Guest guest Posted May 3, 2012 Report Share Posted May 3, 2012 Sounds exciting Amulya. But I may not be able to make it as kids would have just returned to school. But thanks so much for the invite. Ashok Sent from my iPad > Dear Ashok, > > Fancy another lightning visit to the UK for a reunion in honour of Dr Ulhas Jajoo? This time remember to bring Renuka and the kids. You can stay with us; we are about 60 miles from Leicester. > > Regards > > Amulya. > > ----- Forwarded Message ----- > > To: mgimsuk2011@...; Suchi Gaba ; Ayesha Manal ; ramprakash Narayanan2 ; Ramesh Subramanium ; meenakshi talwar ; Gursharan Singh ; Bhavana Sreeram ; Ronja RC ; Ahuja ; Archana dhir ; Nidhi Sethi > Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 13:54 > Subject: RE: 15th September 2012 @ Feast India, leicester- Mark this date in your diaries - and do not double book:)) > > I am off work today in case anyone thinks I am skieving:)) > > 24 individuals have logged in their preferences. Others who wish to attend the reunion on 15th, please click on the 'Doodle' link and enter your your availability: > > A warm welcome to the following new additions to our MGIMS UK family: > > Gursharan Singh ('82) who lives in London. > Ayesha Siddiqui ('93) who lives in Edinburgh - many of of you will remember her from the previous reunion at Southall that she co-ordinated. > > Since my 1st email in March, we have had the following additions to our family: > > Nidhi Sethi ('90) > Meenakshi Tanwar ('93) > Ronja RoyChoudhary ('92) > Bhavana Sreeram ('97) > Her brother Naren Kumar ('95) and Anuradha from the same batch > > Muthu- thanks for re-entering your availability- noted:)) > > Saranya ('97) has promised to facebook this event sometime today/tomorrow. The main advantage of this is that alumni living elsehwere in Europe, Americas, Gulf, Africa etc will have an opportunity to join in if one so wishes. > > Sadhana > > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; suchigaba@...; ayesha.manal@...; prakash9736@...; subrar24@...; meenakshi250@...; zeeess@...; itsbhavana@...; drsaiima@...; ronjarc1975@...; monicalondon@...; archanadhir@...; sushan2@... > Subject: RE: 15th September 2012 @ Feast India, leicester- Mark this date in your diaries - and do not double book:)) > Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 13:26:01 +0100 > > > Dear all, > > Simmi has done us all proud- she has gone a step further than negotiate an earlier start time- despite not being open to public for Saturday lunch, the FI manager is willing to open the restaurant for lunch exclusively for our reunion!! Imagine having the whole place eclusively for our use at no extra cost!! Sounds so tempting......... > > However, there is a CATCH..... the guy has a business to manage and targets to deliver (like all of us). So, he is willing to open up the restaurant for a saturday lunch provided we give him a business of 75+ customers. > > As of today, 20 individuals have confirmed attendance on 15th. This translates to approx 60 people including family members aged > 3yrs. > > Prakash Punjabi ('80) has very kindly revived the doodle poll and it is now live till the end of this month- anyone else who intends to attend the reunion should enter their availability onto the poll. > > Simmi Sehgal ('89) has to get back to the manager sometime soon. Our plan is that: > > If we have confirmed attendances totalling 75 or more, Simmi will go ahead and book the place for lunch time on 15th September. > > If we fall short of 75 + then Simmi will go ahead and book the place for dinner starting at 5 pm. To give us some time for socialising, Suchi Gaba ('92) and Simmi have kindly agreed to look for a small hall close by 'Feast India' for us to meet around 3 pm so we can go over for dinner to FI and leave the place around 6.30- 7 pm. > > We look forward to seeing the doodle numbers go up over this week and next. > > Take care all- rain washed gardens do look beautiful but I for one would love the sun to return back from his vacation elsehwere on earth:) > > Sadhana ('85) > > > > > CC: mgimsuk2011@... > From: suchigaba@... > Subject: Re: 15th September 2012 @ Feast India, leicester- Mark this date in your diaries - and do not double book:)) > Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 22:32:51 +0100 > To: mgimsuk2011@... > > Rohtak medical college meet was organised at Hilton hotel in the afternoon at Leicester, not sure whether was Sat or Sunday. > It will be excellent if Simmi is able to negotiate timings otherwise we could explore some other venues. > > Regards, > Suchi > > Sent from my iPhone > > On 21 Apr 2012, at 17:29, Thillainayagam Muthukumar wrote: > > I think we should get hold of a youth hostel in the vicinity for those members of the group who want to stay back on saturday night - and leave on Sun Morning. > > Muthu > > > > > Dear all, > > Prior planning prevents pathetic performance - or so we were raised to believe. But life does throw up unwanted complexities and ..............all that prior planning can still have a spanner thrown in the works:)))) > > Feast India does not open to public on Saturday afternoons!!! > > However, they open for dinner at 5 pm - Simmi will try and negotiate an earlier opening time for a section of the restaurant. > > I would like to thank Simmi for the very prompt follow up with Feast India. We will have to wait and watch if the manager accomodates us for an earlier time-I have no doubt of Simmi's persuasion skills and she is sure to convince. > > If so, would 15th dinner time be a problem for any of you who have confirmed so far (22 -24 individuals so far)? > > We can try for a 3.30 start and finish by 7.30 pm. Since Leicester is central, it should take about 2-2.5 hrs to get back to our homes. For those living further away, putting up for the night with friends is an option. > > Yours > Sadhana > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; suchigaba@...; ssehgal@...; lakora@...; mateenpeshimam@...; subrar24@...; drsaiima@...; ronjarc1975@...; meenakshi250@...; itsbhavana@...; sushan2@...; sarthaksinha@...; prakash9736@... > Subject: 15th September 2012 Lunch @ Feast India, leicester- Mark this date in your diaries - and do not double book:)) > Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 23:45:44 +0100 > > Dear all, > > Thank you for your amazingly prompt and encouraging responses- it made the journey so far worth the time. Thank you also for your patience, enthusiasm and all the help from so many of you in so many different ways. > > Besides those who doodle polled their availability, Sinha (Ahuja-'82) and Shahnaya Bhaya (Rathod- '86) also kept in touch. > > Going by the poll results, the reunion is scheduled for 15th of September lunch time. It appeared fair to go with the most popular one as there was the possibility of more families meeting up. 8th Sept was a close 2nd choice and is the back up date if 15th fails to happen because of unforseen reasons. > > Having said that, some of us who are currently not available on 15th have said that every effort will be made to make it to the 15th - Archana Dhir ('82) and Firoze-Fatima ('83). Muthu-Sonali ('85) can make it to 15th though it will require Muthu to swap his on-call. Agam-Suresh ('85) have also said that they can make it to 15th though it is not their 1st choice. > > Whilst, over half of all alumni have responded, it is an earnest request to everyone in the UK to please accomodate 15th Sept if you can- as it is, we don't have our reunions as often as we could. The doodle poll will be available till the end of this month for anyone who has not responded so far. Closer to July, one can get in touch with Simmi Sehgal/ Suchi Gaba/myself - it will be difficult to add numbers thereafter. > > Please feel free to share the reunion date with alumni friends living elsewhere in Europe/Americas. Last time, Bhaskar Harinath ('84) made the reunion absolutely unforgettable with his unexpected entry!!! > > From here on, > > 1. Saranya Sridhar ('97) has kindly offered to facebook the event. I dont fully understand how it works but do know that it has great reach. > > 2. Simmi Sehgal ('89) and Suchi Gaba ('92) will take on the local co-ordination vis-a-vis Leicester. I will of course work alongside you both so you have all the support you need. > > In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions/ideas (big/small) for the reunion or for Dr Jajoo's visit, please, please share it here or email me - more the merrier. This is one dish in which more the cooks more will be the flavour:)) Pun intended > > Goodnight > Sadhana ('85) > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ---------------------------------------------------------- > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; suchigaba@...; ssehgal@...; lakora@...; mateenpeshimam@...; subrar24@...; drsaiima@...; ronjarc1975@...; meenakshi250@...; itsbhavana@...; sushan2@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) - Doodle > Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 23:50:05 +0100 > > Dear Bhavana, > > Welcome to the MGIMS UK family and thank you for getting in touch. When we started out we had no idea that there were so many of us in the UK!! It will be good to meet you, Naren and Anuradha at the reunion- please email me their ids to help them receive the reunion details. Are you from Saranya's batch? > > At the moment we are looking at 5 potential dates for the reunion (all in September) -you need to indicate your availability on the proposed dates. Please click on the 'Doodle' link and enter your your availability: > Please click the link or copy/paste and indicate availability (max - 100 partcipants / 30 days) > > People's response will help us finalise the reunion date - the date that comes up as the most preferred/ when most people are available to attend will be the reunion date. > > Do let me know if there are any other MGIMS alumni here in the UK (and not on this egroup). > > Goodnight > Sadhana ('85 Batch) > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -------------- > > Subject: Reunion > > From: itsbhavana@... > > Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 20:56:30 +0100 > > To: sadhanabose69@... > > > > Hi > > I am bhavana sreeram from 97 batch. Myself and my brother naren Kumar and Anuradha kurvey from 95 batch would like to join for the mgims reunion in September > > > > > > Regards, > > > > Dr Bhavana Sreeram > > > > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; suchigaba@...; ssehgal@...; lakora@...; mateenpeshimam@...; subrar24@...; drsaiima@...; ronjarc1975@...; meenakshi250@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) - Doodle > Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2012 01:01:51 +0100 > > Dear all, > > Thanks for your fantastic responses, your support to date and thanks for infusing life into this egroup in your own individual and special ways. > > The 'doodle' tool that Prakash has emailed us is simple and absolutely brilliant- please feel free to directly enter your availability or alternately, email me. > > > > Please click the link or copy/paste and indicate availability (max - 100 partcipants / 30 days) > > Sadhana > > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2012 00:46:31 +0100 > > > Dear Prakash, > > This is an amazingly simple and clever tool- has solved my problem of manual entry - many thanks for coming up with this!! Thanks also for confirming your availability. > > Sadhana > From: p.punjabi@... > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 14:04:54 +0000 > > > Please click the link or copy/paste and indicate availability (max - 100 partcipants / 30 days) > Thanks, PPP > From: mgimsuk2011@... [mgimsuk2011@...] on behalf of lp talktalk [lakora@...] > Sent: 06 April 2012 12:08 > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > > Good to prevent bowel ca! > How r u? We’ve got a puppy a week ago. > Welcome to visit him if Rahul’s into pups………………. > > Malini > > > From: mgimsuk2011@... On Behalf Of Sinha > Sent: 06 April 2012 09:16 > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > > Thank god Had enuf ghaasphoos in my years at to have a choice now! > > Subject: Re: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > From: fatimasogiawalla@... > Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 07:36:30 +0100 > To: mgimsuk2011@... > There,s lot of non veg too !! > > Sent from my i phone > > > Hello Nadu, > Glad to have you resurface...was wondering if the Yorkshire Dales had swallowed you up!! > > Non-MGIMS spouses and children are not only welcome but are a hard to ignore majority! Thanks for confirming your availability - Saturdays are definitely better than Sundays. You are one brave man to take on the in-laws on 8th/9th - looks like a strong 2nd place contender at the moment with 15th slightly more popular. > > Yes, I think I have been to 'Feast India' as well- 4 yrs ago- is it the one with a giant wheel on the outside wall? All veg would be even better for Dr and Mrs Jajoo. Have invited Kalantri sir too - lets see- he is not sure. > > Goodnight and a relaxing long weekend. > > Sadhana > > Thanks > Sadhana > Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:01:30 +0100 > From: amulyanadkarni@... > Subject: Re: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > To: sadhanabose69@...; muthu.rad@... > CC: dragamjung@...; agam.jung@...; sonali.path@...; firozes@...; usbedi@...;saranya.sridhar@...; lakora@... > Hi, Sadhana ( & MGIMS UK gang) > > We (I assume non-MGIMS spouses, and children, are welcome therefore you will need total numbers for any booking) can make it for the weekends 1st/2nd, 15th/16th, and 22nd/23rd Sept., Saturdays preferred to allow Sunday for recovery! 8th/9th Sept we are in Center Parcs @ Sherwood Forest for our annual (extended) family 'gathering'; Leicester is not far so if push came to shove we could make it that weekend as well. > > I think I have been to Feast India and if its the place I am thinking of one is spoilt for choice of food ranging from Indian (all 4 corners) to Chinese and Continental, (unless it went through an identity crisis and has decided to focus on Indian cuisine). I think its all veg which satisfies MGIMS requirements. The car park is quite small though. > > Would be nice if Dr and Mrs Kalantri could make it as well. > > Regards > > Amulya > > > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; narorasethi@...; subrar24@...; ssehgal@...;mateenpeshimam@...; suchigaba@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 14:45:16 +0100 > Dear Archana, > > Hope so too. > > Many thanks for confirming your availability- hope to come up with a date that most people can do. > > Pulling all the responses together on one sheet should be one fun filled experience- I am glad that Muthu-Sonali will be sharing the pain. My head is already swimming between the various 'can do' and 'cannot do' dates!!!! > > Sadhana > > > > From: archanadhir@... > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion > Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 13:33:00 +0000 > Hi Sadhana > > I may be able to attend on the 8th /9th September. Other weekends are possible but will know nearer the time. > Hope everything works out well this time! > > Archana ( 82 Batch) > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -------------------------------- > Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 09:58:21 +0100 > From: lopaabhay@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion > To: mgimsuk2011@... > I won't be able to make the first two weekends of Sept. but I may be able to attend on the 15th, depending on the circumstances. > Thanks, > Lopa Das > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion > Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 22:14:45 +0100 > > > Dear Shalini, > > Thanks a lot for confirming your availability- I hope to finalise the date in two weeks time. Thanks for your kind wishes- it is OUR plan by the way- not just mine:)) Yes, look forward to meeting everyone after a long time. > > Good night > Sadhana > Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 21:55:30 +0800 > From: drshalinisingh@... > Subject: Re: Rescheduled UK reunion > To: mgimsuk2011@... > > Hi Sadhana, > > Thanks for your email. As of today, all the dates in September are fine for me to attend the re-union. > > I hope everything goes as per your plan this time. > > Looking forward to meeting everyone > Regards > Shalini > > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; mateenpeshimam@...; ssehgal@...; suchigaba@...;subrar24@...; lakora@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion (main trail) > Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 12:39:40 +0100 > Dear Simmi, > > Brilliant news! You and Suchi will definitely be our local 'eyes and ears' Btw, Feast India should have you on their board of directors- you do a good job marketing the place!! > > I will take the 2nd weekend as your preferred date with you being available on all other dates, if required. > > By the end of April we should know if the reunion is taking place and on which date and what time slot. 2hrs slot will be tight- your personal influence to extend this to 3 hrs or more will be invaluable. > > I will need assistance so rest assured that I will shamelessly take all the offer of help from you and from Suchi. > > It is wonderful to see people join the wagon one by one- together we can make this memorable for each one of us and for sir. > > Take care and have a great day. > > Sadhana > > From: ssehgal@... > To: sadhanabose69@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion > Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 08:40:30 +0000 > > Hi Sadhana > > Just caught up with all the exchange of emails in reference to our re-union. I live in Leicester and am glad that Feast India has been chosen as the venue. The food and the ambience both are amazing. Infact we have most of our get-together’s there. As for the dates the second weekend is convenient for me however there would be no problem for the other one's if that is what the consensus is. > We know the Manager of Feast India so if you need any help with booking etc. do let me know. Please be mindful that it is a very popular joint hence does get busy so we need to book at least 3-4 weeks in advance for large groups (if not they prefer to know the approximate numbers atleast). They also operate on time slots; which is 2 hours slots (however they do allow up to 3 hours; we would anyway negotiate that with him) so we would have to agree on the time as well. Please feel free to ask if you need any assistance. > > Regards > Simmi (’89 batch) > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; mateenpeshimam@...; ssehgal@...; suchigaba@...;subrar24@...; lakora@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion > Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 11:59:04 +0100 > Good morning indeed Iqroop, > > The sun is out and the day looks promising and you are obviously an early bird. > > I am indeed guilty of a long email- thank you for taking it in the right spirit - my intention was to provoke introspection so thank you for not taking it otherwise. > > Above all, thank you for confirming the dates that you will be able to attend. > > Re contribution- your presence with your family will be the best contribution. Shall call you sometime in April. > > Take care > Sadhana > > > Subject: Re: Rescheduled UK reunion > From: ichopra@... > Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 06:41:36 +0100 > To: mgimsuk2011@... > Good morning Sadhana, that was a long well meaning email. I maybe able to make 8th/9th, 15th is even better and a definite while 2/3rd a definite no as we fly back from India that weekend. > As I had mentioned to Sonali- Muths last time around, will be happy to contribute either way. > Regards, > Iqroop Chopra > sent from iPhone > > > > Dear Suchi, > > Thanks a lot for seconding the vote for 'Feast India'- is it the one where you have a paan ka tela and pani puri stall? Since you live in Leicester, closer to Sept, if the reunion takes place- we will need your help. > > Thanks for sending the invite to Meenakshi and for her emaili id- will include her to the group database. Look forward to Ronja's email id. > > Take care > Sadhana > CC: mgimsuk2011@...; narorasethi@...; ssehgal@...; lakora@...;mateenpeshimam@...; subrar24@... > From: suchigaba@... > Subject: Re: Rescheduled UK reunion > Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 11:29:44 +0100 > To: sadhanabose69@... > Hi All, > > Great effort! > Feast India is a good venue. > > I will send this invite to > Meenakshi Tanwar from '93 batch and Ronja Tandan from my batch( '92) > > Regards, > Suchi > > > > Sent from my iPhone > > > Feast India comes with a stamp of approval from Fatu and Firoze- she has an eye for good joints. So, it looks like the place we will meet in Sept. > > Dear all, please come back to me with your response by April 15th of which dates you will attend or will not be able to attend. I understand that each of us have our priorities and no one should be compelled. However, I cannot resist " nudging " - made famous by Obama and introduced in the NHS by Lansley. > > Ramesh ('91 batch) has even agreed to sing for us in his melodious voice- he and biju ('90) used to belt out some beautiful duets during the college festivals. > > Take care > Sadhana > From: sadhanabose69@... > To: mgimsuk2011@...; suchigaba@...; narorasethi@...;ssehgal@...; lakora@...; mateenpeshimam@...; subra24@... > Subject: RE: Rescheduled UK reunion > Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 08:32:43 +0100 > Dear Agam, > > Yes, Leicester will be a good choice. In fact we hav > > > Go to group website > Remove me from the group mailing list > > > Go to group website > Remove me from the group mailing list > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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