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[The whole press story line is at my website at libertyschoolmold.com

click on press]

School Fails Accountability Test: Fires Ill Librarian

New York Teacher - January 25, 2008


Left: The Liberty Middle School library in 2002, with an overhead tarp

holding back water leaking from the ceiling. Right: Page and her

gas mask.

Stung by a school board that fired her for not showing up to do her job

- when the job is what made her a shut-in because of Multiple Chemical

Sensitivity - librarian Page has filed a $2 million lawsuit in

U.S. District Court against the Liberty school district.

She is charging disability discrimination and violation of the teachers

contract that is supposed to ensure employment while on workers comp.

The irony of the board's mid-December decision to fire her is that,

despite losing her health, all Page wanted was a job.

Her job.

She wanted it back. Page created a plan that would allow her to work as

a media specialist from home or another safe space to deal with the

debilitating MCS that developed after she spent years working in a

mold-plagued library with a leaky roof.

This plan would have included tutoring by computer, grant-writing,

video-conferencing, podcasting, lesson-plan writing, customized

classroom Web pages and online book talks.

" I was a resource person, not a babysitter, " Page said. " I can still do

the same services I did before as a virtual librarian. "

But last month the school board in the Sullivan County district voted to

fire her - a board that had for years failed to successfully address

environmental health problems in the Liberty Middle School library where

Page worked.

" That a school or a business can make someone ill and then fire someone

for being ill is just outrageous, " Page said. " There's no penalty.

There's no accountability. "

Page had been with the district 23 years. " Had my mother been any less

dedicated, she might not have acquired the serious illness which now

torments her and our family, " Page's daughter wrote in a letter

to the school board. Page used to go into school during weekend

rainstorms and empty buckets placed under leaks.

Page left her job in June 2004, unable to work any longer as her illness

worsened. She filed for workers compensation, but it was not until April

2007 - after unanimously winning an appeal - that she was given money

for the 2005-06 school year. Appeals have held up more of Page's wages

from June 2006 to Dec. 11, 2007, when she was fired.

" The district's actions are unjust, immoral and indefensible, " said

NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi.

Ann on, regional staff director for NYSUT's mid-Hudson office,

said there is medical evidence that Page's problems are attributable to

her work in the Liberty school building.

" The district had an obligation to work with , not against her, in

first addressing her medical issues and second in arranging an alternate

work schedule and location, " on said.

Broken system

" Part of what's wrapped up in this story is the broken system of workers

comp, " said Page. " I lost my savings and, fortunately, have been

supported by family members while I've been waiting for a decision.

Appeals and delays allow the opposition to block, lessen or postpone

compensation. "

The school offered her other on-site librarian positions. But none were

medically acceptable, she said. Her doctors stated she could not

function in any space with a history of mold exposure.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health had given the

Liberty school buildings a negative health assessment.

In fact, voters just passed a bond to build the other libraries, Page

said. Furthermore, she said her doctors said being exposed to

petrochemical byproducts and synthetic fragrances such as perfume,

scented shampoos and scented laundry products would worsen her condition.

At the Liberty Middle School, 13 years of water leaks mixed with tars,

brewing mold gases that disabled Page. Once, after picking up a book

covered with mold, Page passed out.

She got sicker by the month, struggling against dizziness, weakness and

flu-like symptoms. It was after the school attempted a renovation of the

library that Page was unable to breathe or speak normally.

" It's very common for schools to be damp, leaky or moldy, " said

Brinchman, founder and director of the national, not-for-profit Center

for School Mold Help (www.schoolmoldhelp.org). " No homeowner would set

up buckets for decades and routinely collect water. "

Brinchman urged teachers to check for stains or leaks in classrooms.

" Members who are aware of dampness and mold dangers should be vigilant

and notify their local unions' health and safety committees about

issues, " said NYSUT Vice President Kathleen Donahue.


Page was nearly isolated in her home for several years after leaving her


" At first, I spent a lot of time sleeping, " she said. " It's a very

lonely illness. "

The first six months she was confined to one room with just a metal bed

and non-toxic mattress. Visitors had to go through a plastic barrier and

shower with special products.

Her other daughter Miranda had to move out and stay with friends or with

her dad, a half hour away. Page's longtime companion, , took an

apartment across the street with his son to lessen outside exposures.

When the mail came she'd go outside with her mask, put letters into

sheet protectors to protect against smells, and sometimes hang mail on

the line. She even taped her windows to avoid fumes from neighbors'

dryer vents.

Exposure to most synthetic chemicals increases her illness's reach.

Dangerous products are those with an added scent. This can include

deodorant, air fresheners, perfume and dishwashing detergent, to name a few.

" Fragrance is an unregulated industry, " Page noted. " Anything can be

added under the term fragrance. Sometimes there are dozens of chemicals

under that one term. "

Avoiding chemical triggers and mold, plus treatment for chemical injury,

have allowed her to begin to heal in the last year. She can go out in

public for short periods, carrying her mask. She is tested for toxins

and then takes antidotes.

Chemicals are expunged from her body in an infrared dry-heat sauna, an

approach also used by many 9/11 responders sick from chemical exposure.

She eats an organic diet, has filters in her home and car and takes

daily doses of oxygen, delivered to her home.

Page has been paying $1,200 a month for health insurance for herself and

her children. She logs day-long treatment visits several times a month.

With her loss of income, she is forced to consider going without

insurance for her children so that she can afford to keep her own.

Page's colleagues from the Liberty Faculty Association, the Liberty

School Employees Association and the Liberty Teaching Assistants,

Monitors and Aides have asked the board repeatedly in letters and

placards: " Accommodate, Don't Terminate. "

Union members have added warmth to the blanket of solidarity they are

hoping will ease the chill of the school board's decision.


The Liberty Teachers Association gave Page's daughter Miranda, a Liberty

High grad, a $500 supplement toward books each semester until she

graduates from college.

" This was unanimously approved by the membership, " said Tim Hamblin,

president of the Liberty TA. Colleagues also took up a collection in

each school building before the winter holiday break to help Page out


" People are angry over this and know it could happen to anyone, " said

Hamblin. Twenty middle-school teachers filed paperwork with health

complaints when NIOSH in December 2005 gave a negative health assessment

to Liberty school buildings.

The agency declared health hazards at the middle school and an

elementary school, noting persistent leaks, mold on murals and rotted

wood. (www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2005-0033-2948.pdf.)

Page will have to rely on winning her workers compensation case for income.

She said her attorney told her it would only pay her a maximum of $400 a

week - the rate when her case was originally filed. (Workers

compensation was increased in July 2007 to a cap of $500 a week and will

increase $50 per week over the next two years for new cases.)

But right now there is no money coming in: appeals to Page's workers

comp claims are holding up any income. She is striving to hold onto her


She is encouraged about the formation of a new mold and health task

force by Gov. Spitzer


Page has created her own Web site as well (www.libertyschoolmold.com) to

spread the message of mold awareness.

NYSUT's Donahue said local leaders who have health and safety concerns

should contact their labor relations specialist to access NYSUT's health

and safety specialist, Hord.

- Liza Frenette

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