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Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

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Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".


Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect. You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would be a better choice, especially for constipation!

To: miralax Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AMSubject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow air. Cannot go back in time now?

Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.

To: miralax Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PMSubject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son, however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams as he is pooping, it's terrible.

I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in trace amounts, how can that be good?

In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.

My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.

If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is greatly appreciated!


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There's a problem, so I was suggesting solutions, as her diet could be affecting his constipation. The research came from a really smart woman, my Mother. It makes sense to me, maybe not others, but you would think that when they get their teeth, they were made to chew? The children born with teeth are not the norm? Again, this was just a suggestion as to her child's constipation issue Don't quite understand what the arguing is here people. We're just trying to help give suggestions?????His body is clearly trying to tell you something, he may need more water and diet changes. Could also be the probiotic. One needs to look at WHAT the child is eating / drinking / supplementing. One needs to ask

yourself, what did I change? To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".


Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect. You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would be a better choice, especially for constipation!

To: miralax Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AMSubject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow air. Cannot go back in time now?

Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.

To: miralax Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PMSubject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son, however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams as he is pooping, it's terrible.

I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in trace amounts, how can that be good?

In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.

My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.

If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is greatly appreciated!


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The world health organization you mentioned here even says they should eat food............with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.

Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their family, the health

care system and society at large.Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy, is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth.Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/ From: Sara Jane Cornell To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".


Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect. You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would be a better choice, especially for constipation!

To: miralax Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AMSubject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow air. Cannot go back in time now?

Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.

To: miralax Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PMSubject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son, however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams as he is pooping, it's terrible.

I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in trace amounts, how can that be good?

In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.

My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.

If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is greatly appreciated!


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I'm a huge breastfeeding advocate - I think the average weaning age worldwide is

3. I would think breastmilk would be so helpful for constipation. I do

remember tho having to go through food eliminations when my daughters had colic

symptoms - you have probably tried all that, but do you think dairy or gluten in

your diet could be having an effect?

The whole issue is confusing to me - I remember turning to the book Eat Right

for Your Bloodtype and my blood type was not the same as my breastfeeding

daughters' and I couldn't make sense of it because of that.



> The world health organization you mentioned here even says they should eat

> food............


> with continued breastfeeding along withappropriate complementary foods up to


> years of age or beyond.



> Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients

> they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can

> breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their

> family, the health care system and society at large.

> Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy,

> is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should


> initiated within the first hour after birth.

> Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued

> breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of


> or beyond.

> http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/




> ________________________________


> To: " miralax " <miralax >

> Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AM

> Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is




> Who is this " they " you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get

> teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of


> recommend " breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond " .

> http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/


> Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are

> they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect.

> You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk


> be a better choice, especially for constipation!



> To: miralax

> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AM

> Subject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(




> take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain


> ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow

> air. Cannot go back in time now?



> Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about


> go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.






> To: miralax

> Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PM

> Subject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(



> I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son,

> however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it


> him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now

> holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will

> kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out


> as he is pooping, it's terrible.


> I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the


> glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in

> trace amounts, how can that be good?


> In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that

> pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.


> My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily


> is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then

> others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is

> an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.


> If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son


> greatly appreciated!


> Thanks



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I didn't even think about that ... my son was fine and pooped several times a day from birth to 6 months. Once we introduced solids, that's when I noticed a change. It just got progressively worse. He doesn't have much dairy and as for gluten ... I'd have to investigate.Thank you for your suggestions! To: miralax Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:42:37 AM Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

I'm a huge breastfeeding advocate - I think the average weaning age worldwide is 3. I would think breastmilk would be so helpful for constipation. I do remember tho having to go through food eliminations when my daughters had colic symptoms - you have probably tried all that, but do you think dairy or gluten in your diet could be having an effect?

The whole issue is confusing to me - I remember turning to the book Eat Right for Your Bloodtype and my blood type was not the same as my breastfeeding daughters' and I couldn't make sense of it because of that.



> The world health organization you mentioned here even says they should eat

> food............


> with continued breastfeeding along withappropriate complementary foods up to two

> years of age or beyond.



> Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients

> they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can

> breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their

> family, the health care system and society at large.

> Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy,

> is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be

> initiated within the first hour after birth.

> Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued

> breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age

> or beyond.

> http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/




> ________________________________


> To: "miralax " <miralax >

> Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AM

> Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)



> Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get

> teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics

> recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".

> http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/


> Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are

> they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect.

> You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would

> be a better choice, especially for constipation!



> To: miralax

> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AM

> Subject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(




> take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from

> ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow

> air. Cannot go back in time now?



> Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting

> go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.






> To: miralax

> Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PM

> Subject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(



> I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son,

> however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to

> him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now

> holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will

> kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams

> as he is pooping, it's terrible.


> I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene

> glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in

> trace amounts, how can that be good?


> In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that

> pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.


> My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis

> is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then

> others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is

> an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.


> If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is

> greatly appreciated!


> Thanks



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Jeanie,My son actually eats really well! He's 15 months old and just under 30 lbs...he's a big boy!To be honest with you, I got a little defensive at your suggestion to wean because not only do I feel very strongly about breast feeding for it's many health benefits, I know weaning would not solve the problem! Our opinions regarding the issue obviously differ a great deal! And yes the purpose of teeth is to chew and he does! But I don't believe that teeth = weaning. What I am looking for is advice on things I can do to help

soften his poop because I do believe that this will solve his constipation. I believe he is now constipated because he is holding his poop. So if I can get his poop consistently softer he will eventually stop withholding. Also for that to happen, he needs to poop on a daily basis because the longer poop stays inside .... the drier it gets and the more it hurts coming out. Becomes a vicious circle.I wish getting him to drink more water would be as easy as buying him a new sippy! But I don't think it will work since he already has about 10 different ones that we've tried, lol!! In the past couple of days, I've been giving him water with a medicine dropper and he will drink 2oz at a time ... and I've been doing this 3 times a day, so hopefully the extra water will help. I will also make an appointment with our family doctor this week to discuss adding either milk of magnesia

or liquid calcium/magnesium. I've started adding flax oil and flaxseed meal to his food, along with the probiotics he was already taking. I will also keep making sure he eats plenty of prunes, pears, plums etc...Thank you for all the emails you sent me with all the information! To: miralax Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:16:00 AM Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

The world health organization you mentioned here even says they should eat food............with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.

Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their family, the health

care system and society at large.Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy, is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth.Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/ From:

Sara Jane Cornell To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".


Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect. You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would be a better choice, especially for constipation!

To: miralax Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AMSubject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow air. Cannot go back in time now?

Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.

To: miralax Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PMSubject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son, however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams as he is pooping, it's terrible.

I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in trace amounts, how can that be good?

In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.

My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.

If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is greatly appreciated!


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, one thing comes to mind here..............did he become constipated after you introduced the probiotic? (this may be a sign that he is either, reacting to one of the strains? or you could be adding too much of a certain strain that he alreay has enough of, or, that the probiotic just doesn't agree with him?) (the only way to reverse a probiotic is with an antibiotic) Did you recently vaccinate? My dd became constipated at 4 months, after I took her off nursing due to a gallbladder removal in which I didn't have a choice BUT I also vaccinated her before the removal as I thought I would be late on her vaccine schedule so It was hard to figure out WHICH caused it. Then I find out later that the Medical professionals I've spoke to say,

"They had some problems with the Dtap shot" and I've seen so many parents on here that had the same. Constipation followed by the Dtap shot. HTH.................I'd give any foods that hold water which is hard at that age...........sorry if I offended you, didn't mean for it to come across the way it did, I was in a hurry and out the doorTo: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 1:30:58 PMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Jeanie,My son actually eats really well! He's 15 months old and just under 30 lbs...he's a big boy!To be honest with you, I got a little defensive at your suggestion to wean because not only do I feel very strongly about breast feeding for it's many health benefits, I know weaning would not solve the problem! Our opinions regarding the issue obviously differ a great deal! And yes the purpose of teeth is to chew and he does! But I don't believe that teeth = weaning. What I am looking for is advice on things I can do to help

soften his poop because I do believe that this will solve his constipation. I believe he is now constipated because he is holding his poop. So if I can get his poop consistently softer he will eventually stop withholding. Also for that to happen, he needs to poop on a daily basis because the longer poop stays inside .... the drier it gets and the more it hurts coming out. Becomes a vicious circle.I wish getting him to drink more water would be as easy as buying him a new sippy! But I don't think it will work since he already has about 10 different ones that we've tried, lol!! In the past couple of days, I've been giving him water with a medicine dropper and he will drink 2oz at a time ... and I've been doing this 3 times a day, so hopefully the extra water will help. I will also make an appointment with our family doctor this week to discuss adding either milk of magnesia

or liquid calcium/magnesium. I've started adding flax oil and flaxseed meal to his food, along with the probiotics he was already taking. I will also keep making sure he eats plenty of prunes, pears, plums etc...Thank you for all the emails you sent me with all the information! To: miralax Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:16:00 AM Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

The world health organization you mentioned here even says they should eat food............with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.

Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their family, the health

care system and society at large.Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy, is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth.Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/ From:

Sara Jane Cornell To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".


Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect. You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would be a better choice, especially for constipation!

To: miralax Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AMSubject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow air. Cannot go back in time now?

Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.

To: miralax Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PMSubject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son, however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams as he is pooping, it's terrible.

I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in trace amounts, how can that be good?

In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.

My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.

If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is greatly appreciated!


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The probiotics I introduced because he was constipated, hoping that would help him. And I don't think that vaccination is the cause due to timeline.And yeah, I trying to add insoluble fiber to his diet .. bran cereal, bran muffins, beans etc...Again thank you for all the info ... it's been very helpful! And I accept your apology ... Sometimes emails or messaging is not interpreted as intended! To: miralax Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 4:15:59 PM Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

, one thing comes to mind here..............did he become constipated after you introduced the probiotic? (this may be a sign that he is either, reacting to one of the strains? or you could be adding too much of a certain strain that he alreay has enough of, or, that the probiotic just doesn't agree with him?) (the only way to reverse a probiotic is with an antibiotic) Did you recently vaccinate? My dd became constipated at 4 months, after I took her off nursing due to a gallbladder removal in which I didn't have a choice BUT I also vaccinated her before the removal as I thought I would be late on her vaccine schedule so It was hard to figure out WHICH caused it. Then I find out later that the Medical professionals I've spoke to say,

"They had some problems with the Dtap shot" and I've seen so many parents on here that had the same. Constipation followed by the Dtap shot. HTH.................I'd give any foods that hold water which is hard at that age...........sorry if I offended you, didn't mean for it to come across the way it did, I was in a hurry and out the doorTo: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012

1:30:58 PMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Jeanie,My son actually eats really well! He's 15 months old and just under 30 lbs...he's a big boy!To be honest with you, I got a little defensive at your suggestion to wean because not only do I feel very strongly about breast feeding for it's many health benefits, I know weaning would not solve the problem! Our opinions regarding the issue obviously differ a great deal! And yes the purpose of teeth is to chew and he does! But I don't believe that teeth = weaning. What I am looking for is advice on things I can do

to help

soften his poop because I do believe that this will solve his constipation. I believe he is now constipated because he is holding his poop. So if I can get his poop consistently softer he will eventually stop withholding. Also for that to happen, he needs to poop on a daily basis because the longer poop stays inside .... the drier it gets and the more it hurts coming out. Becomes a vicious circle.I wish getting him to drink more water would be as easy as buying him a new sippy! But I don't think it will work since he already has about 10 different ones that we've tried, lol!! In the past couple of days, I've been giving him water with a medicine dropper and he will drink 2oz at a time ... and I've been doing this 3 times a day, so hopefully the extra water will help. I will also make an appointment with our family doctor this week to discuss adding either milk of magnesia

or liquid calcium/magnesium. I've started adding flax oil and flaxseed meal to his food, along with the probiotics he was already taking. I will also keep making sure he eats plenty of prunes, pears, plums etc...Thank you for all the emails you sent me with all the information! To: miralax Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:16:00 AM

Subject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

The world health organization you mentioned here even says they should eat food............with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.

Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their family, the health

care system and society at large.Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy, is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth.Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.http://www.who.int/topics/breastfeeding/en/ From:

Sara Jane Cornell To: "miralax " <miralax >Sent: Sat, April 28, 2012 12:50:17 AMSubject: Re: Breastfeeding (was Help! My 15 month old is constipated)

Who is this "they" you are quoting about letting go of nursing once they get teeth? The World Health Organization and now also American Academy of Pediatrics recommend "breastfeeding...up to two years of age or beyond".


Some babies are born with teeth or get them at only a few months of age so are they supposed to stop nursing then?! Breastmilk has a natural laxative effect. You cannot tell me any of the alternatives like formula, cows or soy milk would be a better choice, especially for constipation!

To: miralax Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:48 AMSubject: Re: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

take him to the store and let him pick out his sippy cups. I would refrain from ever using the ones with the no spill plugs as it made my dd learn to swallow air. Cannot go back in time now?

Your diet is what his diet is, you may want to talk to your doctor about letting go of the nursing. They say once they get teeth, it's time to eat real food.

To: miralax Sent: Thu, April 26, 2012 11:16:20 PMSubject: Help! My 15 month old is constipated :(

I have recently resorted to peg 3350 for my constipated 15 month old son, however I stopped giving it to him after he was on it for 5 days. I gave it to him out of desperation, as I can no longer stand seeing him suffer ... he now holds his poop because he is afraid of pooping. He cries, sweats and will kinda bounce himself up and down when he poops ... he will even let out screams as he is pooping, it's terrible.

I had read online that the body only absorbs trace amounts of the polyethylene glycol but I am having second thoughts about it's safety. Even if absorbed in trace amounts, how can that be good?

In order for my son to overcome this, his poop must become soft again so that pooping is painless. Only then I believe he will stop withholding.

My son is breastfed and refuses bottles therefore giving water on a daily basis is a struggle. He does take the sippy cup and some days he does better then others. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies, therefore I don't think diet is an issue. He hardly eats/drinks dairy products either.

If any moms have experienced this with their child, any advice to help my son is greatly appreciated!


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I had success with eliminating problem foods. And the foods have to be

eliminated not only from nursing toddler but also from mom's diet, too, as food

proteins can get through in breast milk.

All traces of possibly problematic food need to be eliminated. Even if child

only has a little dairy - that can be too much if dairy is a problem for the

child. (and it takes a lot of time to learn all the ins/outs of identifying

tricky sources of gluten, dairy, or other potentially problematic foods - e.g.,

restaurant fryers; 'hidden' ingredients; etc...)...

Gluten & dairy are very commonly problems - I can't say how many parents I've

seen report success on this over the years in numerous message boards.

Also - if you try gluten-free - go easy on rice as a substitute (rice can also

be a binder/constipating food), as well as taking it easy on all the packaged

gluten-free treats/baked goods - they are often full of other potentially

problem ingredients and often loads of starches.

My family is nearly " Paleo " in diet, minus the eggs, & feeling really great.

I spent a long time (maybe a year?!) dabbling in supplement after supplement,

trying to get him to drink more water, etc, etc., and only wish I'd known sooner

to try eliminating foods first.

It can be ANY food - but, again, gluten & dairy, seem to top the list. Egg,

soy, and corn also seem to be problems for many. Grain-free seems to work

really well for constipation also.

Finally - any testing for food sensitivities (e.g., an IgG food panel; a

Celiac/gluten intolerance test; etc.) - must be done prior to eliminating the

food(s) or the results will become less reliable the longer the food has been




> I didn't even think about that ... my son was fine and pooped several times a

day from birth to 6 months.  Once we introduced solids, that's when I noticed a

change.  It just got progressively worse.  He doesn't have much dairy and as

for gluten ... I'd have to investigate.


> Thank you for your suggestions!





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