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Hi Courage-

Are you there?

Many hugs-


Des Moines, IA

dad, Merle, passed away from LBD 9-20-02, age 65

mum, Jo, (MIL) passed away from LBD 4-29-07, age 78

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  • 5 weeks later...


You can always post even if you haven't been or not. Please feel free to voice

(email) what ever, whenever no matter what.

Glad to hear from you once in a while.

Boy have we had a busy board today!


Donna R

Caregave for Mom (after I brought her from WI to MI) for 3 years and 4th year in

a nh.

She was almost 89 when she died in '02. No dx other than mine.


Courage, Thank you. I agree with everything you said, but since I do

read the messages, but rarely post, I did not feel that I could say

what I was feeling. Your thoughts are open,honest, kind and loving

and I think because of the respect that is shown to you on this board,

will be taken as such. Best wishes. Elaine from Michigan

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  • 2 weeks later...

--- Dear Courage,

You could never sound like a pompous ass.lol, you are a very

strong person and an inspiration to us all.Speaking for myself , its

people like you that have helped mom and I get this far.I love this

group and you are a very wonderful part of it.My very best to you, I

hope all is well Ron

In LBDcaregivers , " gaat " wrote:


> I'd like to amend what I wrote here " I was so thankful that I had a

doctor who went along with everything I said " because I sound like a

pompous ass. What I should have said was that we were lucky that

mom/dad had a doctor who really did care about how they were feeling

and would listen to what I had to say. I often brought him

information on drugs that others had tried here with success and he

was very open to these suggestions. Sorry about that folks.

> Courage


> Re: Re: I lost your email in regards to

more History (Sorry) but Here it is:


> This medication will be added to the list of questions I have for

my grandmother's PMD. Thanks for the information.


> wrote: <snip> Lipitor is associated

with memory problems, especially in

> women. There was a story in the Tuesday Wall Street Journal about


> even. <snip>


> Here's the article in the WSJ:


> Can a Drug That Helps Hearts Be Harmful to the Brain?

> February 12, 2008


> Cognitive side effects like memory loss and fuzzy thinking aren't

> listed on the patient information sheet for Lipitor, the popular

> cholesterol-lowering drug. But some doctors are voicing concerns


> in a small portion of patients, statins like Lipitor may be


> hearts but hurting minds.


> " This drug makes women stupid, " Orli Etingin, vice chairman of

> medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital, declared at a recent

> luncheon discussion sponsored by Project A.L.S. to raise

awareness of

> gender issues and the brain. Dr. Etingin, who is also founder and

> director of the Iris Cantor Women's Health Center in New York,


> of a typical patient in her 40s, unable to concentrate or recall

> words. Tests found nothing amiss, but when the woman stopped


> Lipitor, the symptoms vanished. When she resumed taking Lipitor,


> returned.


> Entire Article:

> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120277403869360595.html



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