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Appearance of Garlic and onion:

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> Appearance of Garlic and onion:


> One ayurvedic doctor had told me that this description is there in Ayurveda:


> When Lord Vishnu in His Mohini form was distributing nectar to the demigods


> demons named Rahu and Ketu sat down in the line of Demigods. By

> mistake the Lord served them nectar into their mouths. Immediately the Lord


> informed by Sun and Moon that those two were demons.


> As soon as the Lord came to know this information, He cut off the heads of


> demons. By that time nectar had not passed through their throat. It was still

> in their mouth. When the Lord cut off their head , the head was separated from


> body. Thus nectar did not pass through to the stomach but fell on the

> ground . (That is the reason why Rahu and Ketu’s head are still alive and

> their body was finished.)


> The nectar which was put into their mouth fell on the ground when their

> heads were cut off from the body. Garlic and Onion manifested from this

> nectar. Thus Garlic and Onion are regared as nectar but not used for Lord

because these are remnants of demons, touched the mouth of two demons. Even if

nectar touched the mouths of two demons still garlic and onion act like nectar


> curing the diseases. But not meant for Vishnu or Vaishnavas.


> The doctor told me that who ever will eat garlic and onion, their body will

> be very strong like demons body and at the same time their intelligence also

> will be contaminated like the intelligence of demons



> Meena 1980




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