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" Saunders, Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow " <esaunders@...>

wrote: Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:06:13 -0500 (EST)

From: " Saunders, Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow "



Subject: Senate Victory!

Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow E-mail

Safer Alternatives Bill Passes the Massachusetts Senate! Dear Darlene,

Good News: Yesterday the Massachusetts State Senate passed the Safer

Alternatives Bill!

While there were many changes and amendments made, it remains a good strong

bill that creates a program that requires chemical users to substitute safer

alternatives when they are found to be feasible for a specific use.

The redraft by the Senate Ways and Means committee did remove various

provisions that we supported and that we will want to win back in the House.

The vote was a " voice vote " - meaning that they did not do a roll call - and

passed with no opposition.

Next the bill goes to the House of Representatives.

Congratulations to all of you who have helped by relentlessly calling your

Senators over the past few months. We will be calling on you for help in the

House, but for now you can thank your Senators and take a break!

To thank your Senator call 617-722-1455. If you don't know your Senator's

name you can find out online.

See below for the press release put out by the Alliance for a Healthy

Tomorrow. For more information, feel free to call me at 617-338-8131 x203.

Great work all!




Alliance For A Healthy Tomorrow News Release Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Legislation to Reign in Toxic Chemical Use Passes in Senate Precedent-setting

Safer Alternatives Bill Will Prevent Illnesses (Boston, MA) Today the

Massachusetts Senate passed legislation that will safeguard public health by

replacing toxic chemicals with safer alternatives. Supporters of An Act for a

Healthy Massachusetts: Safer Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals (The Safer

Alternatives Bill) praised the Senate's action that takes the bill one step

closer to becoming law. The bill would also help Massachusetts expand trade

with foreign markets that have recently tightened toxic chemical standards such

as the European Union.

Led by Senator Tolman (D-Brighton) and Senator Pam Resor (D-Acton),

efforts to move the bill forward in the Senate gained momentum in the wake of

last year's product recalls over hazardous ingredients such as lead in

children's toys and lipstick. It is supported by the Alliance for a Healthy

Tomorrow (AHT), a coalition of over 160 organizations -health, labor,

scientific, environmental, faith and community groups - working to promote the

use of safer alternatives to toxic chemicals where feasible. Legislative

sponsors and advocates from AHT proposed the legislation in response to mounting

scientific evidence that indicates toxic chemicals are contributing to a chronic

disease epidemic.

" The Senators have realized that this is a business friendly way to protect

our health from toxic chemicals. It gently weans companies off outdated toxic

chemicals by providing safer and more competitive alternatives, " said Lee

Ketelsen, Clean Water Action Regional Director. " We owe President Murray, and

all Senate champions, our thanks for their leadership in protecting the health

and economy of Massachusetts. "

" Asking manufacturers to make safer products is nothing extraordinary

especially when proven, effective alternatives to toxic chemicals exist, " said

Senator Pamela Resor (D-Acton), Co-Chair of the Environment Committee.

" Massachusetts is poised to be the leader in the nation for promoting toxic

substitution with the important research being done at the Toxic Use Reduction

Institute (TURI) at UMass Lowell. If we can keep toxics out of everyday

products, then we will be safeguarding the health of our environment and our

children. "

" This legislation will put Massachusetts at the forefront of responsible

chemical policy and safeguard the residents of the Commonwealth from the very

real and unseen dangers of toxic chemicals, " said Senator Tolman

(D-Brighton), lead Senate sponsor of the bill. " These chemicals have,

unfortunately, become a part of our everyday lives and have been proven to be

the root cause of many of the health disorders affecting the people of this

state. "

The Safer Alternatives Bill will require evaluation of designated " Priority

Toxic Chemicals " which are used in Massachusetts and are linked to chronic

illnesses, and then mandate safer alternatives to these chemicals where

feasible. The bill will provide for transition assistance to businesses and

increase the international competitiveness of Massachusetts businesses.

" We applaud the action of those Senators who took a stand to defend public

health and we are hopeful that members of the House do the same, " said

Boles, Associate Executive Director of the Massachusetts Breast Cancer

Coalition. " This is a great day for families across the state who are

struggling with cancer and other illnesses linked to toxic chemicals - today's

vote in the Senate gives us all hope for a healthier tomorrow. "

A majority of House members supports the bill, including lead sponsor

Representative Jay Kaufman (D-Lexington) and Representative Smizik

(D-Brookline), Co-Chair of the Environment Committee.

Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow

262 Washington Street, Suite 301

Boston, MA 02108



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