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Re: update-X-ray confirms..need fast acting cleanout?

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You need to start juicing his vegs, give him 1 cup of juice several times a day. Put him on Natural Calm plus in the morning, and then Oxy powder at night to start and see when you can make it an everyday process (bowel movement). Lots of water throughout the day, 3/4 of a cup each hr will do wonders with these products. The Dr that told you the stuff about diet doesnt know his mouth from his asshole obviously, find another one or fix it yourself, they dont know everything, in fact many of them know very little. Take him off dairy, put him on organic coconut milk. Add probiotics to the mix and also digestive enzymes to be given with meals every time he eats. He MUST have good stomach acid environment for digestion to occur and the bowel to operate properly. If he cant live without cheese make sure it is real cheese not processed cheese. Dont use store bought ready to eat yogurt, buy bulgarian yogurt put your own honey and fruit in it. Dont use margarine use real butter, his body can at least digest that, throw margarine to the ants, hell they wont even eat it. Look at the amount of grains he is getting, you may need to change the amount (reduce it) and change the type. That means no crackers, chips, bread or other garbage that passes for food these days. 2/3 of each of his meals should be raw (vegs and fruit), look at how you are mixing his diet (certain foods with certain foods). Start adding broths, with vegs also. Buy an organic chicken, throw it in a pot full of water, with organic carrots, onions, and celery, peppercorns, and other herbs, sage, basil, thyme and let it simmer for hrs (you will have to add more water from time to time). After about 6 or 7 hrs, drain liquids and you have a wonderful broth to use to make soup, gravy any number of things. Also you have the chicken which can be stripped from the bones and used for all sorts of dishes. Be inventive, you probably dont need a Dr to fix this. Get the little guy lined out nutritionally and it will help immensely. T Thanks for your support..I am trying to reply personally, but I am practically asleep right now. My son is still having problems. We stopped the dairy, and working on gluten free. He is just getting over having Croup right now and we had to take him to the hospital . While there I asked the ER doc, since they were going to do an X-ray of his neck to confirm Croup, could they please do an abdominal X-ray and told him what was going on with him. -X-ray confirms "steeple" trachea=Croup -X-ray confirms he is definately backed up! The doctor was actually surprised, maybe he thought I was exaggerating. So I told him how we did not want to do Miralax, etc. etc. and he gave me the junk about how it "brings water into the intestines", and how I needed to increase my sons dose. I said no, we took him off, and he said I need to put him back on. I said, I was told to give my son a capful (17g/adult), and you are telling me to give him more? What the heck is wrong with these people. It was 4am and I couldn't even argue with the guy. My son is not going back on. Finally Sunday..my son pooped in the bath tub..yep..the bath tub..full of warm water...it's the only way he was going to go and he was so uncomfortable..and it was large.. I thought for sure he would at least have pooped more. .I feel horrible. I know there is more in there. We tried to stool softeners..worked slightly..bits at a time. We are trying the flax seed oil..nothing..Magnesium hydroxide? Nothing. I know that although he did poop the other day..there is a lot more in there, and he needs to be cleaned out fast. What can we do to get him cleaned quickly? I have a bunch of stuff I am ordering for him..but he needs to be pooping now. We don't want one more day going by. Thanks for your help and support _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hi there,> > I am new to this board, and have a 3 1/2 year old son who has had chronic constipation for about a year.. He is such a sweet boy..and I feel helpless for him lately..There is also some questions about ASD, and he has an appt for evaluation of ASD in the next couple of months...He has been on Miralax for several months..I have some real concerns about this med..I am actually a little angry at myself for giving him this without researching further, and angry at doctors who think its okay to downplay a lot of these meds!> > I would say he has always had a difficult time pooping. We have tried potty training..and he is completely resistant to it..I guess I can't blame him if he can't poop. :(> > So it really has NOT helped him...he still struggles to poop..but it's just pasty..Still has leaking in his diaper.> > So I took him off around Nov-Dec 2011..and did some diet switches..minus dairy and added more fruits veggies (he already loves), and More water..fiber gummies..etc.,, He got backed up again. Refused to eat.> > I told Peds..I want him to see Ped Gastro..She reluctantly sent us. (She will be fired!)> > We went two weeks ago, and he checked his belly...did rectal exam :(..and I asked if we should be doing an X-ray..said there was no need. > I asked him about his diet..Eliminating dairy, other foods..He said no, basically that it was useless..just put him back on Miralax with a the stool softener..big doses until it's "peanut butter" consistency.> > So we put him back on the Miralax.. and within a couple of days....he is stuttering like CRAZY..is this related?..I don't know..but as I am digging further..this drug is NOT even approved for children! Outraged!> My hubby immediately threw it in the garbage!> > His stuttering was so severe..that his speech therapist asked me.."what's going on"..she was going to email her college professor to see what she can do..he actually acted out today in is therapy session and threw a fit..Threw the game piece..I mean I know he is child, but that's not my son..his therapist was really surprised and addressed it to me :(> > Can you help me..any suggestions..My feeling is that the Peds Gastro is an idiot and I think I should be doing something completely different..like we are missing something with his diet..Shouldn't this doc care about his diet?!!! I mean think it's like telling someone..."go ahead and eat all the fast food you want..we will just put you on cholesterol medicine". I am just frustrated with medicine..and my son was doing so good and now is going backwards again..> > I really feel in my heart this Miralax is not the solution to what's going on with him, and it's too dangerous for a child to take..Especially an adults dose!! Is there someone else we should be seeing? Would an X-ray help to rule out anything..I mean I don't want to expose him to unnecessary radiation..Just really confused and frustrated.> > Please help :(> Thanks> Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

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How old is your son? Is he old enough to chew gum?Try any gum with sorbitol. Let him chew one or two pieces for half an hour, them replace with a new piece or two and let him chew away again. Do not go far from a bathroom that he is comfortable using. If necessary let him take a warm bath while doing this. Sorbitol has a great laxative effect on many toddler/kids. Good luck.live well, laugh often and love strongSender: miralax Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:00:48 -0800 (PST)To: miralax <miralax >ReplyTo: miralax Subject: update-X-ray confirms..need fast acting "cleanout"? Thanks for your support..I am trying to reply personally, but I am practically asleep right now. My son is still having problems. We stopped the dairy, and working on gluten free. He is just getting over having Croup right now and we had to take him to the hospital . While there I asked the ER doc, since they were going to do an X-ray of his neck to confirm Croup, could they please do an abdominal X-ray and told him what was going on with him. -X-ray confirms "steeple" trachea=Croup-X-ray confirms he is definately backed up! The doctor was actually surprised, maybe he thought I was exaggerating. So I told him how we did not want to do Miralax, etc. etc. and he gave me the junk about how it "brings water into the intestines", and how I needed to increase my sons dose. I said no, we took him off, and he said I need to put him back on. I said, I was told to give my son a capful (17g/adult), and you are telling me to give him more? What the heck is wrong with these people. It was 4am and I couldn't even argue with the guy. My son is not going back on. Finally Sunday..my son pooped in the bath tub..yep..the bath tub..full of warm water...it's the only way he was going to go and he was so uncomfortable..and it was large.. I thought for sure he would at least have pooped more. .I feel horrible. I know there is more in there. We tried to stool softeners..worked slightly..bits at a time. We are trying the flax seed oil..nothing..Magnesium hydroxide? Nothing. I know that although he did poop the other day..there is a lot more in there, and he needs to be cleaned out fast. What can we do to get him cleaned quickly? I have a bunch of stuff I am ordering for him..but he needs to be pooping now. We don't want one more day going by. Thanks for your help and support _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hi there,> > I am new to this board, and have a 3 1/2 year old son who has had chronic constipation for about a year.. He is such a sweet boy..and I feel helpless for him lately..There is also some questions about ASD, and he has an appt for evaluation of ASD in the next couple of months...He has been on Miralax for several months..I have some real concerns about this med..I am actually a little angry at myself for giving him this without researching further, and angry at doctors who think its okay to downplay a lot of these meds!> > I would say he has always had a difficult time pooping. We have tried potty training..and he is completely resistant to it..I guess I can't blame him if he can't poop. :(> > So it really has NOT helped him...he still struggles to poop..but it's just pasty..Still has leaking in his diaper.> > So I took him off aroundNov-Dec 2011..and did some diet switches..minus dairy and added more fruits veggies (he already loves), and More water..fiber gummies..etc.,, He got backed up again. Refused to eat.> > I told Peds..I want him to see Ped Gastro..She reluctantly sent us. (She will be fired!)> > We went two weeks ago, and he checked his belly...did rectal exam :(..and I asked if we should be doing an X-ray..said there was no need. > I asked him about his diet..Eliminating dairy, other foods..He said no, basically that it was useless..just put him back on Miralax with a the stool softener..big doses until it's "peanut butter" consistency.> > So we put him back on the Miralax.. and within a couple of days....he is stuttering like CRAZY..is this related?..I don't know..but as I am digging further..this drug is NOT even approved for children! Outraged!> My hubby immediately threw it in the garbage!> > Hisstuttering was so severe..that his speech therapist asked me.."what's going on"..she was going to email her college professor to see what she can do..he actually acted out today in is therapy session and threw a fit..Threw the game piece..I mean I know he is child, but that's not my son..his therapist was really surprised and addressed it to me :(> > Can you help me..any suggestions..My feeling is that the Peds Gastro is an idiot and I think I should be doing something completely different..like we are missing something with his diet..Shouldn't this doc care about his diet?!!! I mean think it's like telling someone..."go ahead and eat all the fast food you want..we will just put you on cholesterol medicine". I am just frustrated with medicine..and my son was doing so good and now is going backwards again..> > I really feel in my heart this Miralax is not the solution to what's going on with him, and it's too dangerous for achild to take..Especially an adults dose!! Is there someone else we should be seeing? Would an X-ray help to rule out anything..I mean I don't want to expose him to unnecessary radiation..Just really confused and frustrated.> > Please help :(> Thanks>Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

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Trish, this happened to us as well. One needs to realize that if it's soft, you don't need a stool softener, it needs a push. Shaklee herblax has that effect with the senna that's in it. There's a symptom called illeus that we've noted many times on the fda adverse reactions that i reviewed with my physian's, it's a paralytic condition that seems to be a side affect from PEG, therefore, they couldn't go if they wanted to. Remember;hard bulky stool needs

softenersmeary soft bm's need bulk and a push (fiber, roughage in diet, and a stimulant effect to help them along until their bowels can restore natural rhythm (no pun intended! This is Miralax's claim!) check out the ingredients in the herblax, licorice, alfalpha.............for some reason society has brain washed all these people into believing they need a volatile chemical that's a component of antifreeze to make them go vs. the vitamins and minerals that our bodies live on? For whatever reason..................To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Tue, February 28, 2012 12:00:48 AMSubject: update-X-ray confirms..need fast acting "cleanout"?

Thanks for your support..I am trying to reply personally, but I am practically asleep right now. My son is still having problems. We stopped the dairy, and working on gluten free. He is just getting over having Croup right now and we had to take him to the hospital . While there I asked the ER doc, since they were going to do an X-ray of his neck to confirm Croup, could they please do an abdominal X-ray and told him what was going on with him.

-X-ray confirms "steeple" trachea=Croup

-X-ray confirms he is definately backed up! The doctor was actually surprised, maybe he thought I was exaggerating.

So I told him how we did not want to do Miralax, etc. etc. and he gave me the junk about how it "brings water into the intestines", and how I needed to increase my sons dose. I said no, we took him off, and he said I need to put him back on. I said, I was told to give my son a capful (17g/adult), and you are telling me to give him more? What the heck is wrong with these people. It was 4am and I couldn't even argue with the guy. My son is not going back on.

Finally Sunday..my son pooped in the bath tub..yep..the bath tub..full of warm water...it's the only way he was going to go and he was so uncomfortable..and it was large.. I thought for sure he would at least have pooped more. .I feel horrible. I know there is more in there.

We tried to stool softeners..worked slightly..bits at a time. We are trying the flax seed oil..nothing..Magnesium hydroxide? Nothing. I know that although he did poop the other day..there is a lot more in there, and he needs to be cleaned out fast.

What can we do to get him cleaned quickly?

I have a bunch of stuff I am ordering for him..but he needs to be pooping now. We don't want one more day going by.

Thanks for your help and support


Hi there,> > I am new to this board, and have a 3 1/2 year old son who has had chronic constipation for about a year.. He is such a sweet boy..and I feel helpless for him lately..There is also some questions about ASD, and he has an appt for evaluation of ASD in the next couple of months...He has been on Miralax for several months..I have some real concerns about this med..I am actually a little angry at myself for giving him this without researching further, and angry at doctors who think its okay to downplay a lot of these meds!> > I would say he has always had a difficult time pooping. We have tried potty training..and he is completely resistant to it..I guess I can't blame him if he can't poop. :(> > So it really has NOT helped him...he still struggles to poop..but it's just pasty..Still has leaking in his diaper.> > So I took him off around

Nov-Dec 2011..and did some diet switches..minus dairy and added more fruits veggies (he already loves), and More water..fiber gummies..etc.,, He got backed up again. Refused to eat.> > I told Peds..I want him to see Ped Gastro..She reluctantly sent us. (She will be fired!)> > We went two weeks ago, and he checked his belly...did rectal exam :(..and I asked if we should be doing an X-ray..said there was no need. > I asked him about his diet..Eliminating dairy, other foods..He said no, basically that it was useless..just put him back on Miralax with a the stool softener..big doses until it's "peanut butter" consistency.> > So we put him back on the Miralax.. and within a couple of days....he is stuttering like CRAZY..is this related?..I don't know..but as I am digging further..this drug is NOT even approved for children! Outraged!> My hubby immediately threw it in the garbage!> > His

stuttering was so severe..that his speech therapist asked me.."what's going on"..she was going to email her college professor to see what she can do..he actually acted out today in is therapy session and threw a fit..Threw the game piece..I mean I know he is child, but that's not my son..his therapist was really surprised and addressed it to me :(> > Can you help me..any suggestions..My feeling is that the Peds Gastro is an idiot and I think I should be doing something completely different..like we are missing something with his diet..Shouldn't this doc care about his diet?!!! I mean think it's like telling someone..."go ahead and eat all the fast food you want..we will just put you on cholesterol medicine". I am just frustrated with medicine..and my son was doing so good and now is going backwards again..> > I really feel in my heart this Miralax is not the solution to what's going on with him, and it's too dangerous for a

child to take..Especially an adults dose!! Is there someone else we should be seeing? Would an X-ray help to rule out anything..I mean I don't want to expose him to unnecessary radiation..Just really confused and frustrated.> > Please help :(> Thanks>

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Kirkman chewable probiotic has xylitol that works like a laxative and has the probiotic to help replenish the good bacteria alsoTo: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Tue, February 28, 2012 12:00:48 AMSubject: update-X-ray confirms..need fast

acting "cleanout"?

Thanks for your support..I am trying to reply personally, but I am practically asleep right now. My son is still having problems. We stopped the dairy, and working on gluten free. He is just getting over having Croup right now and we had to take him to the hospital . While there I asked the ER doc, since they were going to do an X-ray of his neck to confirm Croup, could they please do an abdominal X-ray and told him what was going on with him.

-X-ray confirms "steeple" trachea=Croup

-X-ray confirms he is definately backed up! The doctor was actually surprised, maybe he thought I was exaggerating.

So I told him how we did not want to do Miralax, etc. etc. and he gave me the junk about how it "brings water into the intestines", and how I needed to increase my sons dose. I said no, we took him off, and he said I need to put him back on. I said, I was told to give my son a capful (17g/adult), and you are telling me to give him more? What the heck is wrong with these people. It was 4am and I couldn't even argue with the guy. My son is not going back on.

Finally Sunday..my son pooped in the bath tub..yep..the bath tub..full of warm water...it's the only way he was going to go and he was so uncomfortable..and it was large.. I thought for sure he would at least have pooped more. .I feel horrible. I know there is more in there.

We tried to stool softeners..worked slightly..bits at a time. We are trying the flax seed oil..nothing..Magnesium hydroxide? Nothing. I know that although he did poop the other day..there is a lot more in there, and he needs to be cleaned out fast.

What can we do to get him cleaned quickly?

I have a bunch of stuff I am ordering for him..but he needs to be pooping now. We don't want one more day going by.

Thanks for your help and support


Hi there,> > I am new to this board, and have a 3 1/2 year old son who has had chronic constipation for about a year.. He is such a sweet boy..and I feel helpless for him lately..There is also some questions about ASD, and he has an appt for evaluation of ASD in the next couple of months...He has been on Miralax for several months..I have some real concerns about this med..I am actually a little angry at myself for giving him this without researching further, and angry at doctors who think its okay to downplay a lot of these meds!> > I would say he has always had a difficult time pooping. We have tried potty training..and he is completely resistant to it..I guess I can't blame him if he can't poop. :(> > So it really has NOT helped him...he still struggles to poop..but it's just pasty..Still has leaking in his diaper.> > So I took him off around

Nov-Dec 2011..and did some diet switches..minus dairy and added more fruits veggies (he already loves), and More water..fiber gummies..etc.,, He got backed up again. Refused to eat.> > I told Peds..I want him to see Ped Gastro..She reluctantly sent us. (She will be fired!)> > We went two weeks ago, and he checked his belly...did rectal exam :(..and I asked if we should be doing an X-ray..said there was no need. > I asked him about his diet..Eliminating dairy, other foods..He said no, basically that it was useless..just put him back on Miralax with a the stool softener..big doses until it's "peanut butter" consistency.> > So we put him back on the Miralax.. and within a couple of days....he is stuttering like CRAZY..is this related?..I don't know..but as I am digging further..this drug is NOT even approved for children! Outraged!> My hubby immediately threw it in the garbage!> > His

stuttering was so severe..that his speech therapist asked me.."what's going on"..she was going to email her college professor to see what she can do..he actually acted out today in is therapy session and threw a fit..Threw the game piece..I mean I know he is child, but that's not my son..his therapist was really surprised and addressed it to me :(> > Can you help me..any suggestions..My feeling is that the Peds Gastro is an idiot and I think I should be doing something completely different..like we are missing something with his diet..Shouldn't this doc care about his diet?!!! I mean think it's like telling someone..."go ahead and eat all the fast food you want..we will just put you on cholesterol medicine". I am just frustrated with medicine..and my son was doing so good and now is going backwards again..> > I really feel in my heart this Miralax is not the solution to what's going on with him, and it's too dangerous for a

child to take..Especially an adults dose!! Is there someone else we should be seeing? Would an X-ray help to rule out anything..I mean I don't want to expose him to unnecessary radiation..Just really confused and frustrated.> > Please help :(> Thanks>

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  • 3 weeks later...
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adverse events file

Thanks for your support..I am trying to reply personally, but I am practically asleep right now. My son is still having problems. We stopped the dairy, and working on gluten free. He is just getting over having Croup right now and we had to take him to the hospital . While there I asked the ER doc, since they were going to do an X-ray of his neck to confirm Croup, could they please do an abdominal X-ray and told him what was going on with him.

-X-ray confirms "steeple" trachea=Croup

-X-ray confirms he is definately backed up! The doctor was actually surprised, maybe he thought I was exaggerating.

So I told him how we did not want to do Miralax, etc. etc. and he gave me the junk about how it "brings water into the intestines", and how I needed to increase my sons dose. I said no, we took him off, and he said I need to put him back on. I said, I was told to give my son a capful (17g/adult), and you are telling me to give him more? What the heck is wrong with these people. It was 4am and I couldn't even argue with the guy. My son is not going back on.

Finally Sunday..my son pooped in the bath tub..yep..the bath tub..full of warm water...it's the only way he was going to go and he was so uncomfortable..and it was large.. I thought for sure he would at least have pooped more. .I feel horrible. I know there is more in there.

We tried to stool softeners..worked slightly..bits at a time. We are trying the flax seed oil..nothing..Magnesium hydroxide? Nothing. I know that although he did poop the other day..there is a lot more in there, and he needs to be cleaned out fast.

What can we do to get him cleaned quickly?

I have a bunch of stuff I am ordering for him..but he needs to be pooping now. We don't want one more day going by.

Thanks for your help and support


Hi there,> > I am new to this board, and have a 3 1/2 year old son who has had chronic constipation for about a year.. He is such a sweet boy..and I feel helpless for him lately..There is also some questions about ASD, and he has an appt for evaluation of ASD in the next couple of months...He has been on Miralax for several months..I have some real concerns about this med..I am actually a little angry at myself for giving him this without researching further, and angry at doctors who think its okay to downplay a lot of these meds!> > I would say he has always had a difficult time pooping. We have tried potty training..and he is completely resistant to it..I guess I can't blame him if he can't poop. :(> > So it really has NOT helped him...he still struggles to poop..but it's just pasty..Still has leaking in his diaper.> > So I took him off around Nov-Dec 2011..and did some diet switches..minus dairy and added more fruits veggies (he already loves), and More water..fiber gummies..etc.,, He got backed up again. Refused to eat.> > I told Peds..I want him to see Ped Gastro..She reluctantly sent us. (She will be fired!)> > We went two weeks ago, and he checked his belly...did rectal exam :(..and I asked if we should be doing an X-ray..said there was no need. > I asked him about his diet..Eliminating dairy, other foods..He said no, basically that it was useless..just put him back on Miralax with a the stool softener..big doses until it's "peanut butter" consistency.> > So we put him back on the Miralax.. and within a couple of days....he is stuttering like CRAZY..is this related?..I don't know..but as I am digging further..this drug is NOT even approved for children! Outraged!> My hubby immediately threw it in the garbage!> > His stuttering was so severe..that his speech therapist asked me.."what's going on"..she was going to email her college professor to see what she can do..he actually acted out today in is therapy session and threw a fit..Threw the game piece..I mean I know he is child, but that's not my son..his therapist was really surprised and addressed it to me :(> > Can you help me..any suggestions..My feeling is that the Peds Gastro is an idiot and I think I should be doing something completely different..like we are missing something with his diet..Shouldn't this doc care about his diet?!!! I mean think it's like telling someone..."go ahead and eat all the fast food you want..we will just put you on cholesterol medicine". I am just frustrated with medicine..and my son was doing so good and now is going backwards again..> > I really feel in my heart this Miralax is not the solution to what's going on with him, and it's too dangerous for a child to take..Especially an adults dose!! Is there someone else we should be seeing? Would an X-ray help to rule out anything..I mean I don't want to expose him to unnecessary radiation..Just really confused and frustrated.> > Please help :(> Thanks>

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