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I really AM losing my mind after all!

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Dear Chiari Friends,

I have posted before about my 9 year old son who was recently diagnosed with

chiari 1 and a syrinx. He is scheduled for surgery June 28.

I have been having symptoms for several years. I experience, on a regular

basis, headaches, dizziness, tingling and numbness in my arms and hands, chest

pressure and neck soreness and weakness. These have progressed so that they

played a big reason in me giving up a 17 yr. teaching job. I didn't know what

they were symptoms of until my son was diagnosed.

I went to my neurologist yesterday and showed him my old MRI's which were done

1 1/2 years ago for dizziness. He didn't see anything abnormal. I showed him

the herniated tonsil, which I believed to be chiari even though it had never

been mentioned in the MRI report. He walked the films down to the radiologist

himself. Came back saying I have a 5 - 7 mm. herniation, but doubts that it

could be a reason for any of these symptoms. I also experience memory

problems; recall and concentration. This has been going since my son was

born. I understand that straining during child birth can cause symptoms to

begin. I feel as if my head is in a constant fog and I have to really make

myself concentrate on a task or conversation if I am to remember it later. I

have been told this isn't even a symptom of Chiari, though. So, I really AM

losing my mind after all. It's going out the bottom of my skull!!!

I have seen a few posts recently pertaining to the size of herniation not

being an issue with symptoms. What I need to know is where I can get

documented information about this. Thank God, my neurologist has ordered more

MRI's of my spine, just to shut me up, I think.

I feel like we're on one BIG rollercoaster ride and it only goes DOWN!!! I

really need y'all right now. You've been there for me so far and have given

me tons of valuable information. If you can tell me where to find any

information on this and also tell me how to contact this Dr. Rosner who is

familiar with this size issue, please pass it on to me.

Thanks to all of you.


Mobile, AL


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Cheryl , and everyone else too,

This statement that seems to keep popping up from NSGs is really

pissing me off.

Chairi has nothing to do with memory, cognitive thinking , and on and on.

Give me a break! maybe the actual tonsil herniation does not, cause this

and that is what they are going on, but please could these guys get a real

brain, and think?

If you have the tonsils , for one thing , then right there is proof that there

may be something to block the flow of your CSF.

And that does not even touch the subject of contact with the brainstem.

The most relevent thing here that I'd like to get across, is the perfect

example I have to go by, .

With the pressure, and crowding from her herniation, and or CSF, she also was

having her blood flow to the brain, restricted.

The NSG said this probably had been going on somewhat for possibly 20 years.

This explains the memory, concentration problems, and everything else that I

can't remember to add right now. there are more, confusion, feeling drunk, it

goes on and on.

If these certain NSGs are making these statements, still, then they are not even

using the brains they have (it seems), or they don't know **it!


The link I put up is about " Curable Dementia " . It is known to be caused by

Hydrocephalus, which is so , near identicle to what is going on in a lot of

Chairi people .

The page , does not list the symptoms of " Vascular Dementia " , though.

But this is what was going on with for so long.

I of course know that the word Dementia , is a scary word, and brings visions of

insanity , etc., etc. that's not the point here, nor is it what I feel any of

you have. But there is a chance, that some of the problems you speak of,

concerning memory, , thought process, and so on, may be linked to this.

It is just a name , given to describe what happens when the brain does not get

the proper amount of blood and oxygen.

It does not mean " crazy " , or any of the other labels that so many fear.

If we can talk about the words , memory, and things like feeling " drunk " ,

then surely, we can talk about this.

No, it's not pleasant to think about, but, what is about Chairi?

I have a book with a very good description of the symptoms, of Vascular

Dementia, that I will be glad to type up and post, if anyone would like.

Just email me, so I know.

I remember so clearly , when was lying in the hospital (one of them)

and confronting the Dr. , with, things like, if she is just fine, then why is

she half out of it all the time? She can't remember what I told her two minutes


And I remember how , instantly " normal " her thinking got, after I pulled her

from that hospital, and got her some Oxygen, to make up for the lack of blood

flow. It only said there was a lack of flow right on the MRI report.

Seems as if we are surrounded by idiots in this world, with licenses to practice

medicine, doesn't it?

Please don't be scared to look into this , as a cause of , memory, and any other

thought process problems.

And just like Cheryl has shown here, be ready to believe, that information ,

that even peons , such as us, can clearly see, can be invisible to the ones

who's carreer, revolves around, being able to see.

Kind of reminds me of an auto mechanic , that says there's nothing wrong with

the tires on my car, because he just saw it going down the road.

But he is either too lazy , incompetent, or something to notice , it is being

driven on a flat tire, sparks flying from the rim, screaming for attention,

and everyone else can see it, but him.

Some people must be grabbed by the back of the neck, and be forced to look at a

problem, that is shoved into their face at the same time you are holding them

to see it.

Too bad that Dr.s are included in this group also.



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