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By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

December 3, 2007


Most surgeons are blithely ignorant about the lost function of the gall bladder

in patients who cholecystetomy. All patients lacking a gall bladder suffer from

deficiency of bile acids. Patients lacking a gall bladder are unable to control

bile secretion into the intestines to regulate proper absorption of fats, fatty

acids, and fat soluble vitamins. Proper removal of toxins depends on bile acids

that are not available in appropriate quantities after cholecystectomy. All

persons who have had cholcystectomy need to take bile acids permanently. Without

a gall bladder the patient has lost the ability to stock up on fat that can be

used as a source of calories in illness and famine, essential fatty acids and

fat soluble vitamins(A, D, E, K).

One of the main functions of bile is to break toxic substances into smaller

pieces. These small pieces become bound to sulfur containing substances like

glutathione and pass into the colon. Beneficial intestinal bacteria protect the

colon from the toxin. These same healthy bacteria later facilitate separation of

the toxin from bile acid which is reused to remove more toxins from the body as

the toxic substance is eliminated in feces. Persons lacking healthy intestinal

bacteria will be unable to protect the colon from toxin injury and separate

toxins from sulfur transporting particles. Consume healthy live bacteria from

food daily(sauerkraut, unpasteurized goat yogurt, raw milk etc) and make certain

you truly need antibiotic therapy to prevent antibiotic killing of good

intestinal bacteria.

Carcinogens such as cleaning compounds, pesticides, food packaging substances,

hormone mimicking pollutants, water contaminants etc. become stored in the body

in fat, liver and lymphatic tissue when they are not promptly removed. These

carcinogenic substances produce inflammatory reactions and ultimately can cause


Failure to excrete toxins promptly can produce immunologic reactions and

inflammation in the liver arteries. As the arteries become injured the blood

flow into the liver decreases damaging the health of liver cells and ultimately

the liver's ability to produce adequate bile suffers. When bile flow is reduced

the cholesterol levels rises in the blood producing sludgy blood flow.

The skin of the human body is our largest organ for elimination of toxic

substances. Hungarian researchers have done superb work in learning new valuable

uses for bile acids. They theorized that bile acids might be useful in treating

psoriasis as they felt the skin manifestation of psoriasis might be indicative

of lack of adequate bile acid production producing failed breakdown and

elimination of toxins through the gastrointestinal tract. The toxins then get

absorbed into the blood stream and are moved to the skin for removal from the

body. Their excretion produces a psoriasis like rash. The psoriatic like rash

thus appears to be initially caused by failure of an adequate supply of bile

acids to the intestines.

They treated a group of 800 patients with acute and chronic psoriasis with

either bile acid therapy or standard psoriasis therapy for up to 8 weeks. Two

years later 57.9% ( 319 of the 551 psoriasis patients treated with bile acids)

were asymptomatic[1] but only 6% (15 of 249) of the 249 conventionally treated

patients were symptom free. Results were better in acute cases than chronic

cases. This provides an incredibly safe new therapy for psoriasis using bile


Toxic substances(excess estrogens,. bacterial endotoxins, viral particles etc.)

are broken down in the intestines into smaller non-toxic particles by bile

acids. The bacterial endotoxins are among the most dangerous substances known.

Several endotoxins are capable of producing irreversible shock with bleeding

disorders when they enter the bloodstream unless these bacteria are promptly

killed by the correct antibiotic so they immediately cease supplying the blood

with more endotoxins.. Bile salts split endotoxins into harmless particles[2]

preventing them from reaching the blood stream.

Bile acids now appear to be of value in treating sepsis (blood poisoning), viral

infections, herpes, arteriosclerosis, symptoms resulting from intestinal

radiation injury, and hepato-renal syndrome. The problem of sepsis is steadily

becoming worse due to excessive use of antibiotics which has caused antibiotic

resistant bacteria to be common in all hospitals. Average sepsis mortality is

40% but this rises to 80% in the elderly. In sepsis the fragments of bacteria

(endotoxins) are able to enter the blood stream where they cause shock,

coagulation disorders and other destructive effects. Bile acids split endotoxins

into harmless substances preventing their entry into the blood stream. Having

enough bile salts in the intestines during septicemia could make the difference

between life and death. for many patients. All septic patients should be placed

on bile acid therapy. Family members would be helpful if they supplied sepsis

victims with bile salts to take during their days in the intensive care unit. as

low blood pressure and other sepsis related problems probably do interfere with

normal production of bile salts. If intestinal breakdown of bacterial endotoxins

and viral particles fails to occur a fatality is much more likely. This

information about bile salt therapy of sepsis is not likely to be seen by

mainstream medicine.

Bile is also able to breakup the lipoprotein coating of large viruses thus

destroying the virus. This process can thus make the rapid reproduction of

viruses impossible thus healing viral infections. There are no simple ways to

measure bile acid production. Therefore, having bile salt tablets in your home

could prove very worthwhile with acute viral sepsis illnesses like SARS virus.

The liver is a storage site for carcinogens, drugs, chemicals, pesticides,

herbicides etc. Inability to remove these toxic substances can lead to

inflammatory changes,[3] decreased liver blood flow and decreased bile

production. When toxins are not eliminated from the intestinal tract they

overflow into the lymphatic system, blood, joints and other tissues. One of

these Hungarian researchers speculated that by the time a patient developed

allergies and joint and muscle inflammation 75% of the bile production was lost.

When a serious illness like cancer arrived up to 90% of bile production was

probably lacking.

Beets increase bile flow .and thin the bile. Lecithin, choline, tumeric,

cucurmin, yarrow, Oregon grape root, taurine, milk thistle, artichoke and

dandelion have similar effects..

Cholacol from Standard Process Laboratory is a fine bile acid product. Call

Village Green Apothecary 1-800-859-9159 to order. The dose is 2 tablets three

times daily before meals. Bile salts can also be found in all health food



1, Pathophysiology 03;10(1):57-61

2, Orv Hetil 99;140(1):3-8

3, , G Alternatives Vol 12 No 5 Nov 2007 pg 39

© 2007 Dr. Howenstine -

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Thanks for the tip-I passed it on to my partner-he got

cancer shortly after his gallbladder was removed...

By the way, this is a general question, but maybe

someone else knows? Who is this Dr. Shoemaker

everyone keeps talking about? I'd be grateful to know

where he is and how to reach him-I want to see him!

--- J <jackiebreeze@...> wrote:

> I do take beet powder for my lack of gall

> bladder...mine was removed awhile back. I tried the

> ox bile from the health food store because I was

> told

> I needed it because I did not have a gall bladder.

> It

> did something REALLY bad to me...I had to go to the

> ER

> and they even considered surgery. I was diagnosed

> with

> pancreatitis. After I stopped using the ox bile, my

> blood test came out normal and the pain in my gut

> left..never knew what was up with the suppliment and

> pain, but the pain I was in was unreal!






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