Guest guest Posted March 3, 2008 Report Share Posted March 3, 2008 INDOOR AIR POLLUTANTS IN RESIDENTIAL SETTINGS: Respiratory Health Effects and Remedial Measures to Minimize Exposure 2.3 Contaminants and Conditions of Concern in Indoor Air 2.3.2 Mould nature of the contaminant and its sources Mould (a term used for microfungi) is most common in situations where conditions indoors are very moist, either from condensation of airborne water vapour on building surfaces (e.g. on or within uninsulated walls), or from leakage of water, whether by rain or runoff into the building or from pipes and taps inside the building. (Johanning, 1998) Mould spores are so small they cannot be seen except under a microscope, and they are very light and travel on air currents. Because mould spores are always present in outdoor air, they will migrate indoors and be deposited on building material surfaces. If the surfaces contain enough water, the spores will begin growing and will be seen when the colony has developed mycelia (the " cottony " growth characteristic of mould). The colony will produce more spores which in turn will spread and colonize a larger surface area. (Bartlett, 2001) Dampness in buildings usually gives rise to the growth of a number of different species of moulds simultaneously, and in fact, exclusive exposure to any one mould, particularly the more toxic varieties, is rare. (Johanning, 1998) In addition, different building materials acquire a different repertoire of mould species in the presence of moisture. The following table lists the top 12 species of microfungi isolated from North American wallboard. Fifty percent of the top 12 species isolated are toxin producing. (, 1998) Fungus Chaetomium globosum Penicillium viridicatum Eurotium herbariorum Penicillium aurantiogriseum Penicillium citrinum Stachybotrys chartarum Aspergillus sydowii Penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium commune Eurotrium repens Memnoniella echinata Aspergillus versicolor % of 2134 wallboard samples 47.6 38.1 33.0 26.4 26.1 21.5 10.7 7.6 7.3 5.8 4.1 3.9 Different mould species have different requirements for the amount of water necessary to grow. The species listed above cover a range of possible water contents of colonized material. Some species require very little moisture to grow; others require that the building material be virtually water-saturated. Studies at the Institute of Hygiene in Belgium revealed that the sites more often contaminated in the home are: (Summerbell et al., 1992) kitchen and bath rooms (Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Ulocladium botrytis, Chaetomium globosum, Aspergillus fumigatus) wallpaper (C. spaerospermum, Chaetomium species, Doratomyces species, Fusarium species, Stachybotrys atra, Trichoderma species, Scopulariopsis species) mattresses, carpets (Penicillium species, Aspergillus versicolor, Aureobasidium pullans, Aspergillus repens, Wallemia sebi, Chaetomium species) window-frames (A. pullulans, C. sphaerospermum, Ulocladium species) cellars and crawl spaces (A. versicolor, A. fumigatus, Fusarium species) the soil of ornamental plants (A. fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus) insulation material (A. versicolor, A. fumigatus, Fusarium species). A Belgian study of 130 homes over a 10-year period ranked mould growth by species in indoor environments. The ten most common species were Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Scopulariopsis, Alternaria, Acremonium, Ulocladium, Mucor, and Rhizopus species. (Beguin & Nolard, 1994) In a Danish study of 72 mould-contaminated building materials from 23 buildings suffering from water damage, the microfungal genera most frequently encountered were Penicillium (68%), Aspergillus (56%), Chaetomium (22%), Ulocladium (21%), Stachybotrys (19%) and Cladosporium (15%). Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus versicolor, and Stachybotrys chartarum were the most frequently occurring species. (Gravesen et al., 1999) One species that has received considerable attention is Stachybotrys Chartarum. Stachybotrys chartarum is a type of mould that can potentially produce potent mycotoxins. It has been implicated recently in episodes of human illness in both housing and portable school classrooms. In a study listing moulds most frequently isolated from the air of 47 dwellings in Central Scotland, Stachbotrys was found in 12.8% of dwellings, and ranked 16th among the top 19 species. (Hunter et al., 1988) Specific identifiable components within certain moulds can adversely affect human respiratory health. For example, the compound (1® 3)-b- d-glucan is a major structural component of almost all fungal cell walls. (Summerbell, 1998) A study in Erfurt and Hamburg, Germany, demonstrated the following associations between significant increases in (1® 3)-b-d-glucan levels and the following housing characteristics: Carpets in the living room (means ratio (MR) 1.9-2.1) Keeping a dog inside (MR 1.4) Use of the home by four or more persons (MR 1.4) Lower frequency of vacuum cleaning (MR 1.6-3.0) Lower frequency of dust cleaning (MR 1.4) Presence of mold spots during the past 12 months (MR 1.4). The researchers also found that the (1® 3)-b-d-glucan concentrations in house dust, measured in mg/m2, are also correlated with levels of endotoxins, allergens and culturable mold spore counts in house dust. (Gehring et al., 2001) selected evidence suggesting adverse respiratory effects Asthma In Kilpelainen's study of Finnish university students cited earlier, the strongest association discovered was between exposure to visible mould and asthma. (Kilpelainen et al., 2001) Norback and colleagues, in the study on building dampness cited earlier, also showed that immediate type allergy to moulds (Cladosporium and Alternaria) was more prevalent in damp dwellings (9.3% incidence vs. 3.9%). Further, they demonstrated that the mould allergy was associated with current asthma (odds ratio 3.4, confidence interval 1.4-8.5). (Norback et al., 1999) A study by Taskinen and colleagues in eastern Finland compared schools with moisture and mould problems to a reference school. Their results demonstrated an association between the presence of moulds, atopic allergy to these moulds, and asthma or asthma-like conditions. All the children with skin prick test reactions to moulds reacted to at least one of the moulds used to indicate dampness (Fusarium roseum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Phoma herbarum or Rhodotorula rubra). The presence of these moulds was a criterion for choosing problem buildings. All the reactive children had either asthma or wheezing. (Taskinen et al., 1997) Respiratory Symptoms In a Canadian study of some 14,799 adults at least 21 years of age, questionnaires were administered to investigate the association between home dampness and mold and health. The presence of home dampness and/or molds was reported by 38% of respondents. The prevalence of lower respiratory symptoms (any cough, phlegm, wheeze, or wheeze with dyspnea) was increased among those reporting dampness or mould compared with those not reporting dampness or mould. The authors concluded that exposure to home dampness and mould is a risk factor for respiratory disease in the Canadian population. (Dales et al., 1991a) A review of nine population-based studies indicated one or more positive associations between mould levels and health outcomes as measured by symptoms of respiratory disease in seven of the nine cross-sectional studies identified. The studies also indicated that dampness and mold problems are present in 20% to 50% of modern homes. The authors concluded that moulds do contribute to allergic disease, and the extent of their involvement is probably greater than is indicated by the available clinical and epidemiologic studies. (Verhoeff & Burge, 1997) In a study of Finnish flats and terraced houses, occupants were compared for respiratory symptoms between homes with visible mould growth and those without a mould problem. The occurrence of respiratory symptoms (including rhinitis, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, phlegm, tight chest, dyspnea, and wheezing) was significantly higher in the exposed group than in the non-exposed. Cough and dyspnea were relieved in most cases during interruption of exposure (e.g. on vacations). Symptoms of chronic bronchitis were significantly more common in the exposed group (odds ratio 3.4, 95% confidence interval 1.1-10.9), when adjusted for age, sex, atopy and smoking. (Husman et al., 1993) In a more recent study, exposure to mould was significantly associated with cough without phlegm, nocturnal cough, sore throat, rhinitis, fatigue and difficulties in concentration. While this type of association between respiratory infections and exposure to moisture or mould has previously been reported for children, the finding for adults is new. (Koskinen et al., 1999) In an attempt to generate more definitive data on health effects of mouldy buildings, one research group undertook nasal lavage fluid analysis to determine whether inflammatory markers showed changes in persons exposed to mouldy buildings. Their results comparing a mould- exposed and a reference group indicated an association between inflammatory markers in the nasal lavage fluid, the high prevalence of respiratory symptoms among the occupants (such as cough, phlegm production and rhinitis), and chronic exposure to moulds in the indoor environment. (Hirvonen et al., 1999) Dales et al. attempted to confirm by objective measures whether the associations that have hitherto been detected using questionnaires were supportable by measurement. Quantitative and qualitative mould measures (airborne ergosterol and viable microfungi in dust) were compared to respiratory symptoms and nocturnal cough recordings in Canadian elementary school children during the winter of 1993-1994. There was a 25-50 percent relative increase in symptom prevalence when mould was reported to be present (p < 0.05). But neither symptoms nor recorded cough was related to objective measures of mould. The researchers conclude that either these objective measures or the traditionally used questionnaire data are inaccurate, and that this discrepancy limits the acceptance of a causal relation between indoor microfungal growth and illness. (Dales et al., 1999) Douwes and colleagues evaluated the use of extracellular polysaccharides of Aspergillus and Penicillium mould species (EPS- Asp/Pen) in house dust as a marker for mould exposure, and in turn studied the relation between EPS-Asp/Pen levels and home dampness and respiratory symptoms in children. They found that EPS-Asp/Pen levels in living room floor dust were positively associated with occupant-reported home dampness, and with respiratory symptoms. (Douwes et al., 1999) Airborne (1® 3)-b-d-glucan was measured in buildings in which complaints of eye and airway irritation as well as fatigue and skin symptoms had been numerous. The presence of symptoms was evaluated using questionnaires. Dose-response relationships were found between levels of (1® 3)-b-d-glucan and eye and throat irritation, dry cough and itching skin. (Rylander et al., 1992) Common Cold and Other Respiratory Infections The study of Finnish flats and houses by Husman et al. also found that the percentage of adults who had at least one acute respiratory infection during the previous 12 months was significantly higher in the mould-exposed group than in the non-exposed. The risk of acute respiratory infections associated with the exposure was 2.2 (95% confidence interval 1.2-4.4) when adjusted for age, sex, smoking and atopy. Schoolchildren in problem dwellings had recurrent respiratory infections requiring antibiotic treatment (e.g. tonsillitis, sinusitis, and acute bronchitis) more often than their non-exposed references. The occurrence of all respiratory infections in children under seven years was significantly higher in the study group than in the reference group. (Husman et al., 1993) Kilpelainen's study of Finnish university students cited earlier also found an association between exposure to visible mould and common colds. (Kilpelainen et al., 2001) Koskinen et al. also reported a significant association between exposure to mould and the common cold. (Koskinen et al., 1999) Airway Inflammation In an animal study, acute inflammatory response in the lungs was studied in guinea pigs after a single inhalation exposure of (1® 3)- b-d-glucan. In the water insoluble form, (1® 3)-b-d-glucan caused a delayed response in terms of a decrease in macrophages and lymphocytes in the lung wall, 1 to 7 days after exposure. (Fogelmark et al., 1992) A later paper reviewed field studies in which (1® 3)-b-d-glucan was measured as a marker of biomass and was related to the extent of symptoms and measures of inflammation among exposed subjects. Increased levels of (1® 3)-b-d-glucan were related to an increased extent of symptoms and markers of inflammation. The data suggest that (1® 3)-b-d-glucan can be used as a risk marker in indoor environments. " (Rylander, 1999 and 2000) Laboratory studies are also supportive of an association between (1® 3)-b-d-glucan and activation of pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAMs), possibly making the lungs hyperreactive to a wide variety of foreign materials. (Summerbell, 1998) Fungal glucan decreases phagocyctosis and decreases pulmonary alveolar macrophage numbers ( and Day, 1997) Also, in double-blind inhalation exposure trials conducted with human volunteers, exposure to (1® 3)-b-d- glucan correlated significantly with some non-specific respiratory symptoms. The most strongly correlating symptom was headache. (Summerbell, 1998) Pulmonary alveolar macrophage function and the immune system response to (1® 3)-b-d-glucan are only partially understood. It appears that exposure causes inflammatory changes in lymphocytes, decreases lymphocyte mitogenicity and interleukin-1 (IL-1) secretion (via T-cells) and stimulates bacterial and tumor defences. ( and Day, 1997) Lung Function Peak expiratory flow (PEF) variability was investigated in 148 children 7 to 11 years of age, of whom 50% had self- or parent- reported chronic respiratory symptoms. Endotoxin and (1® 3)-b-d- glucan were measured in dust extracts. The levels of (1® 3)-b-d- glucan per square meter of living room floor were significantly associated with peak flow variability, particularly in atopic children with asthma symptoms. No associations were found with endotoxin levels, or for levels of either microbial agent and bedroom floor or mattress dust. (Douwes et al., 2000) Ideopathic Pulmonary Haemorrhage and Pulmonary Hemosiderosis At very high exposure levels to specific moulds, nose bleeding, hemoptysis, and pulmonary haemorrhage have been documented. (Rylander & Etzel, 1999) A geographic cluster of 10 cases of pulmonary haemorrhage and hemosiderosis in infants occurred in Cleveland, Ohio, between January 1993 and December 1994. An early study into the cases observed a greater frequency of water damage in homes of affected infants compared to those of controls. (Montaña et al., 1997) The finding of water damage led to air and surface sampling for mold, which revealed heavier growth of several fungi in case homes. The toxigenic fungus Stachybotrys chartarum was found in almost all of the case homes studied and about half of the control homes. (Dearborn, 1997) However, the causal connection between Stachybotrys chartarum exposure and respiratory illness has not been well established, because it has not been studied in the absence of other mould exposures. A community-based control study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the 10 infants were more likely to live in homes where Stachybotrys chartarum was present than were 30 age-matched and ZIP code-matched control infants. (Etzel et al., 1998) The infants' home environments were investigated using biosampling methods with specific attention to Stachybotrys chartarum, and air and surface samples were collected from the room where the infant was reported to have spent the most time. Viable Stachybotrys spores were detected in filter cassette samples of the air in homes of 5 of 9 patients, and 4 of 27 controls. The mean concentration of Stachybotrys chartarum was 43 CFU/m3 in homes of patients vs. 4 CFU/m3 in homes of controls when averaged across all media. The mean concentration of Stachybotrys chartarum on surfaces was 20 x 106 CFU/g and 0.007 x 106 CFU/g in homes of patients and controls, respectively. Other funguses such as Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium were also identified, with mean CFU counts for all fungi averaging 29,227 CFU/m3 in homes of patients vs. 707 CFU/m3 in those of controls. The researchers concluded: " Infants with pulmonary haemorrhage and hemosiderosis were more likely than controls to live in homes with toxigenic Stachybotrys [chartarum] and other fungi in the indoor air. " (Etzel et al., 1998). Between 1993 and 1998, a total of 37 cases of pulmonary haemorrhage and hemosiderosis were identified in the Cleveland vicinity, including the initial cluster of ten cases. Twelve of the infants have died, including seven who were originally were identified as sudden infant death syndrome. Thirty of these cases were African American children who lived within a contiguous nine zip code area in the eastern part of the metropolitan area. This residential area contains primarily wood frame homes, most of which were more than 60 years old. The area is a drainage plain where basements are frequently flooded in heavy rainstorms. The forced air heating in these homes commonly draws air from the entire basement, providing a means for airborne particulates to be circulated up into the infants' sleeping areas. (Dearborn et al., 1999) Researchers at the Texas Children's Hospital treated a seven-year old boy who had been asymptomatic until his family moved into a 25- year old farmhouse that had suffered from severe flood damage and was being reconstructed in stages. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid showed a moderate number of hemosiderin-laden macrophages (26%), indicating intrapulmonary bleeding, and grew Stachybotrys chartarum in Sabouraud-dextrose agar medium. Multiple cultures in the home grew Stachybotrys chartarum, and Aspergillus and Penicillium species were also recovered. The researchers concluded: " In summary, we report the first isolation of Stachybotrys atra from the BAL fluid of a child with PH [pulmonary hemosiderosis]. The isolation of the organism from the patient's water-damaged home and the resolution of symptoms after his move to another home provide additional evidence that environmental exposure to Stachybotrus atra was responsible for the patient's pulmonary disease. Although the focus has previously been on Stachybotrys atra and infants with PH, our case demonstrates that Stachybotrys atra is also associated with PH in older children. " (Elidemir et al., 1999) While the physical evidence in the water-damaged home indicates that Stachybotrys was present in conjunction with other molds, the case study reports only the culture of Stachybotrys in the BAL fluid. The published documentation was not sufficient to determine whether other species had also been cultured in the BAL fluid. The authors do indicate that they failed to find sources of contamination from the equipment used during and after the bronchoscopy, suggesting that growth of Stachybotrys in the BAL fluid did indeed represent actual recovery of Stachybotrys spores from the patient. A review within the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and by outside experts of an investigation of acute pulmonary haemorrhage/hemosiderosis in infants identified shortcomings in the implementation and reporting of the investigation. The reviews led CDC to conclude that a possible association between acute pulmonary haemorrhage and hemosiderosis in infants and exposure to molds, specifically Stachybotrys chartarum, was not proven. (CDC, 2000) summary of selected evidence The evidence cited suggests an association between mould exposure in housing and various adverse respiratory health effects, including: exacerbation of asthma development of allergy to mould increased incidence of wheezing and other respiratory symptoms increased incidence of upper respiratory infections inflammation of the airways changes in lung function, e.g. increased peak flow variability ideopathic pulmonary haemorrhage Mould appears to exacerbate respiratory conditions both directly (e.g. exacerbation of existing asthma) and indirectly (e.g. increased incidence of colds and increased sensitization). To evaluate the health consequences for children of indoor exposure to moulds, an international workshop was organized with 15 scientists from 8 countries in andria, Virginia, April 21-24, 1998. The participants agreed that exposure to moulds constitutes a health threat to children resulting in respiratory symptoms in both the upper and lower airways, an increased incidence of infections, and skin symptoms. Allergy, either to moulds or to other indoor agents, also presents a health risk. (Rylander & Etzel, 1999). With respect to exposures to specific toxic moulds, the consensus is more cautious about specific conclusions. For example, in the wake of the Cleveland cases, the American Academy of Pediatrics published guidelines in 1998 for pediatricians concerning toxic mold exposures in children. It is interesting that their approach invokes the " precautionary principle " : " Very little is currently known about acute idiopathic pulmonary haemorrhage among infants. This is a newly recognized problem and knowledge is expected to be evolving rapidly. In view of the severity of the problem, environmental controls to eliminate water problems and to reduce the growth of indoor molds are wise. Until more is known about the etiology of idiopathic pulmonary haemorrhage, prudence dictates that pediatricians try to ensure that infants under 1 year of age are not exposed to chronically moldy, water-damaged environments. " (American Academy of Pediatrics, 1998) The study of a seven-year old boy with pulmonary hemosiderosis (PH) cited earlier led researchers to recommend that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on mold exposure should include all children with PH, not just infants. (Elidemir et al., 1999) remedial action to avoid exposure In terms of practical response and recommendations for physical changes to reduce illness, some agencies have recommended remediation to remove moulds. For example, a special Toxic Fungi Abatement Workshop was held at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in March, 1996, to initiate a program to prevent pulmonary hemosiderosis in infants. The working group of scientists and public officials at the Workshop concluded that pulmonary hemosiderosis detected in infants in a specific locality in Cleveland was most likely explained by high exposure to mycotoxins in the spores, mycelia and substrate dusts from Stachybotrys chartarum. Given this conclusion, the working group refined a prevention program designed to detect homes of infants that might be at high risk, and to test these homes for Stachybotrys chartarum to ascertain the safety of the infant remaining in the home and to guide the extent of abatement necessary. (Cuyahoga County Board of Health et al., 1996) As discussed above, the Center for Disease Control no longer concludes that there is any proven relationship between Stachybotrys chartarum and pulmonary haemorrhage and hemosiderosis. (CDC, 2000) In addition, the New York City Department of Health promulgated guidelines on assessment and remediation of Stachybotrys chartarum in indoor environments. They emphasize that prompt removal of contaminated material and infrastructural repair must be the primary response to Stachybotrys chartarum contamination in buildings. They state that contamination should be prevented by proper building maintenance and prompt repair of water damaged areas. (New York City Department of Health, 1996) Since then, a new and broader New York protocol inclusive of all fungi has been issued, entitled " Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments " . (New York City Department of Health, 2000) In general, the environmental remedies most often chosen to reduce health effects from microbiological contaminants are: Remediate moisture damage by remedying the cause and removing mould and mouldy materials Eliminate standing water in ventilation or humidification systems Improve building drainage to eliminate water flow into basements Improve building envelopes to reduce air infiltration/exfiltration and water leakage Introduce sufficient local and general ventilation to keep rooms dry (e.g. bathroom) Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) undertook a limited pilot study to assess the degree of improvement that might be available to asthmatic homeowners who undertook renovations to eliminate sources of indoor pollutants or mould. Five households with at least one asthmatic family member in each joined the remediation study. Improvements in the asthma condition of the occupants correlated with the degree of improvement of the air quality of the house after remediation (e.g. reduction in mould detected in basements). Of the five homes, the adult asthmatic of House 1 did not find any improvement; the asthma of the owner of House 2 became worse while he gutted his basement; both daughter and mother in House 3 experienced significant improvement of asthma and chronic fatigue symptoms, respectively, after the renovation; and the adult asthmatics of Houses 4 and 5 reported marked improvement and no longer needed medication half a year to nine months after the renovation. (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., 1999) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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