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Re: OT: server problems?

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Apparently Yahoo is " leaking " all the spurious hidden code that accompanies

messages composed in HTML without stripping the hidden code away. Yahoo's

engineers are aware of this, and if there's enough complaint by list serv

owners, they'll probably correct the glitch. I will often respond to a plain

text message by first choosing HTML on my web mail response which then converts

the entire Email into HTML.

N. Meyer

OT: server problems?


>Some Yahoo groups seem to be having problems. Members are unable to post to

those groups and get an " error 999. " This has been happening over the past

several days and when I tried to post to a health group this morning, same

thing. I have not noticed problems here yet, but has anyone had that problem

with this or other groups? You can let me know on list or off, you don't have to

name the group, just let me know what the error message is.



>Moderator of ASPIRES






> " We each have our own way of living in the world, together we are

like a symphony.

>Some are the melody, some are the rhythm, some are the harmony

>It all blends together, we are like a symphony, and each part is crucial.

>We all contribute to the song of life. "

> ...Sondra


> We might not always agree; but TOGETHER we will make a difference.


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> ASPIRES ~ Climbing the mountain TOGETHER

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helen_foisy wrote:

> Some Yahoo groups seem to be having problems. Members are unable to

> post to those groups and get an " error 999. " This has been happening

> over the past several days and when I tried to post to a health group

> this morning, same thing. I have not noticed problems here yet, but

> has anyone had that problem with this or other groups? You can let me

> know on list or off, you don't have to name the group, just let me

> know what the error message is. thanks Helen Moderator of ASPIRES

Helen, I have no problem with ASPIRES - " 999 " or otherwise.

It's not just Yahoo groups anyway; " some problem " appears to be world-wide.

Not all sites/services are affected, and those that are have varying

reactions and/or default messages. Some of the " wise money " out there

thinks it's a massive DoS (Denial-of-Service) attack on Internet server


" It " maybe has affected my use of Google (intermittently, for two days);

also Google-Earth for me is *all* messed up for over 24 hours. My only

problem with Yahoo so far (I have five accounts), is one Dutch IT forum

- to which I no longer can post successfully, but from which I still

receive just fine.


- Bill ...AS; retired geneticist


WD " Bill " Loughman - Berkeley, California USA


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rogernmeyer@... wrote:

> Helen:

> > Apparently Yahoo is " leaking " all the spurious hidden code that

> accompanies messages composed in HTML without stripping the hidden

> code away. Yahoo's engineers are aware of this, and if there's enough

> complaint by list serv owners, they'll probably correct the glitch. I

> will often respond to a plain text message by first choosing HTML on

> my web mail response which then converts the entire Email into HTML.

> N. Meyer

Helen, FWIW, I haven't seen that on ASPIRES - with 's or anyone

else's posts. See my just earlier post.


>> OT: server problems?


>> Some Yahoo groups seem to be having problems.

[ snip ]

-Bill ...AS; retired geneticist


WD " Bill " Loughman - Berkeley, California USA


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> Some Yahoo groups seem to be having problems. Members are unable to post to

those groups and get an " error 999. " This has been happening over the past

several days and when I tried to post to a health group this morning, same

thing. I have not noticed problems here yet, but has anyone had that problem

with this or other groups? You can let me know on list or off, you don't have to

name the group, just let me know what the error message is.

> thanks

> Helen

> Moderator of ASPIRES

Helen, this problem is happening throughout Yahoo groups. Unfortunately,

Yahoo is not taking the problem as seriously as they should, instead

trying to blame the user's ISP as they often do.

A lot of group owners are reporting the issue and hopefully many more

will do the same. The only way to get Yahoo to pay attention is to make

lots of noise.

Read this for more info on the problem.....

(KNOWN ISSUE) Error code 999 when doing anything in groups

<http://help.yahoo.com/communities/index?page=forums & topic=0909a540b6b84d22ac25e\

728bb289393 & forumname=Known%20issues%20and%20FAQ>

Until the problem is resolved, folks can always post from an email

address instead of the website.



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, , Bill, and CJ, thank you for your responses, especially CJ for the

most helpful link you found. I have passed it on to the list owner of that

group. Several members complained to Yahoo and yep, it was blamed on their ISP

or a virus in their computer. That's probably one of Yahoo Help's computer

generated answers. My own experience is that one has to persist until you get an

actual person, and then they are helpful. CJ you are correct that members in the

affected groups can still reply via email, just not by web. Fortunately ASPIRES

has not been affected yet.

- Helen

> Helen, this problem is happening throughout Yahoo groups. Unfortunately,

> Yahoo is not taking the problem as seriously as they should, instead

> trying to blame the user's ISP as they often do.


> A lot of group owners are reporting the issue and hopefully many more

> will do the same. The only way to get Yahoo to pay attention is to make

> lots of noise.


> Read this for more info on the problem.....


> (KNOWN ISSUE) Error code 999 when doing anything in groups


<http://help.yahoo.com/communities/index?page=forums & topic=0909a540b6b84d22ac25e\

728bb289393 & forumname=Known%20issues%20and%20FAQ>


> Until the problem is resolved, folks can always post from an email

> address instead of the website.


> Best,

> ~CJ


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> , , Bill, and CJ, thank you for your responses, especially CJ for

the most helpful link you found. I have passed it on to the list owner of that

group. Several members complained to Yahoo and yep, it was blamed on their ISP

or a virus in their computer. That's probably one of Yahoo Help's computer

generated answers. My own experience is that one has to persist until you get an

actual person, and then they are helpful. CJ you are correct that members in the

affected groups can still reply via email, just not by web. Fortunately ASPIRES

has not been affected yet.

> - Helen

Good advice from my Yahoo groups managers' forum....


" This error has come up a number of times in the past. My experience is

to report the problem to Yahoo! using its Help pages. Look for the link

that says Contact Customer Care. It's usually on the right side of the

page. You often have to go through a few hoops before something appears

where you can write your message. It takes time to clear up the 999

problem. Patience is the best thing to have. After all, the Groups are

given to us free and we are working in cyberspace where things can and

do go wrong. It takes time to track down the actual 999 problem.

Unfortunately, Yahoo! does not have enough staff to respond individually

to each report. The canned message is the best they can do. In 2010

Yahoo! reported having 10 million groups with 115 million users.

Another interesting note is that Yahoo! Mail as of Oct 2011 numbered 310

million users. I've been a Yahoo! user for many years now and I've

learned that things just aren't perfect. Expecting them to be perfect is

for me somewhat unrealistic. When it comes to screw ups is cyberspace

we just have to deal with it as best we can, and be patient until the

problem is solved. It will be solved eventually.

One important thing is for as many people as are experiencing the

problem to report it to Yahoo!. This puts the pressure on. From my own

experience too I have learned that Yahoo! is as responsive as is humanly

possible to its users concerns; but it's more or less a " take a number "


Meanwhile, here's something you might want to read since it addresses

the 999 problem rather well. It's a little dated, but the basic info is

correct: http://www.murraymoffatt.com/software-problem-0011.html

Patience, my friends. This won't last forever even though it seems like

it will. "

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Thanks CJ, that was interesting, I will pass that one on too. The problem didn't

happen here but did seem to affect many Yahoo groups. It appears to have been

corrected as of this morning. I agree with the author of the excerpt you posted

... patience. The service is free and I have learned much about physical and

mental health, arts, literature, and hobbies through participation in Yahoo

groups over the past twelve years. You can learn these things by reading books,

or Google too, but it is wonderful to connect with others who share the same

interests. The personal insights are funny, sad, helpful, amazing, and

sometimes, life-changing for the better.

- Helen

> > , , Bill, and CJ, thank you for your responses, especially CJ for

the most helpful link you found. I have passed it on to the list owner of that

group. Several members complained to Yahoo and yep, it was blamed on their ISP

or a virus in their computer. That's probably one of Yahoo Help's computer

generated answers. My own experience is that one has to persist until you get an

actual person, and then they are helpful. CJ you are correct that members in the

affected groups can still reply via email, just not by web. Fortunately ASPIRES

has not been affected yet.

> > - Helen



> Good advice from my Yahoo groups managers' forum....



> Excerpt:


> " This error has come up a number of times in the past. My experience is

> to report the problem to Yahoo! using its Help pages. Look for the link

> that says Contact Customer Care. It's usually on the right side of the

> page. You often have to go through a few hoops before something appears

> where you can write your message. It takes time to clear up the 999

> problem. Patience is the best thing to have. After all, the Groups are

> given to us free and we are working in cyberspace where things can and

> do go wrong. It takes time to track down the actual 999 problem.


> Unfortunately, Yahoo! does not have enough staff to respond individually

> to each report. The canned message is the best they can do. In 2010

> Yahoo! reported having 10 million groups with 115 million users.

> Another interesting note is that Yahoo! Mail as of Oct 2011 numbered 310

> million users. I've been a Yahoo! user for many years now and I've

> learned that things just aren't perfect. Expecting them to be perfect is

> for me somewhat unrealistic. When it comes to screw ups is cyberspace

> we just have to deal with it as best we can, and be patient until the

> problem is solved. It will be solved eventually.


> One important thing is for as many people as are experiencing the

> problem to report it to Yahoo!. This puts the pressure on. From my own

> experience too I have learned that Yahoo! is as responsive as is humanly

> possible to its users concerns; but it's more or less a " take a number "

> system.


> Meanwhile, here's something you might want to read since it addresses

> the 999 problem rather well. It's a little dated, but the basic info is

> correct: http://www.murraymoffatt.com/software-problem-0011.html


> Patience, my friends. This won't last forever even though it seems like

> it will. "


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