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Re:Health effects of nonindustrial indoor air pollution ...

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I can date my first experience with " Sick Building " back when I

stayed with my Daughter at this Hospital after a surgery she had. I

had to stay with her for a week in the Hospital to help her

with " female Issues " at the time of her surgery maybe due to stress,

she began her monthly cycle, so I was there for her. I slept on a cot

in her room and I recall how badly I hurt as if I had the flu- but

worse than the flu I had ever had. Then, years later I began working

there and almost as soon as I had hired in I began with a persistant

dry cough and burning throat irritation and was prescribed cough

pills by a Dr who was paranoid of of my cough. I shortly went to work

in another Dept. and developed a skin sensitivity on the top of my

foot. It was so very sensitive I couldn't let the shower water even

come close to it!! I was put into a cast foer 6 weeks and a W/C case

was filed for me??? lol I had no idea back then what a W/C was. I

soon picked up a limp with sciatica and low back issues and struggled

along with also continuous sinusitis. then Migraines and light

sensitivities and again skin sensitivities with cutting the tags off

from all of my blouses and smock tops. I had many time the Flu with

horrible burning chest congestions time after time I was out with an

intestinal upset or migraine. A hip problem... a knee problem... MRI

of my knee said I had Yellow-Fatty Bone Marrow leaking from my femur.

One of the Dr's had a sudden case of osteomylitis.... another Dr had

to be admitted time and time again for bloody noses... co-workers

being diagnosed with Cancers and Heart Attacks... we all just kept

on ..day after day almost in an auto response living..with out anyone

realizing we were working in a " Sick Building " Miscarriages,

Fertility Problems, Rashes, Laryingitis, you name it we had it. I am

determined to bring this to the attention of the powers that be at my

place of employment...They WILL NOT IGNORE ME!!! I have a Health Plan

there and I am an Employee and I'll be Da*%#@ if they sweep me under

the carpet!!! IT'S STILL A MOLDY BUILDING!!!! Ok I'll calm down

now ..thanks for letting me vent :)



> Hi Dr. Thrasher.


> Good points. But the main thing is, the allergy community is no


> being told we are liars and whiners just out to scam insurers for

saying a moldie

> has made us sick. And...what is REALLY great is that they are

teaching the

> physicians to look at indoor air quality as a possible cause of



> This means that eventually, when someone is sick with symptoms of


> disease, their doctor will ask about mold, etc in there environment.


> How many on this board lived/worked in a moldie environment for

years and

> were going to the doctor for all kinds of symptoms while no one

told them to

> look at mold? Most people put it together from talking to

others. Think how

> many people's health will be saved if when they go to the doctor,

they are

> told early on in their illness that it could be mold, etc.


> Sharon

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