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Re: Help getting off miralax

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Hi Loretta,

I was only on for 6 weeks thank God. Do you have any symptoms you can attribute to it?

I went off cold turkey actually and went to Lactulose. When that did not work I went to Milk of Magnesia, 2 tablespoons every 2 days.

Going off will likely be difficult as my bowel completely quit afterward and I had to use Magnesium Citrate for a while but I am now regulated.

I have IBS and require narcotic pain meds which is what caused my trouble.

Hopefully this helps. I used to take Dulcolax and Exlax but that Milk of Magnesia works better. (And faster)


From: Loretta Bell

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:51 PM

To: miralax

Subject: Help getting off miralax

Hi! I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax, double dose for more than 5 years. Do not go to the bathroom without it. Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year. Follow gluten free, dairy free low carb diet. Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Natural calm works the quickest in my opinion. Milk of Magnesia. Shaklee Herblax works extremely well, probably my favorite but need to order from Shaklee distributor. Kirkman pro-bio gold chewable or capsule probiotic (need to order from kirkman labs website) there is a condition posted on the fda adverse reactions called ileus. It's a paralytic condition that we believe the medication is causing therefore, one couldn't go if they wanted to. This is why we believe it too be habit forming and it's my understanding one of the reasons that it's not suppose to be used for more than two weeks. I

believe they know this, problem is, physician's are going against the manufacturer's advice. We are petitioning the FDA in regards to this issue as we speak. Jeanie From: Loretta Bell

To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Mon, January 9, 2012 9:51:00 PMSubject: Help getting off miralax

Hi! I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax, double dose for more than 5 years. Do not go to the bathroom without it. Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year. Follow gluten free, dairy free low carb diet. Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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dulcolax has peg in itTo: miralax Sent: Tue, January 10, 2012 2:01:48 AMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Hi Loretta,

I was only on for 6 weeks thank God. Do you have any symptoms you can attribute to it?

I went off cold turkey actually and went to Lactulose. When that did not work I went to Milk of Magnesia, 2 tablespoons every 2 days.

Going off will likely be difficult as my bowel completely quit afterward and I had to use Magnesium Citrate for a while but I am now regulated.

I have IBS and require narcotic pain meds which is what caused my trouble.

Hopefully this helps. I used to take Dulcolax and Exlax but that Milk of Magnesia works better. (And faster)


From: Loretta Bell

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:51 PM

To: miralax

Subject: Help getting off miralax

Hi! I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax, double dose for more than 5 years. Do not go to the bathroom without it. Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year. Follow gluten free, dairy free low carb diet. Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Like any drug, you must titrate VERY SLOWLY. My daughter was on two full caps a

day (at 3 years old) to be able to have a bowel movement - DAILY. Now, after

several months of slowly weaning, She is on 1 cap a day two times a week. I

think we are close to being able to use one and a half cap 2x a week. If you cut

the doses too quickly, you will get constipated. If I were you, I'd go to a cap

and a half a day for a few weeks, then a full cap for a few weeks - sometimes

more than a month. DOn't be in a rush. Even if you think Miralax is " poison " (I

feel that way about a lot of narcotics too)you must slowly wean to avoid shock

to your system. That's the only advice I can give you, since it seems you really

are dietetically doing alot correctly. Even though you are low carb, I would add

oatmeal. Spinach is GREAT for the bowels. You can even boil spinach and use the

juice in fruit smoothies to mask the flavor if you don't like it. Good Luck.---

In miralax , Loretta Bell wrote:


> Hi!  I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax,

double dose for more than 5 years.  Do not go to the bathroom without it. 

Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year.  Follow gluten free, dairy free low

carb diet.  Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks!



> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android


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I disagree, if it's arsenic in apple juice one wouldn't wean, you get them off the toxic chemical so the body can work properly. One would think we should use something like magnesium that's not on the toxic list. As long as you switch to something to help deficate in which you should so you can get the PEG out as fast as possible, you should be fine. Physician's recommend suppositories just for the reason of getting the peg out, or should I say the more knowledgeable ones do. I've had a Physician at Children's Memorial Hospital tell me that if it stays in the gut too long without deficating, it can soak through the stomach wall, into the blood stream, and lead to the brain, in which is what exactly what happened to our dd. IIIIIFFFF they're protocol is wrong, which I believe it is, then there is a very huge problem here and a big OOOPPPS! All at the cost of our children. Where does it say ANYWHERE to WEAN OFF this medication??????? To: miralax Sent: Tue, January 10, 2012 7:29:50 AMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Like any drug, you must titrate VERY SLOWLY. My daughter was on two full caps a day (at 3 years old) to be able to have a bowel movement - DAILY. Now, after several months of slowly weaning, She is on 1 cap a day two times a week. I think we are close to being able to use one and a half cap 2x a week. If you cut the doses too quickly, you will get constipated. If I were you, I'd go to a cap and a half a day for a few weeks, then a full cap for a few weeks - sometimes more than a month. DOn't be in a rush. Even if you think Miralax is "poison" (I feel that way about a lot of narcotics too)you must slowly wean to avoid shock to your system. That's the only advice I can give you, since it seems you really are dietetically doing alot correctly. Even though you are low carb, I would add oatmeal. Spinach is GREAT for the bowels. You can even boil spinach and use the juice in fruit smoothies to mask the flavor if you don't like it. Good Luck.


> Hi! I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax, double dose for more than 5 years. Do not go to the bathroom without it. Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year. Follow gluten free, dairy free low carb diet. Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks!



> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android


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Thanks for your feedback and suggestions..I am so nervous about stopping it because I know my body is used to it now...sad but true. I will keep reading others advice and for now am going to slowly taper off of it. Thanks for all your help!!

Subject: Re: Help getting off miralaxTo: miralax Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 2:01 AM

Hi Loretta,

I was only on for 6 weeks thank God. Do you have any symptoms you can attribute to it?

I went off cold turkey actually and went to Lactulose. When that did not work I went to Milk of Magnesia, 2 tablespoons every 2 days.

Going off will likely be difficult as my bowel completely quit afterward and I had to use Magnesium Citrate for a while but I am now regulated.

I have IBS and require narcotic pain meds which is what caused my trouble.

Hopefully this helps. I used to take Dulcolax and Exlax but that Milk of Magnesia works better. (And faster)


From: Loretta Bell

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:51 PM

To: miralax

Subject: Help getting off miralax

Hi! I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax, double dose for more than 5 years. Do not go to the bathroom without it. Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year. Follow gluten free, dairy free low carb diet. Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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I agree with a couple of the others...it's poison, stop it now. Any longer on it and you'll continue to damage yourself. Cold turkey and yes, you may get constipated, but have your arsenal ready: magnesium (in whatever form you choose), mag citrate, epsom, probiotics, etc. We cut it cold turkey when our son was 7, he was on it for 4 years and there was no problem. But that's us and him. I say get off it now.

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions..I am so nervous about stopping it because I know my body is used to it now...sad but true. I will keep reading others advice and for now am going to slowly taper off of it. Thanks for all your help!!

Subject: Re: Help getting off miralaxTo: miralax Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 2:01 AM

Hi Loretta,

I was only on for 6 weeks thank God. Do you have any symptoms you can attribute to it?

I went off cold turkey actually and went to Lactulose. When that did not work I went to Milk of Magnesia, 2 tablespoons every 2 days.

Going off will likely be difficult as my bowel completely quit afterward and I had to use Magnesium Citrate for a while but I am now regulated.

I have IBS and require narcotic pain meds which is what caused my trouble.

Hopefully this helps. I used to take Dulcolax and Exlax but that Milk of Magnesia works better. (And faster)


From: Loretta Bell

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:51 PM

To: miralax

Subject: Help getting off miralax

Hi! I am hoping for some advice on how to wing myself off...Been on miralax, double dose for more than 5 years. Do not go to the bathroom without it. Suffer from IBS and had Candida last year. Follow gluten free, dairy free low carb diet. Take probiotics, to green juice, digestive enzymes, and magnesium. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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Even in adults, the manufacturer states do not use more than two weeks. There is a side affect called ilues that we suspect this medication is causing as we've found it on the FDA adverse reactions. It's a paralytic condition of the bowel or putting the bowels to sleep. I don't think these poor children couldn't go if they wanted to...............***Without the medication**** It's hard for me to understand why someone would create such a volitile chemical and use for constipation but it was told to me that it's for that reason that they use it. A) Because it pulls water into the bowels, and B) So it wooshes everything out. After researching these children for a decade, it's sad to see the permanent side affects. I don't think we'd be seeing so

many of the same side affects if it didn't happen. Here's my question;Why are we taking a string of ethylene glycol molecules, (which is antifreeze) linking them with plastic and giving to humans especially children anyway? If it didn't help in the under two weeks the manufacturer suggests, then a year or two is only going against the manufacturer's advice, and we become nothing short of an experiment. My dd showed signs it was affecting her personality immediately but I was assured by my doc it was related to her not going for such a long time. Now, after all was said and done, experts have told me that it was a sheer indication that it was being absorbed and affecting her brain. Jeanie...........she was only on it 10 days and we've endure 10 years of hell........hers will probably last a lifetime. To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Fri, January 13, 2012 10:12:56 PMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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Hi ,How much Nature Calm did you give your daughter? What kind of probiotics?We used 3x the amount recommended for YEARS before we cut it down to what the bottle says. I would suggest that, if you haven't already tried it. The kind of probiotics matter, as opposed to the brand. The brand makes a difference (quality vs. Walmart or some other commercial brand). The KIND, however, is what your daughter's gut needs. There are many kinds of flora in our guts, the trick is to find what your daughter is lacking and build it back. You can do that various ways, two are 1) have a stool sample sent in through a holistic practioner or 2) trial and error. We did both through Viroqua Holistic Health Center in WI. Even though Miralax is the quick fix sometimes, it is not the best fix. Keep trying. Have you also tried epsom salts? How about quality aloe vera juice? Keep searching and really try hard to get her off Miralax. Tracie

Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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THanks so much for your response. Did your daughter experience any cramping while taking extra Nature Calm? It does have a funny taste, did you use a flavored Natural Calm? Have not used Aloe, I will try that. Wish I could find a Holistic Health Center near me. I really really don't want to use Miralax for another day. I'm sick over the thought. But until I can get her moving on something that has to be my choice for now. Many many thanks for your response.

To: miralax Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:08 AMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Hi ,

How much Nature Calm did you give your daughter? What kind of probiotics?

We used 3x the amount recommended for YEARS before we cut it down to what the bottle says. I would suggest that, if you haven't already tried it.

The kind of probiotics matter, as opposed to the brand. The brand makes a difference (quality vs. Walmart or some other commercial brand). The KIND, however, is what your daughter's gut needs. There are many kinds of flora in our guts, the trick is to find what your daughter is lacking and build it back. You can do that various ways, two are 1) have a stool sample sent in through a holistic practioner or 2) trial and error. We did both through Viroqua Holistic Health Center in WI.

Even though Miralax is the quick fix sometimes, it is not the best fix. Keep trying. Have you also tried epsom salts? How about quality aloe vera juice? Keep searching and really try hard to get her off Miralax.


Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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Where are you located? We have an awesome holistic doctor but we drove 6 hours to get to them for my children. My boys were on miralax for 5 and 7 years and have TREMENDOUS amount of damage done from it. We use magnesium citrate to keep the bowls moving for my kids. But we are also low oxalate, gluten and dairy free which helps the kids go to the bathroom as well.I wish I could do a do-over. I would NEVER listened to our ex doctor and put my boys on miralax again. I thank God everyday they are still alive!!!! It is costing us a fortune to get them better. To: miralax From: lakhwaja@...Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 18:34:50 -0800Subject: Re: Help getting off miralax

THanks so much for your response. Did your daughter experience any cramping while taking extra Nature Calm? It does have a funny taste, did you use a flavored Natural Calm? Have not used Aloe, I will try that. Wish I could find a Holistic Health Center near me. I really really don't want to use Miralax for another day. I'm sick over the thought. But until I can get her moving on something that has to be my choice for now. Many many thanks for your response.

To: miralax Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:08 AMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Hi ,

How much Nature Calm did you give your daughter? What kind of probiotics?

We used 3x the amount recommended for YEARS before we cut it down to what the bottle says. I would suggest that, if you haven't already tried it.

The kind of probiotics matter, as opposed to the brand. The brand makes a difference (quality vs. Walmart or some other commercial brand). The KIND, however, is what your daughter's gut needs. There are many kinds of flora in our guts, the trick is to find what your daughter is lacking and build it back. You can do that various ways, two are 1) have a stool sample sent in through a holistic practioner or 2) trial and error. We did both through Viroqua Holistic Health Center in WI.

Even though Miralax is the quick fix sometimes, it is not the best fix. Keep trying. Have you also tried epsom salts? How about quality aloe vera juice? Keep searching and really try hard to get her off Miralax.


Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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our dd likes lemon flavor in lemonade, no cramping, no problemsTo: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sun, January 15, 2012 8:34:50 PMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

THanks so much for your response. Did your daughter experience any cramping while taking extra Nature Calm? It does have a funny taste, did you use a flavored Natural Calm? Have not used Aloe, I will try that. Wish I could find a Holistic Health Center near me. I really really don't want to use Miralax for another day. I'm sick over the thought. But until I can get her moving on something that has to be my choice for now. Many many thanks for your response.

To: miralax Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:08 AMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Hi ,

How much Nature Calm did you give your daughter? What kind of probiotics?

We used 3x the amount recommended for YEARS before we cut it down to what the bottle says. I would suggest that, if you haven't already tried it.

The kind of probiotics matter, as opposed to the brand. The brand makes a difference (quality vs. Walmart or some other commercial brand). The KIND, however, is what your daughter's gut needs. There are many kinds of flora in our guts, the trick is to find what your daughter is lacking and build it back. You can do that various ways, two are 1) have a stool sample sent in through a holistic practioner or 2) trial and error. We did both through Viroqua Holistic Health Center in WI.

Even though Miralax is the quick fix sometimes, it is not the best fix. Keep trying. Have you also tried epsom salts? How about quality aloe vera juice? Keep searching and really try hard to get her off Miralax.


Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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My son did not experience any negative side effects from Nature Calm. I mixed it in with PlumSmart juice. It's in any juice aisle in any store where they sell jugs of juice. Where are you located?

Where are you located? We have an awesome holistic doctor but we drove 6 hours to get to them for my children. My boys were on miralax for 5 and 7 years and have TREMENDOUS amount of damage done from it. We use magnesium citrate to keep the bowls moving for my kids. But we are also low oxalate, gluten and dairy free which helps the kids go to the bathroom as well.I wish I could do a do-over. I would NEVER listened to our ex doctor and put my boys on miralax again. I thank God everyday they are still alive!!!! It is costing us a fortune to get them better. To: miralax From: lakhwaja@...Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 18:34:50 -0800Subject: Re: Help getting off miralax

THanks so much for your response. Did your daughter experience any cramping while taking extra Nature Calm? It does have a funny taste, did you use a flavored Natural Calm? Have not used Aloe, I will try that. Wish I could find a Holistic Health Center near me. I really really don't want to use Miralax for another day. I'm sick over the thought. But until I can get her moving on something that has to be my choice for now. Many many thanks for your response.

To: miralax Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:08 AMSubject: Re: Help getting off miralax

Hi ,

How much Nature Calm did you give your daughter? What kind of probiotics?

We used 3x the amount recommended for YEARS before we cut it down to what the bottle says. I would suggest that, if you haven't already tried it.

The kind of probiotics matter, as opposed to the brand. The brand makes a difference (quality vs. Walmart or some other commercial brand). The KIND, however, is what your daughter's gut needs. There are many kinds of flora in our guts, the trick is to find what your daughter is lacking and build it back. You can do that various ways, two are 1) have a stool sample sent in through a holistic practioner or 2) trial and error. We did both through Viroqua Holistic Health Center in WI.

Even though Miralax is the quick fix sometimes, it is not the best fix. Keep trying. Have you also tried epsom salts? How about quality aloe vera juice? Keep searching and really try hard to get her off Miralax.


Hello everyone,

I have been following the group for quite awhile. I applaud you for taking on this tough issue. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years. Since I've followed this board I've tried everything nature calm, probiotics, benefiber, flaxseed oil goes into all of the foods she eats. The doc says she is holding and until she is potty trained she will have this problem. I don't know if any of the behaviors she exhibits are from Miralax or not. It is hard to tell. I just know I feel very stuck. I've tried to stop Miralax a few times with no luck she gets very backed up and I have to use Little tummies and eventually go on extra Miralax to clean her up. I hate to say it, but I just want to give up and give in.

I guess I will keep reading your posts. Thanks for caring enough to pursue something you believe in. I really wish I could find something that could help my daughter go other than Miralax.


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