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Re: Intravenous H2O2

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I don't know anyone who uses it internally on a private basis. It is much too

dangerous in my understanding and should be done only by a knowledgeable doctor.

On the other hand, I know of nebulizing it and of drinking it as two methods

which can be used without a doctor's supervision. You can find vids on youtube

from people who use it both those ways.

I drank it as I had need for over 15 years and it is not rocket science. Just

delute 3 or more drops of 35% food grade in 4 or 6 oz of fluid. Distilled water

is recommended, but I am not the one to recommend distilled. I never had it, so

I just used whatever water or juice or even tea and it worked fine. Drink it on

an empty stomach.


----- Original Message -----


Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution of

and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?

Thank you,

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Thank you Lyn.


Everything I have found so far is either totally for it....or against it. I have

spoken to a couple of Dr.'s that administer it for advice and they said if I

know what I am doing I will be fine. Of course they would rather me come in for

their treatments but I am just rounding the corner of undertaking this

myself. Figured reaching out to the group might shed even more light.


I have found one reference on-line that spells it out quite clearly but would

love to find more.  




>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 2:22 PM

>Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2




>I don't know anyone who uses it internally on a private basis. It is much too

dangerous in my understanding and should be done only by a knowledgeable doctor.

On the other hand, I know of nebulizing it and of drinking it as two methods

which can be used without a doctor's supervision. You can find vids on youtube

from people who use it both those ways.


>I drank it as I had need for over 15 years and it is not rocket science. Just

delute 3 or more drops of 35% food grade in 4 or 6 oz of fluid. Distilled water

is recommended, but I am not the one to recommend distilled. I never had it, so

I just used whatever water or juice or even tea and it worked fine. Drink it on

an empty stomach.




>----- Original Message -----




>Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution

of and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?


>Thank you,




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I did this off and on for some  years....I still have a bottle of Food Grade

H2O2 in the refrig.


Many years back I think it was Merck who sold a 8oz bottle of food grade and I

can't find it anymore...so bought a bottle at a health food store here in my

town.   Or maybe it was 6oz, I forget for sure.


When I did the Merck product, the person who instructed me on this said empty 8

oz of distilled water from a gallon bottle of that water and add the 8 oz bottle

of the H2O2 to that large container....this was that dilution as I recall many

years ago.  


Then start with small amounts to drink and go from there.... 


I was always concerned about this protocol so was off and on with it.  The

person who taught me this said " I will  NEVER get cancer " ...he was 80something

at the time and danced his legs off....I don't know if he's living or not, we've

lost contact...


I got on Pycnogenol in 1995, and we were told it may prevent cancer....and I've

been on that or Grape Seed Extract ever since....


To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:07 AM

Subject: Intravenous H2O2




Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution of

and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?


Thank you,

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I use distilled water for all my drinking water...


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:22 AM

Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2


I don't know anyone who uses it internally on a private basis. It is much too

dangerous in my understanding and should be done only by a knowledgeable doctor.

On the other hand, I know of nebulizing it and of drinking it as two methods

which can be used without a doctor's supervision. You can find vids on youtube

from people who use it both those ways.

I drank it as I had need for over 15 years and it is not rocket science. Just

delute 3 or more drops of 35% food grade in 4 or 6 oz of fluid. Distilled water

is recommended, but I am not the one to recommend distilled. I never had it, so

I just used whatever water or juice or even tea and it worked fine. Drink it on

an empty stomach.


----- Original Message -----


Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution of

and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?

Thank you,

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>I drank [H2O2] as I had need for over 15 years and it is not rocket science.

Just dilute 3 or more drops of 35% food grade in 4 or 6 oz of fluid.<

How interesting, Lyn. What did you use it for? I am always on the lookout for

safe and effective natural treatments...

Hugs, Dianne

I learned very early on to being introduced to peroxide to take it at the very

first signs of a cold or flu. It is an instant cure or a near instant cure when

you get it into you at the first signs. If I would wake up sick in the morning,

I would not know how long it had been since first signs hit me. So in those

instances, I would take 3 doses like this as I was getting ready for work. It

was never more than this, tho.

Here are some resources I've found along the way on H2O2:










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on the IV's a person I know with CFS did a series of 8 at a holistic clinic and

it was like $800, it helped for a while, but didn't last.  another person did

the IV's and her veins reacted negatively. 


To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:07 AM

Subject: Intravenous H2O2




Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution of

and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?


Thank you,

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Wahoo, , be very careful, I used soda bicarb via an enema,

what a mistake that was, the blood ph must be maintained within a very

narrow range of 7.1 and 7.3, if it goes beyond those boundries, you stand a

good chance of never running your bucket list.

I passed out, and when I awoke, I saw lots of colors like on LSD, but it

was not fun like LSD. I would have immediately went to the emergency room,

but I was alone and could not get out of bed, so about twelve hours later,

I awoke and could walk. So be very careful with your plan, it can be

dangerous. david lubbock tx.

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The book " Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle " by s, MD

covers this and gives some case histories. The actual concentrations of H2O2,

when used intravenously, are quite low.



> Hello,


> Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution

of and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?


> Thank you,




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Dr. s has a big presence on the internet, he appears to be a grand

stander, grabbing for medical headlines in a way to sell his products. I

take what he says

with a grain of salt. I took his newsletter for about six months, and it

just wore me down.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Ray Sandalain have the same, and both rely to some

degree on selling their products, but as a rule, they publish wisdom which

can be verified.

This in no way should stop someone from injecting HP IV, just be cautious

and be aware of the consequences of over doing it, just proceed with

caution and be aware where the person receiving the HP is medically. But

thanks for pointing that out, Dan . david lubbock tx.

> **



> The book " Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle " by s,

> MD covers this and gives some case histories. The actual concentrations of

> H2O2, when used intravenously, are quite low.


> Dan




> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper

> dilution of and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> >

> >

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That is VERY useful and confirms my findings exactly.





>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 3:46 PM

>Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2




>perhaps this might be of some value to you:


>http://www.racehorseherbal.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=9 & t=310







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Could you expand on the importance of maintaining the blood pH? I test my saliva

and urine daily with pH testing tape and alkalize my distilled water w/ certain

combinations of either borax, sodium bicarbonate, sea salt, epsom salts and

zylitol which has equalized my pH from always testing acidic to now always

within the normal threshold.  I do take two week breaks after four week

intervals of 5 days on, two days off during the four weeks.


Can I assume the pH of my blood is the same as that of my urine and saliva? Or

can I test my blood with the testing tape and a finger prick?


I greatly appreciate your time and thank you very much!



>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:05 PM

>Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2




>Wahoo, , be very careful, I used soda bicarb via an enema,

>what a mistake that was, the blood ph must be maintained within a very

>narrow range of 7.1 and 7.3, if it goes beyond those boundries, you stand a

>good chance of never running your bucket list.

>I passed out, and when I awoke, I saw lots of colors like on LSD, but it

>was not fun like LSD. I would have immediately went to the emergency room,

>but I was alone and could not get out of bed, so about twelve hours later,

>I awoke and could walk. So be very careful with your plan, it can be

>dangerous. david lubbock tx.



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I will research and read this, many thanks!




>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:23 PM

>Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2




>The book " Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle " by s, MD

covers this and gives some case histories. The actual concentrations of H2O2,

when used intravenously, are quite low.






>> Hello,


>> Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper dilution

of and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?


>> Thank you,




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These docs are Mavericks of sorts and " call " out big pharma...I read all their

info and know their agendas.....like them all....we have a great Maverick MD in

Los Angeles who is like this too....he lost  his medical license at one point,

he's very alternative...


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 9:04 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Intravenous H2O2

Dr. s has a big presence on the internet, he appears to be a grand

stander, grabbing for medical headlines in a way to sell his products.  I

take what he says

with a grain of salt. I took his newsletter for about six months, and it

just wore me down.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Ray Sandalain have the same, and both rely to some

degree on selling their products, but as a rule, they publish wisdom which

can be verified.

This in no way should stop someone from injecting HP IV,  just be cautious

and be aware of the consequences of over doing it, just proceed with

caution and be aware where the person receiving the HP is medically.  But

thanks for pointing that out, Dan . david lubbock tx.

> **



> The book " Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle " by s,

> MD covers this and gives some case histories. The actual concentrations of

> H2O2, when used intravenously, are quite low.


> Dan




> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > Might anyone have any reference, resource or guidance for the proper

> dilution of and intravenous administration of food grade (35%) H2O2?

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> >

> >

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There are charts online on Alkaline vs Acidic Foods...they are astounding and to

see HOW MUCH of what we consume is acidic....I add Lemon juice (fresh) to a lot

of drinks and foods....lemons become alkaline once they enter our



Even add fresh lemon squeeze to my organic french roast cup of java 2 times a

day, it cuts the acid and does NOT change the taste of coffee, makes it smooth

and silky....


To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 5:52 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Intravenous H2O2




Could you expand on the importance of maintaining the blood pH? I test my saliva

and urine daily with pH testing tape and alkalize my distilled water w/ certain

combinations of either borax, sodium bicarbonate, sea salt, epsom salts and

zylitol which has equalized my pH from always testing acidic to now always

within the normal threshold.  I do take two week breaks after four week

intervals of 5 days on, two days off during the four weeks.


Can I assume the pH of my blood is the same as that of my urine and saliva? Or

can I test my blood with the testing tape and a finger prick?


I greatly appreciate your time and thank you very much!



>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:05 PM

>Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2




>Wahoo, , be very careful, I used soda bicarb via an enema,

>what a mistake that was, the blood ph must be maintained within a very

>narrow range of 7.1 and 7.3, if it goes beyond those boundries, you stand a

>good chance of never running your bucket list.

>I passed out, and when I awoke, I saw lots of colors like on LSD, but it

>was not fun like LSD. I would have immediately went to the emergency room,

>but I was alone and could not get out of bed, so about twelve hours later,

>I awoke and could walk. So be very careful with your plan, it can be

>dangerous. david lubbock tx.



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My understanding on blood/cellular ph versus urine/saliva ph is that

blood/cellular is optimum between 7.35 and 7.45 which corresponds to a voltage

of -20 to -25 millivolts (from the work of Dr. Jerry Tennant) and urine/saliva

should be between 6.4 and 6.6. Take samples of both first thing in a.m. and

average together (this is from the work of herbalist Greg Caton on

www.herbhealers.com) under the product HRx, which raises the ph of water to 9.0

thereby eliminating the need for $1000 machines. It's $12 a bottle. I can

afford that. No, I don't sell for them or even know them, just purchased from

them for a couple of years. I have just ordered the HRx and Calcium Sulfate

Solution. I'll keep everyone posted on my ph journey.


> Dave,


> Could you expand on the importance of maintaining the blood pH? I test my

saliva and urine daily with pH testing tape and alkalize my distilled water w/

certain combinations of either borax, sodium bicarbonate, sea salt, epsom salts

and zylitol which has equalized my pH from always testing acidic to now always

within the normal threshold.  I do take two week breaks after four week

intervals of 5 days on, two days off during the four weeks.


> Can I assume the pH of my blood is the same as that of my urine and saliva? Or

can I test my blood with the testing tape and a finger prick?


> I greatly appreciate your time and thank you very much!




> >________________________________

> >

> >To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> >Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:05 PM

> >Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2

> >

> >

> > 

> >Wahoo, , be very careful, I used soda bicarb via an enema,

> >what a mistake that was, the blood ph must be maintained within a very

> >narrow range of 7.1 and 7.3, if it goes beyond those boundries, you stand a

> >good chance of never running your bucket list.

> >I passed out, and when I awoke, I saw lots of colors like on LSD, but it

> >was not fun like LSD. I would have immediately went to the emergency room,

> >but I was alone and could not get out of bed, so about twelve hours later,

> >I awoke and could walk. So be very careful with your plan, it can be

> >dangerous. david lubbock tx.

> >

> >

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It is my understanding from Listening to Dr; .com who is in HYC and one

of the most successful cancer doctors on the planet (alternative therapy's-

using diet, colonics and pig based pancreatic enzymes) that the PH of the urine

and the saliva does not tell you what your blood ph is doing. He explains that

it just tells you the ph of your urine and saliva. I have heard from others that

saliva ph is a great way to measure your emotional response to things, as if

your stressed out about something, then the ph of your saliva will change to

more acidic quickly. If someone is to alkaline for example Dr. sais the

urine ph will sometimes show too much acid as the body is trying to buffer the

blood ph by getting rid of  the acidity.

The reason I mention this is that blood ph is separate of urine and saliva and

not a good indicator of what the blood is doing. Dr. does a ph analysis

of the blood and adapts diet according the the ph needs of his clients. 

Since I am a vegetarian for 18 years and was a professonal athlete I feel lucky

to have thrived on a vegetarina diet as my body composition works on a vegi

diet. Dr. is one of the few people i have heard speak who explains that

a vegetarian diet does not work for everyone and why, as I would have to agree,

it will wipe out some people quick. He sais about 33% of the population can

handle a vegi diet, another third can handle a mixed diet and another third need

to eat meat 3 times a day. I would have to agree and i trust his protocalls for

testing the blood ph to see what people can handle, as the alternative health

care industry tends to think everyone else can handle an alkaline diet. But I

ahve seen this really mess up some peoples ph balance.

There is a very good podcast on www.oneradionetwork.com where patrick Timpone

covers and ingterview with Dr. . See if you can find it as it is very

well done.

God bless 


" Gebi " Gebhardt


Silver & Bronze 



Coaching Olympic &  Professional Athletes

Health and Wellness Motivator & Coach

" Promoting a Natural Live Food Lifestyle "



To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2012 2:30 AM

Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2


My understanding on blood/cellular ph versus urine/saliva ph is that

blood/cellular is optimum between 7.35 and 7.45 which corresponds to a voltage

of -20 to -25 millivolts (from the work of Dr. Jerry Tennant) and urine/saliva

should be between 6.4 and 6.6. Take samples of both first thing in a.m. and

average together (this is from the work of herbalist Greg Caton on

www.herbhealers.com) under the product HRx, which raises the ph of water to 9.0

thereby eliminating the need for $1000 machines. It's $12 a bottle. I can

afford that. No, I don't sell for them or even know them, just purchased from

them for a couple of years. I have just ordered the HRx and Calcium Sulfate

Solution. I'll keep everyone posted on my ph journey.


> Dave,


> Could you expand on the importance of maintaining the blood pH? I test my

saliva and urine daily with pH testing tape and alkalize my distilled water w/

certain combinations of either borax, sodium bicarbonate, sea salt, epsom salts

and zylitol which has equalized my pH from always testing acidic to now always

within the normal threshold.  I do take two week breaks after four week

intervals of 5 days on, two days off during the four weeks.


> Can I assume the pH of my blood is the same as that of my urine and saliva? Or

can I test my blood with the testing tape and a finger prick?


> I greatly appreciate your time and thank you very much!




> >________________________________

> >

> >To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> >Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:05 PM

> >Subject: Re: Intravenous H2O2

> >

> >

> > 

> >Wahoo, , be very careful, I used soda bicarb via an enema,

> >what a mistake that was, the blood ph must be maintained within a very

> >narrow range of 7.1 and 7.3, if it goes beyond those boundries, you stand a

> >good chance of never running your bucket list.

> >I passed out, and when I awoke, I saw lots of colors like on LSD, but it

> >was not fun like LSD. I would have immediately went to the emergency room,

> >but I was alone and could not get out of bed, so about twelve hours later,

> >I awoke and could walk. So be very careful with your plan, it can be

> >dangerous. david lubbock tx.

> >

> >

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