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Re: Has anyone recovered??

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Using peroxide can cause hair damage as well. In fact, each time we

color or perm our hair, we are causing damage. I know for some folks,

like myself at 50 years old, I feel like I look healthier with my

hair colored but it takes a little damage to the hair to get the

color to take affect. Same with perming. If one uses peroxide the

wrong way, one can cause noticeable hair damage, not the pretty kind

we get with a certain color. I have heard of folks on this group

shampooing hair with peroxide and then complain their hair was

damaged due to mold. Hair was NOT damaged due to mold but due to them

using peroxide to " detox " the hair. Peroxide will only cause the

hair to be more porous which will only cause the hair to hold more

toxins, IF this is the way one will want to really see this...don't

know any facts on this but it only makes sense that the more porous

the hair is, the more gunk it will hold...I know hair will hold more

moisture when porous due to damage from chemicals.

If one feels they have to put peroxide on the hair to " detox "

it..just go to a professional stylist or pick up a color kit at the

store and have it done properly..don't be pouring peroxide in your

shampoo. I about <GASP> when I hear some what some people do to

heal. Don't get me wrong, I have done some stupid things to my body

in order to heal and it hurt me more. This is why I am asking because

I am still seeking safe options to aid in my healing process.

Someone mentioned the other day using chlorophyll on here to detox, I

am going to try that as I know it is safe. Always do a lot of

homework and study on any kind of alternative suggestions.

BTW, one of the skin care specialist I use to work with drank

chlorophyll to keep her skin clear and she did have healthy skin..but

that may had been from several factors such as her proper skin care.

I have seen people who were so

> sensitive to the lowest volume of peroxide that the

> scalp blistered up and the hair fell out at the

> roots...I am not talking about damaged hair because

> the hair was not damaged at all by the peroxide

> containing product, just the scalp due to sensitivity.

> This was at the hands of careless stylists who did

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definition = (Medicine) A therapeutic method or agent, such as

surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical

treatment of a disorder.

--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> What is a 'modality'?

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I've read about this and have seen heel pads advertised in magazines to

remove toxins from your system.

Has anyone tried them?

Your feet are the gateway to cleanliness "


...Each foot has 2,000+ pores through which toxins release

...Toxins are believed to accumulate in the feet as they pass through

the bloodstream

...Harmful toxins, lymphatic fluids and impurities are drawn in to the

foot detox patch

...Our feet have more sweat glands per inch of skin than any other part

of the body, and these glands produce sweat all the time, not just

when it's hot or when you exercise as other parts of the body do

...In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat!

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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Thank you for the kind words EE.

I hope you don't mind if I give you a little advice your being relatively

new to this.

Keep in mind you will never get better until you completely control your

mold exposure and bring it down to an absolute minimum. The same types of

mold that were in your old home might be in your new residence just in much

lower concentrations. (enough to keep you down though). This was a huge

mistake of mine in the past not being cognizant of this fact, and first and

foremost putting my focus on optimizing this situation to my advantage.

I think that's what is getting to me now is that I have this " extreme "

sensitivity that predisposes me to even what would ordinarily be considered

optimal for most but isn't good enough for me. When you consider all the

places lumber goes before it gets used in a house. It's amazing we don't

have more mold problems than we already do. I've heard it's common now for

construction company's to reject lumber because it has too much mold on it.

So even if you move into a new house you are at the mercy of factors such as

how " astute " the builders who put it together happen

ed to be.

I remember when I was a kid we used to go to construction sights and steal

plywood to make forts with, they never covered lumber setting outside of a

construction sight, I imagine they always do now. Similarly the older a

house gets the more you need to be concerned about any nominal exposure that

might not affect healthy people. So you need to scrutinize even where your

staying at now as a possible impediment to your getting better depending on

the level of mold exposure your receiving.

Look at the link " fresh store bought plywood " :


Problem is you have to know your " baseline " before you can judge your

sensitivity or lack their of to any given place. I've been unsuccessful at

doing this for ten years. Still working on " finding my baseline " . But

thoroughly understand the magnitudes of reactivity I have had based on

controlling this factor.

Another thing I truly believe to be true is mold reactivity is mostly

contingent on two factors 1. Duration of exposure, and 2. Magnitude (which

is the degree of mold in the air and varieties some probably being more

violent than others). What I'm getting at here is that your key to getting

better is putting the most focus in the area where you spend most of your

time. Because of my denial that I needed to do something as far as moving

many times in the past I have wasted years of my life. You have to overcome

this sort of human trait where we try to protect ourselves by denying some

sort of thing is hurting us when in fact it is.

You see this same trait in alcoholics " denial " . It happens to us also.

Have to be cognizant of this. You see this with cfs and mcs suffers whom

can be told that mold exposure is " key " to their getting better and they say

something like " mold doesn't affect me " rather than consider this

possibility carefully. (it's human to behave this way! Everyone does it, I

keep telling myself when I try to communicate with others to always be

cognizant of the fact nobody likes being called stupid and nobody likes

being told they have wasted years of their lives because of something

frankly " stupid " that they did) I still try to tell everyone I talk to about

mold because I know by spreading the word of mold reactivity I am spreading

a seed and eventually it will sprout and the MCS and CFS, and ME suffer's

will " get it " .

The sooner this happens the better but that's a subject for another post.

On Feb 16, 2008 12:22 AM, E E <photoguys2003@...> wrote:

> ,

> God Bless you bro. I have been sleeping on my moms couch for two years

> after moving out and leaving everything behind in my last home that was the

> toxic mold source. I know how you feel trust me. I pray that one day i will

> be back on my feet again after starting a new treatment next week. I will

> pray for you as well.



> robert christ <antares4141@... <antares4141%40gmail.com>> wrote:

> >, do you still have

> >parents you could move back in with?


> My dad, he might consider it if I got a job somewhere. Our relationship

> isn't what it used to be though. This illness has taken way more from me

> than just my health.


> Besides his house is no better than the one I am currently in. Like I said

> I

> am in a brand new home and the likely hood is that it's better than 90% of

> the homes out their. Chances are I wouldn't do any better and every move I

> make brings me closer to being bankrupt and on the street.


> I think my best hope for salvation is out west in a specialized house made

> without wood products.

> That's my goal.




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> There are several volumes of peroxide. After

> reading the bottle in my kitchen, it says, " DO NOT USE

> ON LARGE AREAS OF THE BODY. " This is the 3% kind.

> While one person soaking in peroxide it may not harm,

> another it can cause serious burning and blisters.

> When I was a hairstylist, the state law was that we

> could not apply a peroxide containing product without

> a skin test first. I have seen people who were so

> sensitive to the lowest volume of peroxide that the

> scalp blistered up and the hair fell out at the

> roots...I am not talking about damaged hair because

> the hair was not damaged at all by the peroxide

> containing product, just the scalp due to sensitivity.

> This was at the hands of careless stylists who did

> not take time to do a skin test. Peroxide can cause

> more harm than good. It can cause damage to the skin

> which will damage your pores. The pores help in

> eliminating toxins. There is no way I would chance

> damaging my pores with peroxide. Some folks might be

> asking for some serious issues in soaking in peroxide.

I agree completely. I did mention that if you have sensitivities you

can use bath salts.And 8 ounces in a full bathtub is quite diluted too.

The point is really to soak out toxins from your body any way you

can-by exercising and sweating them out, by soaking them out, with

colonics (please no angry emails-I know colonics are not for everyone

nor should they be.They happen to work for me.)


A skin test is a great idea-sorry I didn't think of it, Surella









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Cholestyramine has been crucial to me and its been a long process. I still

have a lot of issues, but I have improved in many areas.

When I get exposure, it gets terrible again, but the cholestyramine CLEARLY

shortens the duration of the symptoms substantially. Without cholestyramine

even the small day to day exposures would just build up.

I think one bad exposure puts you over the edge and then it is a dangerous

situation for you for the rest of your life because your immune system is


But you have to get out because if you don't, it will keep getting worse and

I am sure, it can be the cause of a sort of systems collapse which can kill


Cholestyramine can help reduce the enterohepatic recirculation - the toxin


Without cholestyramine, I think a lot of people would be in a crisis state

because once you get sensitized you are really on thin ice with each new

exposure. You know, its my opinion that even if you have cholestyramine,

they still seem to take a chunk out of your health.

At least they do for me. I would be in far worse of a state without it.

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I've tried 'em... they look like tea bags and when I use them for a night, they

turn brown and slimey and hard.

I've tried just wetting the bags, and they don't do that just being wet...

pretty wild.


ssr3351@... wrote:

I've read about this and have seen heel pads advertised in magazines to

remove toxins from your system.

Has anyone tried them?

Your feet are the gateway to cleanliness "


..Each foot has 2,000+ pores through which toxins release

..Toxins are believed to accumulate in the feet as they pass through

the bloodstream

..Harmful toxins, lymphatic fluids and impurities are drawn in to the

foot detox patch

..Our feet have more sweat glands per inch of skin than any other part

of the body, and these glands produce sweat all the time, not just

when it's hot or when you exercise as other parts of the body do

..In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat!

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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DITTO!!! I don't know what I'd do without the CSM. I'm fine at home but must

do errands. I pretty much know where I can and can't go but there are times

I am in a new place or around different odors and people with fragrances.

Those are days when I can start to feel really awful. If I know I have had a

substantial hit then it's back to 4 does of CSM for a week. Hasn't happened to

me since August when I went to a viewing at a local funeral home. Made me sick

for 3 days in bed!!


Cholestyramine has been crucial to me and its been a long process. I still

have a lot of issues, but I have improved in many areas.

When I get exposure, it gets terrible again, but the cholestyramine CLEARLY

shortens the duration of the symptoms substantially. Without cholestyramine

even the small day to day exposures would just build up.

I think one bad exposure puts you over the edge and then it is a dangerous

situation for you for the rest of your life because your immune system is


But you have to get out because if you don't, it will keep getting worse and

I am sure, it can be the cause of a sort of systems collapse which can kill


Cholestyramine can help reduce the enterohepatic recirculation - the toxin


Without cholestyramine, I think a lot of people would be in a crisis state

because once you get sensitized you are really on thin ice with each new

exposure. You know, its my opinion that even if you have cholestyramine,

they still seem to take a chunk out of your health.

At least they do for me. I would be in far worse of a state without it.

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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> BTW,

> Using peroxide can cause hair damage as well. In fact, each time we

> color or perm our hair, we are causing damage. I know for some folks,

> like myself at 50 years old, I feel like I look healthier with my

> hair colored but it takes a little damage to the hair to get the

> color to take affect. Same with perming. If one uses peroxide the

> wrong way, one can cause noticeable hair damage, not the pretty kind

> we get with a certain color. I have heard of folks on this group

> shampooing hair with peroxide and then complain their hair was

> damaged due to mold. Hair was NOT damaged due to mold but due to them

> using peroxide to " detox " the hair. Peroxide will only cause the

> hair to be more porous which will only cause the hair to hold more

> toxins, IF this is the way one will want to really see this...don't

> know any facts on this but it only makes sense that the more porous

> the hair is, the more gunk it will hold...I know hair will hold more

> moisture when porous due to damage from chemicals.

> If one feels they have to put peroxide on the hair to " detox "

> it..just go to a professional stylist or pick up a color kit at the

> store and have it done properly..don't be pouring peroxide in your

> shampoo. I about <GASP> when I hear some what some people do to

> heal. Don't get me wrong, I have done some stupid things to my body

> in order to heal and it hurt me more. This is why I am asking because

> I am still seeking safe options to aid in my healing process.

> Someone mentioned the other day using chlorophyll on here to detox, I

> am going to try that as I know it is safe. Always do a lot of

> homework and study on any kind of alternative suggestions.

> BTW, one of the skin care specialist I use to work with drank

> chlorophyll to keep her skin clear and she did have healthy skin..but

> that may had been from several factors such as her proper skin care.


> Jackie-I was the one who mentioned the chlorophyll and I'm so glad

you are considering it. Some advice though: It is really powerful

stuff, similar to wheatgrass juice which alot of people can't

tolerate. Start with a tablespoon diluted in alot of water (maybe an 8

ounce glass). If you feel fine after you can start to up the dosage (I

take 2 tablespoons 2X a day). I have a real cast-iron stomach so alot

of stuff doesn't bother me but go slow.

The first thing you might find after starting chlorophyll is that your

bathroom visits will increase-and your poop may start to look a little

on the green side eventually. But that's a form of detoxing so it's ok.

I use Bernard Jensen's liquid chlorophyll from pure alfalfa-but there

are alot of good products out there.

Good luck!


> I have seen people who were so

> > sensitive to the lowest volume of peroxide that the

> > scalp blistered up and the hair fell out at the

> > roots...I am not talking about damaged hair because

> > the hair was not damaged at all by the peroxide

> > containing product, just the scalp due to sensitivity.

> > This was at the hands of careless stylists who did


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Thanks for the kind words EE


On Feb 16, 2008 12:22 AM, E E <photoguys2003@...> wrote:

> ,

> God Bless you bro. I have been sleeping on my moms couch for two years

> after moving out and leaving everything behind in my last home that was the

> toxic mold source. I know how you feel trust me. I pray that one day i will

> be back on my feet again after starting a new treatment next week. I will

> pray for you as well.


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had never tried them, but had done months & months of weekly footbaths

(the best one is AquaDetox). i wouldn't say my footbaths were a waste

of money, but they sure didn't deeply detox me.



> I've read about this and have seen heel pads advertised in magazines


> remove toxins from your system.

> Has anyone tried them?



> Your feet are the gateway to cleanliness "


> factoids:


> ..Each foot has 2,000+ pores through which toxins release


> ..Toxins are believed to accumulate in the feet as they pass through

> the bloodstream


> ..Harmful toxins, lymphatic fluids and impurities are drawn in to the

> foot detox patch


> ..Our feet have more sweat glands per inch of skin than any other part

> of the body, and these glands produce sweat all the time, not just

> when it's hot or when you exercise as other parts of the body do


> ..In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat!



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--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> Cholestyramine has been crucial to me and its been a long process. I


> have a lot of issues, but I have improved in many areas.

Live, I have to agree w/you. W/O CSM I was far worse. You mentioned

the enterohepatic circulation: they just found a dilated bile duct in

my liver on ultrasound, go for CT this week. Could be from a lot of

things, but of course, I believe the mold exposure hasn't helped, may

have even caused..any ideas?? Thnx!

Hugs, Cheryl

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i didn't give a full explanation in a previous reply, and since it's

been on my mind to do---

when i first started doing Ozone Therapy protocols (i.e. ear

insufflation, vaginal insufflation, drinking ozonated water,

cupping/funnelling) in 2003, a light yellow-liquid was coming out

through my ears for weeks on end. at some point, yellow-liquid fluid

came out on 2 areas of my chest, enough so that i had to change out

gauze every few hours. i think early on, i didn't realize how

toxic i was (i was just in shock that something was coming out of my

body & the quantity) and if i had to guess, teaspoons ( & maybe even

tablespoons) came out each day. in 2004, i started cupping/funneling a

small rash on my neck, and lots of fluid came out the whole left side

of my front neck for weeks on end. i was doing Ozone Therapy on & off

for the next couple of years until i FINALLY became resolute (in

mid-2006) that no matter what i was going to continue 'til there was

no more liquid/rashes/pustules that surfaced. in October 2006, i

added the sauna. in June 2007, no more of anything came out of my

body. there is no better detox than Ozone Therapy.

--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> I know, Jesus washed his disciples feet. Its an ancient custom. But

I don't

> know how much the feet are involved in mycotoxin metabolism, and I don't

> think anyone has discovered mycotoxins coming out through the skin

in high

> enough amounts to measure. So people are on their own on that. It

feels good

> though, and its definitely good for your stress level.


> Cholestyramine binds mycotoxins from the bile where they build up.


> animals feet isn't going to prevent them from dying if they are

given cheap

> food with mycotoxins in it. Cholestyramine does, so their meat can

be sold.

> According to journals on animal husbandry.


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OMG Cheryl. I have same thing, right now (dilated liver ducts)!!

I had catscan about a month ago and showed dilated liver duct and

concerned about look of pancrease but scan didn't show pancrease well

so getting an MRI.

Just in case it is an infection that might clear, I have waited to go

get the MRI. Trying bedrest and other things. In the beginning I had

lower back hurt (below the waist and above). However that has past but

I still have signs of malabsorption of food (weight loss) and fatigue;

and swelling in abdominal area mentioned in post just before this one.

I had cancer in abdominal/pelvic area in 2004, so hoping for infection,

as odd as that may sound.


> Live, I have to agree w/you. W/O CSM I was far worse. You mentioned

> the enterohepatic circulation: they just found a dilated bile duct in

> my liver on ultrasound, go for CT this week. Could be from a lot of

> things, but of course, I believe the mold exposure hasn't helped, may

> have even caused..any ideas?? Thnx!

> Hugs, Cheryl


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