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Re: Re: ./Imogene/Jan/Hallucinations/Lorraine

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Hi Lorraine,

If I can connect with just one person, it is very rewarding to me. I know what

it is like to go through these things and think that you are the only one.

Know that you are not alone experiencing this with your husband. There are

several here experiencing the same behaviors.

Sports and Action Movies are the worst programs to pull my husband into the TV

World. Most movie classics that are light and comical or romantic are okay and

things on Nick at Nite, but like you say; " My Three Sons " pulled your husband

in, Go figure! You never know what is going to trigger this odd behavior.

Talking about our experiences with our Loved Ones, helps people connect.

Someone will identify and know they are not alone. When I first came on this

site in 2003, I felt no one knew the things I was experiencing and could not

understand. I felt all alone and people started connecting with me to let me

know what I was experiencing was not something unique just to me, but there were

others out there experiencing the samethings. It was such a relief to know there

were others out there that could understand what I was going through.

Lorraine, I am glad you found this site and maybe you can connect the dots and

see that your husband does have LBD. Bring all the symptoms and copies from

this site about LBD behaviors and Symptoms to your husband's doctor, neurologist

or geriatric psychiatrist and maybe you can get a diagnoses. The only way to

diagnose LBD is a Clinical Diagnosis, a real diagnosis can only be done through

an autopsy.

This is the LBD Brochure, you can see under Diagnosis what a Clinical

Diagnosis involves. Copy this brochure and bring it to the doctor and all

medical staff, so they are aware of LBD.


We are always here to help you.

Take care Lorraine.................Jan

lbellomy51 wrote:

Jan, this may be my first post on this forum. My husband has not been

officially diagnosed with lewy body disease but he sure has a lot of

the symptoms. One of the things he does also is gets so involved in

tv that it is like it is real to him even though I will tell him that

it is tv. He will answer " I know " but continue to talk as if he can

be part of the show. Even did it with My Three Sons. Jan I want to

thank you for your post as I had never read of anyone else who had

dealt with it with loved one.




> Jan, You had me in stitches over that ring in the guest room under a

> baseball cap.

> That has got to take the cake! Any guest would have found it in a

minute. Oy

> Vey!

> You got me bouncing with laughter!


> Don's crowds, which he had last night, 30 or 40 of them mingling


> are going to the big Rodeo that San puts on every year. Don

sees them

> in their Cowboy clothes, boots, and hats. That has only been

advertised in

> the new paper.

> The Rodeo puts on singers like Alan , & Strait. The


> thing goes on for a week, and is in a covered arena. We used to attend.


> This city also puts on nearly a week of ethnic groups, that all

have spaces

> for a band, dancing, and presenting their food. It is on the grounds


> our cultural museum. We loved going to that.


> There is more, but anyway, I got off the subject.


> We don't watch disturbing movies either. Light and full of love.

We have

> watched

> ', Plain and Tall' several times. He doesn't remember much of

them, so

> watch it again. But, you are right, we don't completely know what will

> trigger the hallucinations.


> Jan, one of the reasons I usually keep my calm, is because of what

you and

> the List have taught me. I expect these strange behaviors. Years ago

when he

> was so frustrated all the time, I couldn't take that. I just walked

away. But,

> now the Doctor has calmed him down, and also he has learned that he

can't do

> things that need figuring out.


> I have had a few spells over a period of months, that I have gotten

bent out

> of shape for just a second. " For goodness sakes get out of my way! "

Then I

> would catch myself. He is underfoot nearly all the time he is up. I

can turn

> around and run over him. I think my kids have come home, only bigger


> time. (grin)


> I bathed him and had to wash a lot of soiled rags, and towels. I

got into a

> mess I didn't expect, but it didn't upset me. I expect those things to

> happen.


> Don will unload the dishwasher once in a while, and like you, I

can't find

> anything.


> Just roll with what is going on and don't fight it. That makes it

so much

> harder. We give up our way of life when we have a dear LO with LBD.


> My Allergist is really making me feel better. It is wonderful to

feel like I

> can get out and play, well almost. Like poor Courage, I have had

pneumonia a

> number of times, and still have Chronic Eosenophilia Pneumonia. The

year of

> Prednisone didn't cure it. But, it sure did a big bad number on my


> When a person is severely allergic it can actually make them run a

low grade

> fever, and feel very sick, plus so tired you can hardly move.


> I didn't mind the wall trim getting messed up. I'll fix it. I

worked for a

> few weeks with professional wall paper hangers and learned a few

tricks of the

> trade. It is just hard on my back and neck, so I can't do much anymore.


> Yep hang loose Friday is coming.


> Love a lot, Jan, you make my heart laugh.

> Imogene

> Caregiver for my true Texas Gentleman Husband of 37 years. First


> with Alzheimer's by a Neurologist OCT, 2005. But, on May 2, 2006


> Schillerstrom, Geriatric/Psychiatrist diagnosed LBD with Parkinsonism.

> My precious husband, Don, is taking Zoloft and Razadyne.

> A happy personality is contagious. Infect someone today.












> In a message dated 1/6/2008 12:50:33 AM Central Standard Time,

> janetcolello@... writes:


> Oh my Imogene, you have had a hard day. I have been reading all you


> been going through with Don and your health. There is a lot on you.

> It sounds like Don has been going through some changes with some

> hallucinations and the dreaded cleaning out drawers and rearranging

them. You must have

> a lot of patience, that would drive me insane when Jim did that and


> wouldn't know where he put things. His caregiver would let him

rearrange his

> drawers and the kitchen cupboards and I would be at work and

neither of them knew

> where things were put. Jim would even clean out my pots and pan

cupboard and

> I couldn't find my electric grill for months and one day found it

out in the

> garage. But it wasn't where it should have been when I needed it

and it

> would really fry me. I got tired of going on hunts to find my

things, never mind

> Jim's things, which wouldn't appear until months later sometimes.


> wedding ring has been missing since before he went into the nh. That

is over 1

> and a half years ago. He hid it in one of his delusional frenzies

that someone

> was after it and going to steal it. I found it just a few weeks

> ago in the hall guest closet on a shelf hidden under a baseball

cap. I got a

> good laugh out of it, now that I don't have to deal with that stuff


> I could laugh. I had given that ring up as lost forever. I have

not even

> told Jim that I found it.

> When Jim is home on weekends, I never put any action movies on or

it will

> become realistic to him and then he becomes a part of whatever the

action is

> and it goes on for hours. Today, I had " Hairspray " a light musical

on. There is

> a scene where the kids are in detention in a classroom and dancing

and don't

> you know, the teacher in my husband kicks in. (He was a 7th and 8th


> teacher) and suddenly, he is telling the kids to sit down. He's

asking me how

> is he going to make it to work everyday. He wants to know how many

kids he

> has. Oh my, it went on and on. I tired to convince him it was ok

and I would

> take over the class, so he could relax and he was ok with that for

awhile and

> then he was worried again how he was going to handle this

situation. He became

> angry with himself that he couldn't figure a way to keep the kids

focused on

> their work instead of dancing in his classroom. Finally, I took him

out of

> the room and had him focus on something else and that worked.

> I would have never guessed " Hairspray " would pull him in like that

or I

> wouldn't have put it on. We watch channels like Nick at Nite, so he

doesn't get

> disturbed.

> I'm sorry to hear after all your hard work and every ounce of

energy you

> had getting that strip up over the shower, Don had to have a shower

in that

> room. You have had so much stacked against you in the last week,

hang in there

> dear one, as you say. You and Don are in my thoughts and prayers.

> Bushels of Love....................Jan










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