aren't able to talk well, even when we want to be helpful. If we can get this card out in an emergency, anyone who reads it will know how to communicate with us. > >I'm selling the card on Zazzle. It has fill in the blank spaces for personal information and contact names and numbers, plus basic info on dealing with someone who might be having a meltdown. [Don't expect eye contact, don't grab me]. There's space to upload a photo, too. > >Unlike other cards I've seen, this one is not demeaning or insulting. It was designed by an Aspie graphic designer (me). > >Now for the part I hate -- marketing. I'm hitting the social media, telling friends, asking them to hit social media and tell their friends ... I think a card like this is a really good idea, and many people can use it. I do earn money from each sale, but that's almost beside the point -- for those that need a card like this, it's invaluable. And I do plan on donating some of the profits to As groups run by AS people. > >So please, help me spread the word. Take a look at the card, and use the Sharing buttons on the card's web page. > >http://www.zazzle.com/aspergers_emergency_card_postcard-239368349764157962?rf=238831668488066559 > >Please use the whole link above ... if you do, I get a few cents more in affiliate fees. > >I've also written a blog post about the cards, and another with directions to make one: >General Info: http://polymathsolution.com/blog/2012/04/19/aspergers-emergency-card/ >Detailed Instructions: http://polymathsolution.com/blog/2012/04/20/instructions-for-aspergers-emergency-card/ > >Liz > >------------------------------------ > > "We each have our own way of living in the world, together we are like a symphony. >Some are the melody, some are the rhythm, some are the harmony >It all blends together, we are like a symphony, and each part is crucial. >We all contribute to the song of life." > ...Sondra > > We might not always agree; but TOGETHER we will make a difference. > > ASPIRES is a closed, confidential, moderated list. >Responsibility for posts to ASPIRES lies entirely with the original author. > Do NOT post mail off-list without the author's permission. > When in doubt, please refer to our list rules at: > http://www.aspires-relationships.com/info_rules.htm > ASPIRES ~ Climbing the mountain TOGETHER > http://www.aspires-relationships.com >

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Excellent project, Liz,.

But do be discrete. As just pointed out, this

is not quite kosher on the List.

But having said that, I hope that a lot of folk take it

up. It appears to be something of a parallel to the business

card that Liane Holliday Willey promotes in her book Pretending to be

Normal. It is detailed in my Kingsley pb edition on page


This book of hers was the very first book on AS that I

purchased. The second was Edgar Schneider’s Discovering my

Autism. These two giving the experiences and considerations

of a female and a male are still very treasured writings in my AS

library. Anyone on the List who hasn’t read them may

well get a lot of benefit from them. Schneider’s follow

up book Living the Good Life with Autism has some very pertinent material on AS


Cheers, Ron.

From: aspires-relationships

[mailto:aspires-relationships ] On Behalf Of Liz

Sent: Saturday, 21 April 2012 12:20 PM

To: Undisclosed recipients:

Subject: [?? Probable Spam] Aspergers Emergency


Hello --

I just finished a project I'm quite proud of, and I hope it does some good in

our crazy world. I designed a personalized card to be carried by people with

Aspergers who may not be able to communicate well in a high stress emergency.

The idea came about from some discussion on a list for parents of gifted AS/NLD

kids ... we were talking about how our teen kids are learning to drive and

becoming independent, maybe before they are as ready as their parents want.

The idea is that we Aspies often know we aren't able to talk well, even when we

want to be helpful. If we can get this card out in an emergency, anyone who

reads it will know how to communicate with us.

I'm selling the card on Zazzle. It has fill in the blank spaces for personal

information and contact names and numbers, plus basic info on dealing with

someone who might be having a meltdown. [Don't expect eye contact, don't grab

me]. There's space to upload a photo, too.

Unlike other cards I've seen, this one is not demeaning or insulting. It was

designed by an Aspie graphic designer (me).

Now for the part I hate -- marketing. I'm hitting the social media, telling

friends, asking them to hit social media and tell their friends ... I think a

card like this is a really good idea, and many people can use it. I do earn

money from each sale, but that's almost beside the point -- for those that need

a card like this, it's invaluable. And I do plan on donating some of the

profits to As groups run by AS people.

So please, help me spread the word. Take a look at the card, and use the

Sharing buttons on the card's web page.


Please use the whole link above ... if you do, I get a few cents more in

affiliate fees.

I've also written a blog post about the cards, and another with directions to

make one:

General Info: http://polymathsolution.com/blog/2012/04/19/aspergers-emergency-card/

Detailed Instructions: http://polymathsolution.com/blog/2012/04/20/instructions-for-aspergers-emergency-card/


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