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Hi ,

I'm and I'm new here too. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant

too, there's just one little problem, My tubes are tied also. We've managed

to save up the money for the reversal though, so were planning to have it

paid for around the middle of Jan. 2002. I see you get a discount for two

people having it done at the same time. When in 2002 were you thinking of

going to Dr.Levin? I have three boys from previous relationships also, and my

husband has a son. Now we want that oh so ever anticipated little girl!! I

wish you all the luck in the world!!


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  • 10 years later...


I just found this group and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Sara, mom to a 4

and 2 year old. My 4 year daughter old has been on Miralax since last March, so

about 10 months. My 2 year old son just started Miralax this weekend for a

colonoscopy prep (1 capful twice a day). It made him hyperactive and crazy. The

first night it took us a couple hours to get him to bed. The second night we

couldn't get him down until 2am (almost 7 hrs past bedtime). I called the GI

doctors who deny there is any connection to the Miralax. Then thinking about it,

ever since my daughter started it her behavior has gotten worse. We've had to

start seeing a behavioral therapist who thinks she has anxiety, sensory issues

and maybe even autism (that one we don't believe though). So of course that got

me researching Miralax more(yikes) and brought me here.

So where do I start in getting her off the Miralax? Do I need to slowly wean her

off while introducing new supplements? I'm overwhelmed in where/how to begin.

She is currently on 1.5 tsp twice a day which I'm pretty sure we can go down to

1 tsp twice a day with no issues. At one point we were down to only 1 tsp/once a

day when she was on a good liquid multivitamin (Natrol) so I think I definitely

need to get her back on that. She gets ground up flaxseeds almost every day.

Loves yogurt. Drinking is tough for her, especially plain water. Doesn't like

raw veggies much. We've tried various probiotics, some of which made her

constipation worse. Same with the digestive enzyme we tried (Kidzyme by Renew

Life). We took her in for allergy testing got no positive results there. Tried

aloe juice and she got a rash around her mouth and tummy ache. No apparent

impact on the constipation. Also tried a hazelwood necklace which didn't seem to

make much difference.

I'm so frustrated with this whole thing. It was prescribed for her over the

phone by a doctor we had never even met after she passed a 3 " wide stool that

was stuck. No exam or questions. They said she'd only have to be on it 4-6

weeks. When we tried to wean her immediately constipation got worse. Then they

told me 4-6 months. Close to the end of that time she had diarrhea so we stopped

giving it to her for a few days and then we were back to huge stools getting

stuck. So then we were referred to the constipation clinic at Childrens Hospital

who just said keep doing the miralax and do ex-lax/senna if she only passes

small stools two days in a row. Also to sit on toilet after each meal. No other

plan as of yet for getting her off the Miralax!

Any pointers on where to start would be great. Thanks!

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Hi Sara, Welcome to the group. You'll find a great deal of good information here that will help you get your children off Miralax AND stop the constipation. For many of us here, we've been able to help our children through trial and error based on the information found through the group.My DD was put on Miralax at nearly 18 months. She was nearly 27 months when I took her off cold-turkey. I'd started to wean her off but someone here suggested that I take her off it cold turkey. I did and have never looked back. The reason she was constipated was Cow's milk, which was preceded by a round of antibiotics for a UTI. A simple

solution would have been to put my DD on Lactose-Free Milk, which is what I'm doing now, instead of Rx-ing a drug off-label. This knee-jerk prescription of Miralax for childhood constipation seems to be epidemic. Often times, the doctors don't even try to find out what's causing the constipation to begin with. Anyway, I took my DD off of it when she failed to thrive, amongst other issues (irrational paranoia, nightmares, rashes, tics, OCD-like behaviour, sudden, unprovoked violence, etc.).To help her heal, I started her on an elimination diet, basically took her back to formula, and removed milk and white flour foods from her diet. I also tried a probiotic that ended up worsening her situation - but it turned out that it contained milk, so check yours to see if that's the same thing. I stated giving her vitamin C gummies in additon to cereals and formula with

probiotics and that helped a great deal. Others here will tell you of a myriad things (Juice Plus, Kirkman's Probiotics, etc.) that helped with their children.Would you mind me asking why your 2 year-old needs a colonoscopy?I hope that you will succeed in taking your kids off this drug. Good luck to you!Lillu To: miralax Sent: Monday,

January 9, 2012 2:11 PM Subject: New here


I just found this group and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Sara, mom to a 4 and 2 year old. My 4 year daughter old has been on Miralax since last March, so about 10 months. My 2 year old son just started Miralax this weekend for a colonoscopy prep (1 capful twice a day). It made him hyperactive and crazy. The first night it took us a couple hours to get him to bed. The second night we couldn't get him down until 2am (almost 7 hrs past bedtime). I called the GI doctors who deny there is any connection to the Miralax. Then thinking about it, ever since my daughter started it her behavior has gotten worse. We've had to start seeing a behavioral therapist who thinks she has anxiety, sensory issues and maybe even autism (that one we don't believe though). So of course that got me researching Miralax more(yikes) and brought me here.

So where do I start in getting her off the Miralax? Do I need to slowly wean her off while introducing new supplements? I'm overwhelmed in where/how to begin. She is currently on 1.5 tsp twice a day which I'm pretty sure we can go down to 1 tsp twice a day with no issues. At one point we were down to only 1 tsp/once a day when she was on a good liquid multivitamin (Natrol) so I think I definitely need to get her back on that. She gets ground up flaxseeds almost every day. Loves yogurt. Drinking is tough for her, especially plain water. Doesn't like raw veggies much. We've tried various probiotics, some of which made her constipation worse. Same with the digestive enzyme we tried (Kidzyme by Renew Life). We took her in for allergy testing got no positive results there. Tried aloe juice and she got a rash around her mouth and tummy ache. No apparent impact on the constipation. Also tried a hazelwood necklace which didn't seem to make much difference.

I'm so frustrated with this whole thing. It was prescribed for her over the phone by a doctor we had never even met after she passed a 3" wide stool that was stuck. No exam or questions. They said she'd only have to be on it 4-6 weeks. When we tried to wean her immediately constipation got worse. Then they told me 4-6 months. Close to the end of that time she had diarrhea so we stopped giving it to her for a few days and then we were back to huge stools getting stuck. So then we were referred to the constipation clinic at Childrens Hospital who just said keep doing the miralax and do ex-lax/senna if she only passes small stools two days in a row. Also to sit on toilet after each meal. No other plan as of yet for getting her off the Miralax!

Any pointers on where to start would be great. Thanks!

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