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Phosphatidylserine complex and Phosphatidyl choline

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You can take it either way but may cause nausea on an empty stomach as PS increases dopamine release.  If you notice it happening start giving with food.  I've heard really great things about PhosChol if you want to look at another brand of PC.  PC can be given with meals or without.  I wouldn't give it at night because it can cause hyperactivity.For what it's worth, we never had much luck with PC (we didn't try PhosChol, though) and never did PS.  That was a very long time ago, though.  We may revisit it in the future. Cheryl~Visit my webstore for anything you need related to autism - groceries, supps, therapy supplies, books, and more!http://astore.amazon.com/grystai-20~Check out my blog:  http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/ Does anyone know if these are best to take withfood or an empty stomach.....? fyi-(I purchased Nutraceutical Sciences Institute brand)------------------------------------

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My daughter has been taking it for several weeks now,

I just was never clear on when is the best.

How would a person know it was

increaseing dopamine ? What would I see?

Thanks for the info!

Peace and blessings ~

42 y.o. lucky, mega-stressed and exhausted Mommy

AKA Mama AKA Mom to; 4 childen, 2 here with me,

2 in Gods hands. These children are my hearts true love!!!!

Preston and ~,

(born & died at birth ;at 6months gestation),

Twin Tranfusion Syndrome {09/12/01}

Skye Kiana ~ (The real reason I do research is for

this little gal.) {autism, seizure disorder,

Right brain imbalance,non–verbal, non toilet- trained}

Adorable, very loveable and has a belly laugh,

like no other! -~ 5 1/2 y.o.

Summer Ariana ~ a little Geeenius! ..a energizer bunny

and a patience tester!!!! ~ 4 y.o.

I am a research associate, in the field of child development

(a.k.a. my 5 1/2 year old daughter), and human relations,

with a continuing program of research (what mother doesn't)

and working for my masters.

Doing my own research ALL day long, Everyday,

just like so many of you !

" cher.lowrance " wrote:


> You can take it either way but may cause nausea on an empty


> as PS increases dopamine release. If you notice it happening


> giving with food. I've heard really great things about PhosChol


> you want to look at another brand of PC. PC can be given with


> or without. I wouldn't give it at night because it can cause

> hyperactivity.


> For what it's worth, we never had much luck with PC (we didn't try

> PhosChol, though) and never did PS. That was a very long time


> though. We may revisit it in the future.


> Cheryl


> ~Visit my webstore for anything you need related to autism -

> groceries, supps, therapy supplies, books, and more!

> http://astore.amazon.com/grystai-20


> ~Check out my blog: http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/






> > Does anyone know if these are best to take with

> > food or an empty stomach.....?

> > fyi-(I purchased Nutraceutical Sciences Institute brand)

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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There's no "if" on dopamine release, that's what it does.  On some people it can cause a bit of nausea if taken on an empty stomach.  So just keep an eye out for nausea but if she's been on it for several weeks I wouldn't worry about it.  :) Cheryl~Visit my webstore for anything you need related to autism - groceries, supps, therapy supplies, books, and more!http://astore.amazon.com/grystai-20~Check out my blog:  http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/ My daughter has been taking it for several weeks now,I just was never clear on when is the best. How would a person know it wasincreaseing dopamine ?  What would I see?Thanks for the info! Peace and blessings ~  42  y.o. lucky, mega-stressed and exhausted Mommy AKA Mama AKA Mom  to; 4 childen, 2 here with me, 2 in Gods hands. These children are my hearts true love!!!!  Preston and ~, (born & died at birth ;at 6months gestation), Twin Tranfusion Syndrome {09/12/01}Skye Kiana  ~ (The real reason I do research is for this little gal.)  {autism, seizure disorder, Right brain imbalance,non–verbal, non toilet- trained}Adorable, very loveable  and has a belly laugh, like no other! -~ 5 1/2 y.o.Summer Ariana ~ a little Geeenius! ..a energizer bunnyand a patience tester!!!! ~ 4 y.o.I am a research associate, in the field of child development (a.k.a. my 5 1/2 year old daughter), and human relations, with a continuing program of research (what mother doesn't)and working for my masters. Doing my own research ALL day long, Everyday, just like so many of you !"cher.lowrance" wrote: You can take it either way but may cause nausea on an empty  stomach   as PS increases dopamine release.  If you notice it happening  start   giving with food.  I've heard really great things about PhosChol  if   you want to look at another brand of PC.  PC can be given with  meals   or without.  I wouldn't give it at night because it can cause  hyperactivity.For what it's worth, we never had much luck with PC (we didn't try  PhosChol, though) and never did PS.  That was a very long time  ago,   though.  We may revisit it in the future.Cheryl~Visit my webstore for anything you need related to autism -  groceries, supps, therapy supplies, books, and more!http://astore.amazon.com/grystai-20~Check out my blog:  http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/On Oct 4, 2008, at 6:25 PM, wrote: Does anyone know if these are best to take withfood or an empty stomach.....?fyi-(I purchased Nutraceutical Sciences Institute brand)------------------------------------

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I have also heard recently you may have more success if given away

from a digestive enzyme with lipase. Thought being the lipase digests

the fats from PC/PS too quickly and the full benefit may be lost. We

give ours along with our enzyme however.

> >>

> >>> Does anyone know if these are best to take with

> >>> food or an empty stomach.....?

> >>> fyi-(I purchased Nutraceutical Sciences Institute brand)

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> ------------------------------------

> >>>

> >>>

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