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Re: New with CSM & symptom questions

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Hi Deb, I have been using CSM for 4 yrs. and NEVR missed a dose ever. My

entire day is scheduled around taking my medications. The first thing I did that

made taking it so much easier especially if I had to go out was to buy 2 or 3

little plastic sippy jugs. The kind kids use to take in their lunch boxes. I

buy mine at WalMart (Rubbermaid brand) cheaper type tend to leak. I mix the

CSM up in the bottle ahead of time so I can take it with me in the car then

no mixing with water in a cup is necessary. It's also perfect for that first

morning cocktail! I mix mine at night and then put it right by my bed along

with the extra one with water. That way I can take it early and not have to

worry about eating. I just take it early about 6 or 7 AM then between 8 or 9. I

space the next dose about an hr. before lunch which could be 11 or 12 noon,

next dose at 4 or 5PM and final one at 9 or 9:30PM. Any other meds I take 1

hr. after taking CSM. That's the schedule that works for me. I always have

CSM in the car just in case I get stuck somewhere and don't have it with me.

I did make me consitpated so I take Milk of Magnesia EVERY night. About 2

tsp.followed by about 6 oz. of water. You may need more or less.

The CSM has been a tremendous help to me! My brain fog was the first to

improve then the muscle/joint pain and headaches improved. No more itchy crawly

skin, muscle twitches, etc. I did feel worse before I felt better though. I

remember sleeping for hours and hours. At least 12 hrs. or more at night and

napping in the afternoon. After 4 yrs. most my symptoms are gone but I still

tire easily, have short term memory problems and can't be around most

fragrances. Most perfumes/colognes, house cleaners, smoke, dry cleaners, dept.

stores, etc. make me very sick so I avoid as much as possible and I Carry a N95

mask in my purse at all times. Just the other day I had to pick my mother up

from her PT session. I walked in and immediately walked out! The smell of the

new carpet about knocked me off my feet when I opened the door. I had to go

wait in the car and I had nothing to read! I guess with the along with the CSM

I'll have to carry a small library with me!

I could probably go on and on but that's it for now. If you have ANY other

questions feel free to contact me. Just put CSM Question in the subject box.

I'll be happy to help you any way I can.

1.) Eyesight improved

2.) Rapid heartbeat Gone

3.) Shortness of breath Gone

4.) Hormonal problems Still not much libido

5.) Memory/word recall Short term is still poor but much better along with

word recall

6.) Fatigue 100% better than it was but still get tired if I do too much.

I take Corvalen _http://corvalen.com/_ (http://corvalen.com/) recommended

by Dr. Shoemaker which has helped a lot. Don't seem as worn out by late


I'll be happy to call you anytime and day. I'm on the east coast so let me

know what time is good for you.

Hope I have been of some help!


Dr.Shoemaker's CSM Protocol

1. On an empty stomacch, take one schoop of CSM, ix with water, or juice


2. Stir well & swallow. Add more liquid, repeat #1 above until done.

3. Drink an extra 4-6 oz. of liquid.

4. After 30 mins., you may eat or take meds ( wait at least 2 hrs. before

talking thyroxine, digitalis, theophylline, coumadin and others, ask you Dr.

for information)

5. Take CSM 4 times a day!!

6. If you eat first, wait at least 60 minutes before taking your CSM.

7. Reflux, constipation, bloating and bowel distress are to be expected.

8. Use acid blockin medications as needed

9. Use sorbitol, 70% solutions, 1'TBS 3-4 times a dy to relieve constipation


I'm new here & have been reading the posts for a few days now. I

have a few questions about other's experience with CSM treatment. I

have not started yet myself, but have heard good things about it from

someone else that's tried it. I was hoping that those of you who

have tried it could comment on some specific symptoms and whether it

has helped you.



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Hi Deb,

I will try to share a bit of my experience over the last three years

since exposure...

CSM treatment.

Re CSM...

After being diagnosed with asthma/allergies by conventional doctors

and trying allergy meds, shots, inhalers (which made things worse) I

found the CSM the only thing to help with " asthma " breathing issues. I

couldn't even walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath.

Within days of trying CSM four times a day my breathing improved, my

joint pain faded, and my muscle aches got better. Regarding GI...for

me and others on CSM that I've talked to, the GI problems will be more

normalized...no irritable bowel issues...constipation/diar...etc.

After a short period it can make one very regular from what I've


Eyesight- This has been the hardest one for me to conquer. I tried

for three years with antibiotic drops (about 10-12 types)but my eyes

were extremely sore. I had boils around my eyes too for years. About

two/three ,three week rounds of doxycycline cleared the boils but only

recently when I tried Sporonox did the soreness inside the eye go

away. My eyes look extremely red still but the soreness is gone. One

fungal doctor told me the eyelids were probably colonized.

Rapid heartbeat - If you have chemical intolerance from your

exposure you are going to face this over and over again when you come

in contact with molds/chemicals based on my experience. You could have

plaque in the arteries from your exposures too. Good to get a CT scan

or ultra sound of the arteries if you can in my opinion. Avoid

triggers at all costs.

Shortness of breath - Again, if you get re exposed to

molds/chemicals if you have MCS you will probably experience this on

some level that is why all of our doctors are so serious about

advoidance. Overall this improved right away for me on CSM.

Hormonal problems- My hormones were perfectly normal prior to

exposure and then they crashed as did my thyroid levels. For me

synthetic thyroid didn't bring my levels back, only armour thyroid

which is more natural one. Also I am doing bio identical hormone

replacement for what I lost at exposure which seems to have benefits

for me.Sleeping improved dramatically. I would have your hormonal

levels checked and research bio identical treatments. I only use

compounding pharmacies for this.

Memory/word recall - This still remains a problem but I find when I

have a very safe working environment...no molds/chemicals/other

cleaning irritants, no HVAC system issues, basically no exposures at

all, which is extremely tough in this world, but then this gets better

after years.

Fatigue - This improves with the CSM when the toxins are leaving the

body, and after antifungal use, hormone correction, and getting rid of

any bacterial or viral issues that your doctor may find. Eating

totally organic is important for me since my chemical intolerance is

so extreme. Drinking only bottled water, and using antioxidants

supplements can help some people. I'm doing Dr. Pall's protocol (five

supplements) and it seems to lessen my hyper reactivity to chemicals

which for me keep me in constant state of fatigue.

Hyperbaric oxygen can also help the fatigue and I use personal oxygen

when I need it which seems to help with the fatigue too.If you have

the money for massage therapy and or infrared sauna treatments that

seems to help some people too. Chiropractic and massage helped me a

lot with fatigue. Some essential oils may work for you on sore knots

if you have any.

Personally, I could only eat brocolli and rice when I first got

exposed. I had major stomach inflammation. A no mold diet is extremely

helpful and I am still on it plus I follow the Diet for Your Blood

Type. I am an A so only eat A foods/drinks which again has helped to

lessen my overall hyper reactivity since exposure.

Hope that helps you explore some options.

None of this is medical advice...consult with your treating doctor.

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, I'd be more than happy to talk with you and happy to help anyway I

can. Four yrs. ago people, who were total strangers to me, reached out to

offer their help and support. I don't know where I would be without them so I

here to do whatever I can to help others.

Let me know when you want to tall. Feel to e-mail me anytime.


Hi Sue,

Thank you for listing Dr. Shoemaker's protocols. I've read Mold Warriors and

am in the middle of water and mold damage that we had on our home. I've been

interested in seeing Dr. Shoemaker, but have some concerns due to other

medical issues. Would it be possible to talk to you. I know there's no medical

advice that you can give. But as a pateint of Dr. Shoemaker's it would be

helpful if you were open to it.

Many thanks,

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Hi Sue,

Thank you for listing Dr. Shoemaker's protocols. I've read Mold Warriors and

am in the middle of water and mold damage that we had on our home. I've been

interested in seeing Dr. Shoemaker, but have some concerns due to other medical

issues. Would it be possible to talk to you. I know there's no medical advice

that you can give. But as a pateint of Dr. Shoemaker's it would be helpful if

you were open to it.

Many thanks,

ssr3351@... wrote:

I take Corvalen _http://corvalen.com/_ (http://corvalen.com/) recommended

by Dr. Shoemaker which has helped a lot. Don't seem as worn out by late


Dr.Shoemaker's CSM Protocol

1. On an empty stomacch, take one schoop of CSM, ix with water, or juice


2. Stir well & swallow. Add more liquid, repeat #1 above until done.

3. Drink an extra 4-6 oz. of liquid.

4. After 30 mins., you may eat or take meds ( wait at least 2 hrs. before

talking thyroxine, digitalis, theophylline, coumadin and others, ask you Dr.

for information)

5. Take CSM 4 times a day!!

6. If you eat first, wait at least 60 minutes before taking your CSM.

7. Reflux, constipation, bloating and bowel distress are to be expected.

8. Use acid blockin medications as needed

9. Use sorbitol, 70% solutions, 1'TBS 3-4 times a dy to relieve constipation

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Thanks, , for your suggestions. I have a Healthy Options store near me

that carries all types of natural meds flushes and cleansers.I know they have

liver and total body cleansers.What others are there and what is Ozone Therapy

and where do you go for that type of treatment? I have no sinus issue at

all or respiratory problems. When I worked I had lots of coughing, sinus,

allergy, bronchitis, etc. but none since. I never had a rash only the itchy


skin feeling. I am open to suggestions to improve my health. I take a daily

vitiman, B complex, vit. E and D along with Calcium. The Corvalen has helped

greatly with the fatigue but still low libido and short term memory.

Thanks for you help.


hi Sue -

i know u've been here long enough to hear me sing the praises of liver

flushes/cleanses and alternative medicine modality, Ozone Therapy. and

for some reason, i just feel compelled to suggest that u please

consider doing both because with the remaining systems you have

(tiring easily, libido, short-term memory, smells)...i truly believe

both liver flushes/cleanses & Ozone Therapy would do wonders for u. :-)

with Ozone Therapy + sauna, you can pretty expect to break out in

rashes & /or pustules (it's all toxins that are released through the

skin, which is really the largest organ of the body). Ozone Therapy

with ear insufflation, u can expect your sinuses to drain like crazy

and your ears to leak lymph fluid (toxins). it's detoxing at its

finest! when no more rashes/pustules/finest! when no more rashes/pustule

take weeks, even months), u'll have your life back. i would even bet

that u taking CSM 4x/day would be cut down significantly once you get

to that point.

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hi Sue -

i know u've been here long enough to hear me sing the praises of liver

flushes/cleanses and alternative medicine modality, Ozone Therapy. and

for some reason, i just feel compelled to suggest that u please

consider doing both because with the remaining systems you have

(tiring easily, libido, short-term memory, smells)...i truly believe

both liver flushes/cleanses & Ozone Therapy would do wonders for u. :-)

with Ozone Therapy + sauna, you can pretty expect to break out in

rashes & /or pustules (it's all toxins that are released through the

skin, which is really the largest organ of the body). Ozone Therapy

with ear insufflation, u can expect your sinuses to drain like crazy

and your ears to leak lymph fluid (toxins). it's detoxing at its

finest! when no more rashes/pustules/lymph fluid are released (could

take weeks, even months), u'll have your life back. i would even bet

that u taking CSM 4x/day would be cut down significantly once you get

to that point.


> The CSM has been a tremendous help to me! My brain fog was the first


> improve then the muscle/joint pain and headaches improved. No more

itchy crawly

> skin, muscle twitches, etc. I did feel worse before I felt better

though. I

> remember sleeping for hours and hours. At least 12 hrs. or more at

night and

> napping in the afternoon. After 4 yrs. most my symptoms are gone

but I still

> tire easily, have short term memory problems and can't be around most

> fragrances. Most perfumes/colognes, house cleaners, smoke, dry

cleaners, dept.

> stores, etc. make me very sick so I avoid as much as possible and I

Carry a N95

> mask in my purse at all times. Just the other day I had to pick my

mother up

> from her PT session. I walked in and immediately walked out! The

smell of the

> new carpet about knocked me off my feet when I opened the door. I

had to go

> wait in the car and I had nothing to read! I guess with the along

with the CSM

> I'll have to carry a small library with me!

> I could probably go on and on but that's it for now. If you have ANY


> questions feel free to contact me. Just put CSM Question in the

subject box.

> I'll be happy to help you any way I can.


> 1.) Eyesight improved

> 2.) Rapid heartbeat Gone

> 3.) Shortness of breath Gone

> 4.) Hormonal problems Still not much libido

> 5.) Memory/word recall Short term is still poor but much better

along with

> word recall

> 6.) Fatigue 100% better than it was but still get tired if I do

too much.

> Sue

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