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> Date: August 21, 2012 8:33:16 AM CDT

> To: " mgims " <mgims >

> Subject: Re: Write of way


> Good one Kishoreda.


> We have progressed even more than that. With Dragon software you can speak /

dictate and the words will appear on your tablet.


> And come to think of it, didn't the ten commandments appear magically on the

tablets as GOD spoke ( trying to remember the scene in the movie ).


> Ashok Bhaskar 1984


> Sent from my iPad




>> Write of way


>> Long, long ago, in the biblical times, old man Moses went up a mountain to

>> get advice from a higher authority. What he got instead were orders written

>> with a finger on stone tablets. That was, probably, the first time that

>> things were distinctly written down.


>> That, naturally, was a very unwieldy way of doing things. Imagine carrying a

>> stone newspaper around.


>> " Hand me the newspaper. I want to read it on the potty! "

>> " Uhh! Never mind! Due to the strain, I don't need to go now! "


>> Then came metal plaques of whichever metal was in fashion- Copper, Bronze,

>> Iron. That, of course, was too costly. " I don't know what my name is. You

>> see, someone stole all my documents with my name and sold it for scrap

>> metal. It's time we invented a new metal with no scrap value called Steal,

>> to prevent these thefts! "


>> After that the same thing happened that happens even today. The Chinese

>> flooded the markets with their product, viz. paper; which eventually led to

>> the greatest invention of all times, the toilet paper! It boldly goes where

>> no man has gone before.


>> Meanwhile, the illiterate people had to use their thumb to sign. But soon

>> even literate guys were proudly thumbing their texts on SMS and tweets.


>> Now the recent advances have made it possible to write on touch screens with

>> a stylus or even scribble some notes with your finger nail.


>> Thus we have come a long way. Right from writing on tablets with a finger,

>> to.. well... Writing on tablets with a finger!


>> -Kishore Shah



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