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Can anyone help me?

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Hi, I am so glad to have found this site, it seems as if maybe

someone can help me...At ths point I just don't know what to do or

where to turn for help.

I am allergic to mold and had recently started a new job. I trained

at a branch for one month in another town, when I came to take over

the branch in my town I had a problem. I started having an allergic

reaction to something (mold) shortly after starting work at this

branch...took some allergy medicaton and it statbalized. A girl I

was working with pointed out later in the day that the celing tiles

were moldy, eight of them (they were brown and green and there was

brown sludge coming down the bathroom wall).BY the time I got out of

there I had ithcy throat, eyes, ears,nose (they were all runny too)

and my throat started to swell. As soon as I left I started to feel

relief but took Benedryl when I got home. Started to feel better but

worse...I started to feel not right inside???

I contacted my DM and explaned the situation, she told me they would

take care of it while I took off a couple of days. I was told

everything was replaced and cleaned and if there were anymore

problems that they would have a mold specialist come in to test.

Well, I came to find out nothing was " fixed " the ceiling tiles were

all down, there were buckets with stagnant, nasty water in them

under where the tiles were and there looked like black (not sure)

growth on the insulation. I took medicine and tred to work...if I

left I would be fired, I had to get permisson from my DM, which I

eventually did, and took off out of there wth my throat, esophagus,

and lungs burning and my throat swellng. Again I started feelng

better once away from the building but still felt not well at

all...took Benedryl and Allegra round the clock and was pretty out

of it until the next day and felt like crap...coughing so bad,

headache, body aches, vomitting, diarrhea, etc...called DM, she

discouraged me from filng incdent report, I called HR and they sad I

had to, so I did. I had them fax it to me at a UPS store because I

didn't want anymore exposure to the mold, and after that I had to

speak with Risk Management...who told me it was all in my head and

would not refer me to a Dr. so I went to the ER. They diagnosed me

with Bronchitis due to an allergic reaction. They gave me a

prescription for antibiotics and recommended an oral steriod, saying

I was a little wheezy and possibly had some lung inflammation.

Started feeling better after four days and then the day after I

stopped antibiotic (sixth day after exposure) I got hit like a ton

of bricks with all sorts of things...Cough worsened (so bad I

displaced two ribs), severe headaches, confuson, memory problems,

joint pain and swelling, stomach bloating, vomitting & diarrhea,

chills and sweats (no fever), fatigue so bad I was in bed about 20-

23 hours a day, weak, shaking in and out, and pain in my heart and

down my arm and leg, along with tghtness( only on the left though).

I was put on another course of antibiotics and steriods. After I

finshed the steroids my respitory is great...my heart still hurts

and feels swollen, still in bed about 20 bhours a day, slight pain

still in jonts, some headaches and eyes hurt, stomach is mixed

(think I have candida though),I am using a cane for stabilty and for

the weakness. I went to the Dr.and have spent over $1000 so far and

they still are not sure what it is...they say it may be a blood clot

because my EKG looked good and my Cardiac bloodwork shows no heart

attack etc...but my chest xray is suspicious on the left side of my

heart, may be enlarged. They did bloodwork for possible bloodclot

and potassum levels etc...I still don't feel " right " though.

I just received a refusal notice from my company's insurance carrier

saying this is not work related and denied any benefits for WC,

after I received aletter the prevous day from thge same person

asking that my medical records be released so it would help her

investigation???? I didn't even get to send them out yet???

I contacted an environmental Dr, from one of the mold websites I

found and he said I could have an appt tomorrow and he would emal me

the info...I got an email from him saying that he will contact me


Work...the girl who ponted out the mold signed a statement that she

never saw any and they had another employee also sign it. My DM

offered me another job at the first branch I worked at until this

situaton was resolved and now says since I filed an incident report

I can no longer work there. HR told me that I have to bring a note

from the Dr. saying I am totally healthy and will not have a problem

with the mold again. They also were holdng my paychecks until I

threatened them with a lawyer, still waiting on the last one... I

don't know if I'm working there or am not because no one will rerun

my calls, they are probably hopng I will quit. I have contacted WC

lawyers and they say this case s too hard to prove and that it

is " worth " it to them.

Can anyone please help me? Thanks and God Bless you all,

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  • 1 year later...

A lot of people and especially the doctors you will met will tell you that there is nothing wrong with you, but they don't know what you are feeling inside.I guess it is but obvious that the implants are the root of all your symptoms, and getting them out would be your first step.Please tell us about your location and am sure all the ladies here can guide you on your case. Mind you, they all speak from first-hand experience, and you will know that the implants are the culprit.From: apreciousblondy <apreciousblondy@...>Subject: Can anyone help me?To:

Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 10:11 AM

I was 19 and the doctor found a solid mass in my right breast. Within days I was on the operating table having this mass removed. Thank God it wasn't cancer; just a solid mass. Due to this surgery, my breasts were awkwardly uneven (due to the removal of the mass and the healthy tissue around the mass). Two years later I was on the operating table again this time getting saline breast implants placed in my body. That was six years ago... I am now 27 years old and within the last year my health has decreased immensely. I first noticed my left armpit hurting. I confided in coworkers and friends and most thought it may be a blockage, a cyst or my deodorant. I switched my deodorant and waited. I then noticed that my armpit would hurt much much more and within a day or two I would end up sick; one time with a cold the next time with the flu. As soon as I became ill each time my armpit pain would ease a bit. I now am getting

sick more often. One day I was feeling my armpit to check for lumps etc and I found a big lump that moved with my fingers. Countless doctors (infectious disease) and blood tests later, they could not find the cause ("you are one healthy woman" one doctor said)... meanwhile I felt tired all the time, my hair was falling out and my gums now had some sort of gingivitis (I never had any of these issues before?). Finally following bacterial infections and cancer ruled out along with the rheumatoid diseases, a breast surgeon (3 months ago) removed two of my axillary lymph nodes (in my left armpit). He removed them because they were increasing in size. The surgeon said one was tinted blue? I do have a small tattoo right above my left breast (done at 18 years old) which he said was possibly the cause of the lymph node being blue but never gave me a definitive answer... my surgeon said he couldn't find anything wrong; the nodes were just "infected".. . I

thought "Good... its finally all over." I was wrong, it's three months later and it just started all over again... one week ago i started having the same pain in the same exact place. I can now feel a node that is getting bigger over the week. I am tired all the time again... I'm scared... I'm just starting my career and am taking off many times a month to make doctor appointments and sonograms, a surgery etc. I called my surgeon again and was told to go for another sonogram... Can anyone help me? No one seems to know what could be going on in my body? Please help....

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