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This statement says alot:A type of biowarfare is going on, and

people are being caught in the crossfire.


BOLETIM No. 29 - www.micotoxinas.com.br


J. , MS, CIH

In 1984, dozens of employees of a hospital in Quebec, Canada were

felled with a mysterious, totally debilitating illness. The

affliction struck nurses, orderlies and secretaries alike. They

suffered from disabling fatigue, muscle and joint pain, sore

throats, and insomnia. Their memories failed, and some became

depressed or developed other " psychological " problems. The symptoms

appeared much like " mononucleosis, " often called the " kissing

disease " . The epidemic was initially blamed on a virus that causes

mononucleosis. However, unlike most people who get " mono, " these

victims did not get better in a few weeks. Their illness dragged on

and on. In fact, ten years after this " epidemic, " many of them are

still sick and disabled.

In the early 1980's, the members of a family in Chicago developed a

chronic mono-like illness without any apparent viral cause. The

woman of the house was severely ill, the husband and child mildly

ill. The mysterious sickness continued for years, as the family

endured every medical test that was available. They were tested for

infection by viruses and bacteria and exposure to toxic pesticides.

No cause of this chronic illness could be found. The woman noticed

that when she left her house for more than a few days, she felt

somewhat better, only to be plunged back into illness when she

returned home.

A hospital in Quebec and a house in suburban Chicago. What do they

have in common? These are the first two well-documented cases of an

insidious and almost completely unknown environmental illness caused

by exposure to toxic molds. In the Canadian hospital, the illness

was eventually tracked to infestation of the building with the

mold " Stachybotrys atra. " The same mold was found growing inside the

heating ducts in the Chicago house.

The Chicago couple was lucky. After the toxic mold was removed from

their house, the whole family became healthy again. Many of the

employees in the hospital in Quebec were not so fortunate. Indeed,

most of them remain ill 10 years later.

This scenario has been quietly repeated across the US. and Canada

for the last 5 years. Large outbreaks of fungal poisoning have been

reported in office buildings in New York and Atlanta. Several more

cases have been reported in homes. Many more cases, dealt with

privately, have not been formally reported in the scientific


In the Bay Area, one case of possible mycotoxin poisoning has

received some press. It involves one or more victim(s) in a

condominium in Fremont. While the legitimacy of this case has yet to

be determined, it would appear that some of this condo complex is

infested with the same mold that caused the Quebec and Chicago

illnesses, a mold called Stachybotrys atra. The symptoms of toxic

mold exposure are usually the same: disabling fatigue, various types

of severe pain, memory loss, nasal irritation, muddled thinking and

depression. The victims have suppressed immune systems, and develop

repeated infection with cold viruses, yeast and other opportunistic

pathogens. Many of them meet the definition of " Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome " and are disabled for years.

Molds belong to the larger group of organisms called Fungi. Fungi

are one of the most dominant life forms on earth, making up 25% of

the mass of all living organisms. Man harnessed the power of fungi

thousands of years ago to raise our bread, ferment out beer and

wine, and make our cheese. In this century, molds have given us some

of our most important drugs, including penicillin.

Unfortunately, not all fungi are so friendly toward man. Some are

downright toxic. The best-known examples are the toxic mushrooms.

Eat the wrong mushroom, and you will die in days if you do not

receive a liver transplant. From medieval times, there have been

sporadic reports of bizarre epidemics associated with eating moldy

grains and breads. These came to be called ergotism. Indeed, LSD,

the prototypical hallucinogenic drug, is derived from a class of

fungal toxins.

It is necessary to eat poison mushrooms or moldy grains to suffer

these recognized maladies. This is not the case for another group of

dangerous fungi. hbotrys atra and some other molds produce

toxic compounds that are concentrated into spores that are released

into the air. Occupants unknowingly inhale these spores and become

sick. Although there are hundreds of types of mycotoxins, one class

of toxins called " trichothecenes " has received considerable


Trichothecenes were responsible for the Quebec hospital epidemic and

the Chicago family illness.

Trichothecene mycotoxins are not ordinary, run-of-the-mill toxic

chemicals. They are some of the most potent toxic chemicals known.

The United States government considered using trichothecene

mycotoxins for biowarfare agents, but determined that they were just

too dangerous to produce and handle! Because so little was known

about these toxins, the Army funded some research into the health

effects of mycotoxins. The US. Army funded the work that identified

the mycotoxins in the home of the poisoned Chicago family!

Unfortunately, not every country would seem to be so concerned about

using mycotoxins in war. " Yellow rain " , the purported chemical agent

used by Soviet-backed forces in Southeast Asia, may have contained

trichothecene mycotoxins. Trichothecene mycotoxins have been

implicated as a possible cause of " Gulf War Syndrome " , a connection

that has never been satisfactorily ruled out.

Trichothecene mycotoxins are so toxic that one of them was tested

for its ability to kill cancerous tumors. Like most chemotherapy

agents, the mycotoxin made the subjects very ill, with symptoms of

fatigue, nausea, pain and mental disturbance. Unfortunately, this

painful treatment did not slow their relentless cancers.

Every house, apartment and office building is a potential

battleground in which molds may establish a beachhead and spew forth

biowarfare agents. Without warning, the occupants of the building

inhale these potent toxins. The result is damage to the immune

system and brain. Stachybotrys atra, the most notorious mold in this

drama, survives on two basic ingredients; water and cellulose. Thus,

wet wood, sheet rock, wallpaper, linoleum and carpet can provide a

feast for toxin producing microbes. The toxic spores that are

produced can persist in a house of office building for months,

perhaps years. Dead or alive, the spores are toxic when inhaled.

Mycotoxins suppress the immune system and interfere with the normal

working of the brain. Although many parts of the immune system are

damaged, the lymphocytes may be the most sensitive. Lymphocytes are

the immune cells that serve to " memorize " an invading microbe.

Vaccines stimulate lymphocytes. The HIV virus that causes AIDS

destroys T-4 lymphocytes. Natural Killer lymphocytes act as the

first line of defense against some invading viruses. Mycotoxins can

damage all of these cells.

Mycotoxins also damage the brain. While science has learned a lot

about the way in which mycotoxins damage the immune system, very

little is known about how they attack the brain. However, the effect

of poisoning on the " mind " has been examined on a few occasions.

Victims loose the ability to think, remember and reason normally.

They become massively fatigued and listless. Many become depressed

and riddled with anxiety.

This pattern of neuropsychological symptoms has been described as

a " toxic encephalopathy, " similar to that caused by massive exposure

to solvents or the toxic heavy metal lead. Like toxic

encephalopathies caused by industrial exposures, the brain damage

caused by mycotoxins may not be reversible in many cases.

This combination of immunological and neurological effects also

closely matches the " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, " more accurately

called the " Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome " (CFIDS).

CFIDS, is a very serious illness that strikes about 300,000

Americans every year. Although commonly regarded as a minor illness

( " yuppie flu " ) by the press and medical establishment, CFIDS leaves

many of its victims completely disabled, unable to work or even take

care of themselves.

CFIDS was first brought to the attention of the public as a result

of an epidemic in the Lake Tahoe region in 1984. Patients seemed to

have a chronic version of mononucleosis, with debilitating fatigue,

pain and neurological disturbance. Their immune systems were

disturbed as well.

Originally CFIDS was blamed on the Epstein Barr virus, but it soon

became apparent that this was not the cause, but rather an effect of

the victim's damaged immune systems. The latent Epstein Barr virus

is awakened, much as it does in many AIDS victims when their immune

system fails. Similarly, the original case of mycotoxicosis

described in the Quebec hospital was thought to be mononucleosis,

caused by the cytomegalovirus, a virus closely related to the

Epstein Barr virus.

Mycotoxins have received little attention because they do not fit

the belief systems that health care professionals and government

regulators have established. These molds are not infectious, like

the fungi that cause Valley Fever in California or Cryptococcus that

infects the brains of AIDS patients. They are not particularly

potent in causing allergies. Thus, neither infectious disease

specialists nor allergists are remotely interested in these fungi.

Most doctors that specialize in toxic exposure, generally

occupational doctors, have never heard of toxic environmental molds.

As a result, many poisoned people will not get any diagnosis, or may

be told they are " depressed " or neurotic. If they ask the doctor

about toxic molds, they will receive a blank stare. If a doctor

finds some immunological abnormalities, this still will not result

in any diagnosis or lead to any treatment. Many doctors will try to

get rid of patients with difficult illnesses, especially in these

days of managed care insurance.

There is one type of mycotoxins that have been studied in some

detail. These are the family of toxins called aflatoxins, which are

now known to cause liver cancer in humans. These toxins are produced

by certain species of the fungus Aspergillus, which grows on

peanuts, corn and other crops. Farmers and grain handlers are at

risk because they inhale toxic spores while handling these

agricultural products. While the amount of these toxins in food is

subject to regulation, the exposure of these agricultural workers is

still largely unregulated and unrecognized. Aspergillus can also

grow in buildings and release these potent toxins into the building


Although the scientific literature contains rather compelling proof

that molds in buildings can cause everything from childhood asthma

to adult immune diseases, there is not one federal or state

environmental or occupational regulation pertaining specifically to

mold inhalation. California OSHA does have one regulation that may

help in occupational settings, the " Minimum Ventilation Standard " .

This requires building owners to inspect and maintain their building

ventilation systems. Presumably, this would include the removal of

any mold growing in the system. However, this regulation is almost

entirely unenforced and unimplemented. The Federal Occupational

Safety and Health Administration has proposed a regulation that

would indirectly address this issue, but this will not go into

effect for years. With the swing to the right in the Congress, it is

unlikely that this Federal OSHA indoor air quality standard will

ever become law.

The attitude toward toxic molds is very different in our neighbor to

the north, Canada. In Canada, the Provincial governments

employ " Occupational Mycologists " , environmental health

professionals who inspect public and private buildings for mold

infestation. Canada has official mold exposure guidelines, including

the requirement for building evacuation if elevated levels of toxic

fungi are detected in the air. Tens of millions of dollars have been

spent on mold abatement in Canadian buildings, particularly in


In the US, hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on removing

asbestos from schools. In contrast to asbestos, where the increased

risk to school children is largely hypothetical, the risks of

exposing children to mold have been clearly proven over and over

again. One Canadian researcher has stated that the adverse effect of

mold in homes is second only to the illness-provoking effect of

parents second-hand cigarette smoke.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, a branch

of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has suggested

that over one-third of " sick-buildings " suffer from infestation with

microbes, mostly fungi. However, no formal inspection program or

abatement program exists. Where mold is even considered as a basis

for a sick building, many indoor mold investigations are carried out

without using the proper tools.

Building-related illness clusters consistent with mycotoxicosis have

been described in California. The combination of sick building

syndrome and CFIDS was recently investigated in a Sacramento,

California school. Although the report briefly mentions that " fungal

sampling " had been done, it does not describe the procedure used.

Most procedures used for fungal sampling in sick buildings do not

detect the most toxic species of mold.

What can you do to protect yourself from accidental exposure to

these biowarfare toxins? Where you live, you can do a lot. All fungi

require a combination of food and water to thrive. Unfortunately,

almost anything can feed toxic molds, including many parts of a

home. The key is to keep out the water. Mold cannot live unless

water is present.

Water can come from many sources. The most common is leaks; leaks in

roofs, pipes, toilets and showers. These sources saturate building

materials, and an ideal environment for mold growth results. Another

common source of water is accumulated rain under the crawl space in

houses and office buildings. Heavy fog condensing on walls is a

problem in some areas. Although less of a problem in the Bay Area,

condensation from hot, humid air can provide all the water needed to

get a mold colony growing inside a wall or ceiling.

Prevent constant wetting of building surfaces. Fix roof leaks

promptly. Fix other leaks before mold starts to grow and spread

toxic spores. Single pane windows are a common source of

condensation and mold in the Bay Area. Replace single pane glass

with double pane windows when possible. Grade the area around

houses, condos and apartments to prevent water from flowing under

the crawl space. Ventilate bathrooms, either with a window that is

periodically opened, or with a ceiling fan.

Visible mold is positive evidence of a problem. However, it is

possible to be seriously poisoned without seeing any visible mold.

The Chicago family was poisoned by mold that grew on moist lint in

their heating system. The only way to see the mold was to

disassemble the ducting.

In your workplace, it is more difficult to find mold problems. Mold

can be hiding in the fan room or ventilation ducting or in an area

not generally accessible such as a ceiling plenum or crawl space. If

your employer is uncooperative, it may be impossible to detect

biowarfare at work.

It is possible to have the air and dust tested for toxic fungi or

mycotoxins in any building. However, to do this work correctly is

quite expensive (many thousands of dollars). While there are several

consultants that will promise to test for mycotoxigenic molds, many

of these will probably use inadequate procedures or equipment.

The most common testing procedure, called " viable spore sampling "

detects living spores. Over 90% of the toxic spores may be dead and

will be missed by this technique. Further, the procedure used by

most consultants is not sensitive to one of the most troublesome

molds, Stachybotrys atra. Overall, the common sampling techniques

miss as much as 99% of highly toxic molds.

Direct detection of toxins in the air or dust is technically

possible, but not commercially available. Even if available, any

comprehensive test would be prohibitively expensive. Finally, it is

almost certain that there are many still-undiscovered mycotoxins

that would be missed by chemical analysis.

Perhaps the most promising type of analysis uses cell cultures to

detect toxins in air and dust samples. The diluted sample is added

to the growing cells, and if they die, there is some toxin present.

While this technology holds great promise, it is not available


The range of illnesses known to be caused by exposure to toxic molds

is certain to increase. Besides damaging the immune system and

brain, it is known that environmental mycotoxins cause liver and

esophageal cancer. It was recently suggested that multiple sclerosis

is caused, in part, by exposure to environmental mycotoxins.

Anecdotal evidence links mycotoxins to another immune disease

called " common variable immune deficiency " . All of this is in

addition to the increase in asthma, bronchitis and other childhood

respiratory illnesses that mold cause.

Toxic fungi are not just another " toxic scare of the week. " Although

no systematic effort has been made to find cases of mycotoxicosis,

cases are being reported more and more frequently. Cases have been

reported in all climates, ranging from the hot, dry climate of

Arizona to the much colder and wetter climate of Quebec. A type of

biowarfare is going on, and people are being caught in the crossfire.

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