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I know there are many questions about the use of CSM and it's

possible side effects. This is my personal opinion of CSM and the

many positive benefits.

I know there are many of you that question or fear the use of CSM

because of some of it's known or suspected side effects. I'm just

like the rest of you, you question everything and there is alot of

doubt and concern to overcome before you take any medication. Of

course we all use extreme caution and sorry to say sometimes too

much. There isn't much on the market today that I am aware of that

works as well or better than CSM. No it's not a silver bullet, but

neither are powerful antifungals. Which I do believe many of us

should be prescibed for a short period of time for a prevention of


When I first started this journey it was in 97 and for several years

just like the rest of you, had no idea what was causing yours or

your spouces illnesses/symptoms. Yes, we all been through the gammet

of running to many doctors, spending money we really didn't have. At

that time had no idea what direction we were heading in concerning

uneducated doctors, the obstacles we would face and of course the

most important, not realizing our health and not to mention our

lives as we once knew it were going to be destroyed by this

illness/mold exposure.

I understand CSM is not for everyone and many react differently.

This is why Dr.Shoemaker has several alternatives. I live on the

east coast I had flown to California to see Dr.Marinkovich in 02, I

can't say enough nice things about him. The antifungals that were

prescribed were only the beginning and a good one at that. But we

did not have the finances to continue his protocol. Doctors like him

at that time were far and few between and very difficult to locate.

But I also needed to find someone closer to home. Also this group

was one of the only groups out there at that time for support,

unlike today where the internet is buzzing with information.

It wasn't until about 2002-03 that I heard about Dr.Shoemaker and

his website. I looked at it briefly, read some of the information on

CSM and his blood work. To be honest with you I didn't believe it,

it just sounded to simple. But that was my fault for not reading all

his information. I knew a couple of people that went to him and

started his protocol with great results and I still didn't believe

it. I never looked at the website again until the beginning of 05

because of someone being very persistant and a patient that was a

firm believer. At this time I really started speaking to many of his

patients listening to what they were saying and the dramatic change

in the severity of their symptoms. This was all I needed to hear and

it was continuous, unlike patients from any other office. Yes there

have been some patients for one reason or another did not have a

good experience. Personalities, attitude, egos, who knows.

Just like the rest of you looking for a quick results, but not a

cure, we knew better. Just something to ease the pain and prevent

the damage from contining in many organs. We know that can't be

repaired. Because of my stubborness, unwilling and you might say

selfishness to research, investigate the science behind it, I may

have caused my wife to become much sicker than what she is. Three

important years I had ignored one of the most devoted,intelligent

and dedicated doctors researching and treating this condition with

something other than antifungals. No, I am not discrediting any of

the other fine doctors across the country. You have to do what works

for you.

My wife Sharon was on CSM for several months and we started seeing

an improvement in the severity of her symptoms within 3 weeks. At

that time this was the most important thing to us, it gave us hope

but there was still a long road ahead. What I really want to get at

is that you have to start somewhere and this is where I decided to

take the jump, because nothing else was working. It's very difficult

for many " newbies " to realize that you are dealing with more than

just mold/spores, but also the mycotoxins that are left behind even

if there is no colonization. It's the toxins that do the damage, not

the mold itself. All the side effects that we fear sometimes has to

be pushed aside to where you are able to give yourself a chance on

the road to recovery.

Even your over the counter medicine could or does have more side

effects than CSM. Look at all the pain medication that people have

taken over the years, antidepressants, antibiotics and all the other

medications, have you checked out all the side effects from those? I

doubt it. If you had,like you have with CSM, you wouldn't be on them

or have taken them.

The military scientists/doctors, farmers and yes vets have been

using CSM for many years to remove inhaled and ingested mycotoxins

and other biological, chemical exposures/poisonings. Yes, it can

also remove some good vitamins/nutrients from your system, that's

why you take suppliments.

One other thing, there are many different forms of biotoxins, not

just mycotoxins. Such as lyme disease, spider bites, snake bites,

etc., etc. that CSM has been used for.

I hope this helps. To me the small list of side effects far outweigh

the alternatives.....


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Thanks KC for a great post. I have never been to Dr. Shoemaker but I

am grateful to him for all his work. I have not tried CSM as I am on

other toxin binding supplements.

I took my daughter to her old doctor who is also a personal friend.

She is a pediatrician and works part time at Children's hospital and

her practice is the top one in the state. When I asked her about

treating my daughter for mold exposure she backed off and said we were

there for headaches which of course was not true. I gave her Dr.

Shoemaker's presentation that was submitted to the Toxicology ____can't

remember the name and the two stories from the two doctors that I found

on this site. I also gave her about five websites and the chart of

markers Shoemaker has identified. She said she would keep an open mind

but as we were leaving I told my daughter, 12 that I was not too

optimistic. I believe the practice is very conservative and cares a

little too much about profits to look at this stuff. My friend the

doctor also said that there was not a doctor in the state who knew

about mold and I believe her. She also wanted to send my daughter to a

neurologist and I refused. I told her it would be a waste of my time.

My daughter is allergic to almost all molds she tested for and the

allergist wanted to give her immunotherapy. As I thought about why it

bothered me it occurred to me that if they are giving her shots of mold

the shots probably have mycotoxins as well. Hey isn't that what our

genetic type can't filter? Anyway I looked at the allergist (also top

in the state) and said no thanks. The sad thing is I'll bet they are

not even considering this as they inject kids with these shots.

Sharon Hanson


> One other thing, there are many different forms of biotoxins, not

> just mycotoxins. Such as lyme disease, spider bites, snake bites,

> etc., etc. that CSM has been used for.


> I hope this helps. To me the small list of side effects far outweigh

> the alternatives.....


> KC


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